Well... that escalated quickly


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
Yer I know the title is a bit strange, I couldn't think of anything. Anyway onto the topic which basically boils down to, if anyone else find it kinda strange and kinda funny, that for 19 years give or take a few months Steele has never touched a TF, drunk alcohol, been in a relationship, fucked anyone, got fucked by anyone or been in a fight going by the tutorial with Celise. Yet within days of them hearing their farther will and getting told to go find the probes, they can go from Human, half Gravian or anything else into bee person, furry snake person, frog person or whatever the Vanea are classed as with or without a bunch of parasites. Level up about 3 times fuck a small towns worth of creatures, help 3 different people 2 of which is techniquly a corporation. And catch a SSTD if unlucky.

I don't mind this in CoC and possibily CoC 2 because most of these things don't exist in the main characters home-world to my knowledge.

I know at least in my case. Steele tend to grab the Genital Slit for looks ASAP, then grab Myr venom from Myrellion. Start producing milk to get the Milk Amazon treatment then Vanea milk (though it depends honestly). Followed by grabbing Amazona till I get Jungle Queen Scent perk then Lupinol for Alpha Scent perk and Holsteria for Bubble Butt perk. Then to top it off turn back to full human regaining Genital Slit if lost, then go to Poe A to grab the spider costume. Turn back to herm and get Suula genitals (2 cocks one 10 inch then other 20 for all situations). Get Vanea ears then use 4 Galomax for easy clean up and shape modification. Nearly finished now, use Tentacool for a single tentacle cock tail (unsure if it can become Suula without save editing. Then grab either Demon or Gravain wings. Finally get sugar cum because I like being sweat(haha bad pun).

All that in under a year, most of which I spend earning money. Also its only after I have done this that I start collecting crew members. And interacting with NPC's my justification is. That I have to get a few Probes under my belt to stop my cousin and its only after Myrellion that I have the advantage on probes because cousin never got near that one and thus need to wait on me to have any idea where the next probe is because I know shes following me. Generally Anno and Arza are exempt from the wait till later rule, because one is just there though I put off the expeditions. And the other could be a massive help in finding those probes.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
if anyone else find it kinda strange and kinda funny, that for I think 18 years Steele never touched a transformative. Yet within days of them hearing their farther will and getting told to go find the probes, they can go from Human, half Gravian or anything else into bee person, furry snake person, frog person or whatever the Vanea are classed as with or without a bunch of parasites.
No, you're not the only one. As for the rest of the message, you can check https://forum.fenoxo.com/threads/just-who-is-captain-steele.5019/.


Jun 24, 2016
TBQH my Steele turns into a flaming alcoholic faster than a chimeric monster of amalgamated aliens.


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2018
And it's weid that Steel starts as a virgin in such horny galaxy and it's weird Steele starts the game at so young age - I mean 18 is technically adult but would you like to send your child into new dangerous frontier at this age? And it's just weird to think when my mercenary Steelhad time to gain experience as a mercenary. It's better just not to think too much about it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
And it's weird that Steel starts as a virgin in such horny galaxy and it's weird Steele starts the game at so young age - I mean 18 is technically adult but would you like to send your child into new dangerous frontier at this age? And it's just weird to think when my mercenary Steel had time to gain experience as a mercenary. It's better just not to think too much about it.
Well the young age bit is justified as that's when Victor died and thus couldn't wait. The virgin thing I assume is because while horny the galaxy seems to have the some morals, aka leave children alone and Steele was presumably in civilized space most if not all the time.

I mean even New Texas does this, as to my knowledge until a child on the planet is given the treatment, none of the males will do anything sexual with them, or at least no penetration.

While on the flip side we know even children are allowed to take TF's normally with the parent permission I mean we have a few NPC's that took TF's in School or Collage presumably before they turned 18.

If I remember correctly Aliss took some in collage, Sera went mod crazy while in education and while I can't find in game statements saying when, Emmy does say "My old friends avoided me and spread rumors behind my back. My parents still said they loved me, but they never seemed to want to go anywhere public with me. It broke my heart.” suggesting she might have still been in education.

As for experience in career I've got nothing.
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Jul 1, 2017
Your dad makes you because his DNA is disintegrating.

You aren't raised against his wishes. I just assumed your personal bodyguards and whatnot kept you away from them. When you get"free" you likely go nuts, but under his rules, he's gonna protect his offspring.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Replace "taking transformatives" with "drinking alcohol" and no I don't think it's weird at all.
I do.

That aside however, my Steele doesn't go overboard with TFs, she just gets her perfect body. Grow, shrink, and color a few things, and get cybernetic eyes(only think I cheat with), and she's good.

After I meet Kiro though I do tend to drink a lot.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
I do.

That aside however, my Steele doesn't go overboard with TFs, she just gets her perfect body. Grow, shrink, and color a few things, and get cybernetic eyes(only think I cheat with), and she's good.
I wish I could be happy with just doing that, but nope I have to literately breath, sweat and produce pheromones/aphrodisiacs in every possible way. I mean with my end build I have 8 pheromone score, aphrodisiac milk, genital's with aphrodisiac stingers, aphrodisiac venom fangs and saliva. And if skin cosmetic flags weren't removed by skin changes aphrodisiac skin from frog people I just mod it in anyway though. Because the way to get it is broken as you need skin that has neither lubricated or aphrodisiac flags so if you go goo you can't get it reason. Also why is it the only TF in the game to give that flag can't we get a few more with it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
Was it specified that Steele is 18? I don't recall seeing an age given anywhere when I started playing so I just assumed general young adult range (I imagine my Steele to be in their early 20s) unless Word of God said so.

But even for 18, I think we can have a good explanation for each profession. Tech Specialist could possibly use an apprenticeship system so Steele could have started training at a young age. Mercenary and Smuggler could be Steele having a rebellious streak at some point and deciding they want a life of adventure and going off in that direction. Though why Victor would let his kid do such dangerous/illegal line of work is another question unless he was somehow completely ignorant of it.

Regardless, it is interesting how Steele goes for so long without being modded and has apparently never been in a romantic or sexual relationship before, though personally I only find the latter strange because the way the game works makes promiscuous/polyamorous paths the default option. I guess it's up to player interpretation and how you imagine your Steele to be.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
Was it specified that Steele is 18? I don't recall seeing an age given anywhere when I started playing so I just assumed general young adult range (I imagine my Steele to be in their early 20s) unless Word of God said so.

Regardless, it is interesting how Steele goes for so long without being modded and has apparently never been in a romantic or sexual relationship before, though personally I only find the latter strange because the way the game works makes promiscuous/polyamorous paths the default option. I guess it's up to player interpretation and how you imagine your Steele to be.
Yer I probably should have put 18+ years since it is never specified to my knowledge.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Was it specified that Steele is 18? I don't recall seeing an age given anywhere when I started playing so I just assumed general young adult range (I imagine my Steele to be in their early 20s) unless Word of God said so.

Opening blurb from TiTS when you start a new game.

"... Approximately Twenty Years Ago ...

Victor Steele is one of the richest men in the galaxy. His fortune was gained through years of adventuring during the Thirteenth Great Planet Rush, almost two hundred years ago. His trillion dollar company, Steele Industrial Technologies and Production, or Steele Tech, is one of the most respected names in its field.

Unfortunately, during his adventures, Victor underwent many mutations that wreaked havoc on his genome. After two centuries of life due to longevity treatments, the mining magnate’s doctors have told him he has a measly two decades left.

The news is unwelcome. Still, he’s lived a rich, full life - fuller than most. With twenty years ahead of him, the suddenly old industrialite looks toward siring a successor; an heir or heiress to carry on his legacy and to ensure that the Steele name is honored throughout all of history.

With the next Planet Rush a scant 23 years ahead, the timing is ideal. Just as his offspring reaches adulthood, the United Galactic Confederacy will be expanding its borders, turning on the hundreds of warp gates it has shot out into unexplored space. The rushes - performed every century or so - always result in a galactic free-for-all.

It’s perfect, Victor thinks. His child could rise to greatness, becoming richer and more powerful than he ever was. And perhaps, with a bit of luck, a better person as well."

Take a year or so between Victor getting the bad news and the birth of the future Captain Steele, and Captain Steele is somewhere between 18 and 19 years old.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
Opening blurb from TiTS when you start a new game.

"... Approximately Twenty Years Ago ...

Victor Steele is one of the richest men in the galaxy. His fortune was gained through years of adventuring during the Thirteenth Great Planet Rush, almost two hundred years ago. His trillion dollar company, Steele Industrial Technologies and Production, or Steele Tech, is one of the most respected names in its field.

Unfortunately, during his adventures, Victor underwent many mutations that wreaked havoc on his genome. After two centuries of life due to longevity treatments, the mining magnate’s doctors have told him he has a measly two decades left.

The news is unwelcome. Still, he’s lived a rich, full life - fuller than most. With twenty years ahead of him, the suddenly old industrialite looks toward siring a successor; an heir or heiress to carry on his legacy and to ensure that the Steele name is honored throughout all of history.

With the next Planet Rush a scant 23 years ahead, the timing is ideal. Just as his offspring reaches adulthood, the United Galactic Confederacy will be expanding its borders, turning on the hundreds of warp gates it has shot out into unexplored space. The rushes - performed every century or so - always result in a galactic free-for-all.

It’s perfect, Victor thinks. His child could rise to greatness, becoming richer and more powerful than he ever was. And perhaps, with a bit of luck, a better person as well."

Take a year or so between Victor getting the bad news and the birth of the future Captain Steele, and Captain Steele is somewhere between 18 and 19 years old.
Well since it says a scant 23 years take away a year between finding the mother and Steele being born then its better to assume 21-22.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Honestly, it doesn't surprise me at all.

I mean, if PC Steele is a certified Merc/Smuggler/Tech Spec at barely 20, I imagine they didn't get to just go out and have fun very often until then. Plus Victor wanted to have an heir, not necessarily raise a child.
So as soon as Victor dies, Steele probably realised that they can do basically whatever they want and did just that.
(I doubt Steele's mom was very involved in their upbringing, if at all, and Bridget is supposed to serve Steele, so).

Though that may be more my personal headcanon than actual theory.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Well since it says a scant 23 years take away a year between finding the mother and Steele being born then its better to assume 21-22.

"Approximately Twenty Years Ago"

That should be the defining point in the timeline, because there is nothing concrete about the Rush being exactly 23 years after Vic getting diagnosed with, well, death. We don't know how often the Rushes actually are, other than Vic made his name during the 13th Rush...200 years before. There room for plus or minus on either side. But then, it would down to be Fen and the other original writers to decide what that canon is.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
"Approximately Twenty Years Ago"

That should be the defining point in the timeline, because there is nothing concrete about the Rush being exactly 23 years after Vic getting diagnosed with, well, death. We don't know how often the Rushes actually are, other than Vic made his name during the 13th Rush...200 years before. There room for plus or minus on either side. But then, it would down to be Fen and the other original writers to decide what that canon is.
Actually that opening isn't up to date as of the last public patch it says.
... Twenty Years Ago ... Victor Steele is one of the richest men in the galaxy. His fortune was gained through years of adventuring during the Thirteenth Great Planet Rush, almost two hundred years ago. His trillion dollar company, Steele Industrial Technologies and Production, or Steele Tech, is one of the most respected names in its field. Unfortunately, during his adventures, Victor underwent many mutations that wreaked havoc on his genome. After two centuries of life due to longevity treatments, the mining magnate’s doctors have told him he has a measly two decades left. The news is unwelcome. Still, he’s lived a rich, full life - fuller than most. With twenty years ahead of him, the suddenly old industrialite looks toward siring a successor; an heir or heiress to carry on his legacy and to ensure that the Steele name is honored throughout all of history. With the next Planet Rush a scant nineteen years ahead, the timing is ideal. Just as his offspring reaches adulthood, the United Galactic Confederacy will be expanding its borders, turning on the hundreds of warp gates it has shot out into unexplored space. The rushes - performed every century or so - always result in a galactic free-for-all. It’s perfect, Victor thinks. His child could rise to greatness, becoming richer and more powerful than he ever was. And perhaps, with a bit of luck, a better person as well. The real question is, who should the mother be? Many lovers spring to mind, both human and alien. After all, he has no shortage of them. Should his offspring be a pure human, like himself, or perhaps something a little more exotic? Decisions, decisions...
Meaning Steele can be no older than 19 because a decent amount of the rush planets have some infrastructure. I reckon the rush has been going for 1 year at the start of the game and since we can guess that it likely takes 9 months to give birth to the PC and about 2 months to find the mother. its probably a good guess that the PC is 19
Honestly, it doesn't surprise me at all.

I mean, if PC Steele is a certified Merc/Smuggler/Tech Spec at barely 20, I imagine they didn't get to just go out and have fun very often until then. Plus Victor wanted to have an heir, not necessarily raise a child.
So as soon as Victor dies, Steele probably realised that they can do basically whatever they want and did just that.
(I doubt Steele's mom was very involved in their upbringing, if at all, and Bridget is supposed to serve Steele, so).

Though that may be more my personal headcanon than actual theory.
Actually I think Victor was at least trying to be a good dad since from the intro it says.
... Some time later ... Thankfully, Name was born without complications. But, as any parent knows, the real work has just begun. Victor pondered on just how he would raise his daughter and future heir. His first instinct was to pamper her and give her a head start on life. Still, that could lead to his daughter lacking willpower, since she never would have worked for what she has. The mining magnate could make his heir work for everything. An austere upbringing would certainly result in a strong will, but less of a financial, helping hand. It would be tough on both of them, but it might just pay off. If his daughter spend too much time working or playing, however, she would have no time for extracurricular activities. If Victor encouraged her to nurture her physical skills, she would probably grow up strong and well rounded, but not so book-smart. The opposite was also true - if he pushed his child towards study, she would come out mentally strong, but perhaps physically weaker. Perhaps the best approach was to practice moderation, and give a little time to everything. Favoring nothing in particular would mean his child wouldn’t specialize in anything, but it would also mean she wasn’t lacking in anything, either.
Showing that he at least intends to try and raise you well. In how we are Merc/Smuggler/Tech by 19 I think its just education is better in the future. Also when talking to bess/ben about your dad the options are feel nothing miss him and glad hes gone only feels nothing even suggests that he didn't try to raise us. Also isn't our cousin only so angry at us because his/her dad is annoyed that Victor like to brag about how well we are doing.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
Can we get some input from the devs on this, just how old is Steele and did Victor raise us or dump us on robots.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
did Victor raise us or dump us on robots.
I belive that this, like most of Cap!Steele their past, is open to interpretation.
But we had a robotical nanny. She is now the nanny of our children.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
For my Steele at least, I imagine they had a close relationship with Victor since Vic always tried his best to be around for them.

I have no idea what to make of the mom apparently vanishing from the universe after the intro though. Either she died or she bailed somewhere in those 20 years. Is there ever going to be an explanation (or we run into her somewhere) or is she just whatever we make of her suddenly not existing anymore after character creation?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
I generally choose an austere upbringing to justify Steele's somewhat abject poverty when starting off (yeah I know you get a free starship but a guy living in his lambo isn't exactly a rich person)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I generally choose an austere upbringing to justify Steele's somewhat abject poverty when starting off (yeah I know you get a free starship but a guy living in his lambo isn't exactly a rich person)
starships are hardly luxury items in universe. Much less the space winnebago that dear or old gave up that was probably a cheap and ancient POS when he used it 200 years ago.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
I chose a Balanced upbringing so my Steele's a jack of all trade's, but I interpret them being a tech specialist as earning their own allowance from the company.

Though it does beg the question of why we have so little despite our professions.

Even an austere upbringing Steele should still have more than just pocket change with whatever hired work they do. The only thing that makes any sense to me is that the measly starting credits is part of the conditions of the inheritance quest. Since Victor wants his kid to follow his footsteps and work their way to the top through hard work and determination, it makes sense he may require Steele to start with a bare minimum (which is even lower for austere upbringing Steeles and higher for pampered ones).


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I chose a Balanced upbringing so my Steele's a jack of all trade's, but I interpret them being a tech specialist as earning their own allowance from the company.

Though it does beg the question of why we have so little despite our professions.

Even an austere upbringing Steele should still have more than just pocket change with whatever hired work they do. The only thing that makes any sense to me is that the measly starting credits is part of the conditions of the inheritance quest. Since Victor wants his kid to follow his footsteps and work their way to the top through hard work and determination, it makes sense he may require Steele to start with a bare minimum (which is even lower for austere upbringing Steeles and higher for pampered ones).
Daddy dearest was head of a megacorp and had been planning your little adventure since he figured out he was dying. It wouldn't surprise me in the least that your life up till he kicked the bucket was all to his design.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2016
I chose a Balanced upbringing so my Steele's a jack of all trade's, but I interpret them being a tech specialist as earning their own allowance from the company.

Though it does beg the question of why we have so little despite our professions.

Even an austere upbringing Steele should still have more than just pocket change with whatever hired work they do. The only thing that makes any sense to me is that the measly starting credits is part of the conditions of the inheritance quest. Since Victor wants his kid to follow his footsteps and work their way to the top through hard work and determination, it makes sense he may require Steele to start with a bare minimum (which is even lower for austere upbringing Steeles and higher for pampered ones).
I mean, you're only 18 so it's probably reasonable to assume that you've been working for less than a year.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
I mean, you're only 18 so it's probably reasonable to assume that you've been working for less than a year.

19, but still. Regardless, that depends when you interpret starting the job (if you start in your mid-teens, you'd have more experience and income) but unless you've been working for about, say a month or two (which is hardly enough for Steele to qualify as an established member of their profession, imo), I think 500 (250 for austere) is pretty ridiculous. All 3 jobs seem like the decent paying variety even for entry level, but especially mercs and smugglers unless they seriously suck at their jobs or can't find much work.

And it also wouldn't make much sense for pampered to get more and austere to get less if there wasn't a deliberate cap put in anyway. Unless Vic was taking money from the austere and adding another 1000 to what pampered already earns. I can accept the latter, but taking a cut of Steel's earnings seems a bit OOC for Vic even if he wants them to have an austere upbringing if it's their hard-earned money. Alternately, he just has his staff pay Steele more or less, but that brings us back to the first issue of the really low credit amount.

Lunarl Mune

Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2018
Daddy dearest was head of a megacorp and had been planning your little adventure since he figured out he was dying. It wouldn't surprise me in the least that your life up till he kicked the bucket was all to his design.

so Victor went all Genji til he died but he was an actual parent?


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
For my Steele at least, I imagine they had a close relationship with Victor since Vic always tried his best to be around for them.

I have no idea what to make of the mom apparently vanishing from the universe after the intro though. Either she died or she bailed somewhere in those 20 years. Is there ever going to be an explanation (or we run into her somewhere) or is she just whatever we make of her suddenly not existing anymore after character creation?
I imagine that about a week after baby Steele was born Victor and mommy dearest were out celebrating and drinking. After a few hours mommy dearest is completely smashed and says "Victor you know what I hate... Gravity, just screw it you know it's always keeping us down... But but but gravity isn't the only thing keeping us down this like like universe doesn't have enough D's I want to exist in a place with more D's you know." While this was happening the local deity of taking drunk people literally walks by and decides to fulfill her drunken wish. That's why we never see mommy dearest because she is in a place without gravity and more D's. And nothing can prove me wrong... Except the Devs or if mommy dearest gets written into the game or logic. But other than those thing nothing, nothing I say.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
I imagine that about a week after baby Steele was born Victor and mommy dearest were out celebrating and drinking. After a few hours mommy dearest is completely smashed and says "Victor you know what I hate... Gravity, just screw it you know it's always keeping us down... But but but gravity isn't the only thing keeping us down this like like universe doesn't have enough D's I want to exist in a place with more D's you know." While this was happening the local deity of taking drunk people literally walks by and decides to fulfill her drunken wish. That's why we never see mommy dearest because she is in a place without gravity and more D's. And nothing can prove me wrong... Except the Devs or if mommy dearest gets written into the game or logic. But other than those thing nothing, nothing I say.

What are you talking about? This is absolutely 100% canon! :p