went to get food from yammi and this happened

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Kyubi Xiaolong

Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2022
Critical Error

A critical error has occurred. Please create a bug report on the forums here. Please include what you did before the error and a screen-shot or copy-paste of the error message below:
 Version: 0.9.016-PUBLIC-ELECTRON#2419 Message: Button for [I]"Hot Honey Ham"[/I] had an undefined function param. Stack:
TiTSException: Button for [I]"Hot Honey Ham"[/I] had an undefined function param.
    at r (file:///D:/TiTs/resources/app/main.a55b8e43.js:1:9676268)
    at e.value (file:///D:/TiTs/resources/app/main.a55b8e43.js:1:16024824)
    at file:///D:/TiTs/resources/app/content_follower.4a2cd449.js:1:10931691
    at Array.forEach ()
    at VD (file:///D:/TiTs/resources/app/content_follower.4a2cd449.js:1:10931670)
    at Object.UD (file:///D:/TiTs/resources/app/content_follower.4a2cd449.js:1:10931327)
    at file:///D:/TiTs/resources/app/main.a55b8e43.js:1:12044237
    at s (file:///D:/TiTs/resources/app/main.a55b8e43.js:1:10332747)
    at o (file:///D:/TiTs/resources/app/vendors.7f6fd33f.js:1:48980)

i dont want to be locked out of yammi T_T

this happened when i went to uveto, spent time with pippa, for the first time and gave her some myr honey, then went to try and do some korgi hold quest and realized i was missing some stuff, went back to ship went to talk to yammi and clicked food and the crash happened

edit note: forgot to explain what happened
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New Member
Dec 11, 2023
Oh no, that sounds like a frustrating situation with Yammi! I'm kinda new around here, so pardon me if I'm not the tech guru, but I had a somewhat similar hiccup when I went to get some organic natural products. Weirdly, my system threw a similar error code. I'm wondering if there's some cosmic connection between us and food crashes! Anyway, I hope someone tech-savvy drops in to help out.


Apr 27, 2016
Oh no, that sounds like a frustrating situation with Yammi! I'm kinda new around here, so pardon me if I'm not the tech guru, but I had a somewhat similar hiccup when I went to get some organic natural products. Weirdly, my system threw a similar error code. I'm wondering if there's some cosmic connection between us and food crashes! Anyway, I hope someone tech-savvy drops in to help out.
We just fixed some more of these recently. Go ahead and open a new thread with specifics if you have more issues, and ty for report.
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