Weight/Mass as a game functionality


New Member
Jan 23, 2022
So, my idea, this is going to be a very long post, so I hope I can get through the plan of this idea quickly so others can expand upon it; for my idea, I was thinking of a system or a whole other gameplay mechanic related around the size and mass of the character you are playing, moves that correspond with how heavy you are that can stun of flattening an enemy, I can see the blank slate of the character you have in the top left corner of the screen could also be used to indicate weight and size as it would mean more depth to the character for the game, sure cum inflation, and manipulation of all sorts of body parts are in the game already and a massive credit to it.

So let's see what you eat or drink at one of the many bars that could be linked to the number of calories that particular food or drink has or things you find in the wild that have their unique traits like bloating, blueberry, etc. I have played through trails of tainted space many times and wanted some form of this mechanic in there. Also, special times from vending machines for even an entire store located at the initial start of the game could be linked in a subtle to the lifestyle of gainers and such, It is a pipe dream, and for my idea to work, that would take valuable amounts of hours to complete. Still, I hope this sparks the idea for everyone to enjoy.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
While it could be a cool idea for a different game, I see some problems.
1. It likely falls under 'Transformatives shall not have combat effects'.

2. While some foods already increase Thickness, if you want to consider calories, you're essentially asking for a whole new dietary system that takes into account how much Steele goes through in a day. Steele doesn't need to eat (or it's abstracted away) partially because it's yet another system to develop & track, a lot of people feel it's pointless busywork and you'd need silly amounts of food to fuel more extreme cum/milk production.

3. Increasing weight is actually very easy: Milk
Overdosing on Lactaid Milk Tank with A-Cup breasts* & 40% capacity**:
Weight: 451 lbs (204.6 kg)***
Given that you can have up to 10 rows, and breasts can easily reach over Hyper Large ZZZ-cups with the Honeypot perk, you can see how this becomes ridiculous quickly. Oversized breasts don't even immobilize Steele (and if they did, Hoverboard).

*Weight isn't shown for flat breasts.
**Minimum for Mega Milk.
***This is just the breast weight.
Note: Carry Capacity exists, but doesn't actually affect anything. Only Testicle size can encumber Steele. I'm fairly certain weight doesn't matter.
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