Aside from the usual route (Breedwell Incubators and Sperm Donating), what are ways to earn Credits in the game, that doesn't rely on save scumming (Betting at Uveto, Zheng Shi).
Credit is quite hard to come by, especially before you get to Myrellion and Zheng Shi. Even more so if you don't plan on going for the Breedwell route. The only was I know is selling dropped items and maybe getting lucky with the Raskvell scavengers, selling the stuff they sold you.
Also, playing a Taur Male blocked you from Breedwell, so there goes the Sperm Donating route too.
Credit is quite hard to come by, especially before you get to Myrellion and Zheng Shi. Even more so if you don't plan on going for the Breedwell route. The only was I know is selling dropped items and maybe getting lucky with the Raskvell scavengers, selling the stuff they sold you.
Also, playing a Taur Male blocked you from Breedwell, so there goes the Sperm Donating route too.