Ways to contribute for people with limited tastes


Mar 16, 2021
Hey all! I was thinking about maybe submitting some content for one or more of the currently updating games, but I ran into a problem: I'm pretty much exclusively gay, and, while I definitely could try to write content which accounts for all body types, I don't know enough about what makes those bodies sexy to really do it well.

So, I was wondering: is there some sort of system in place to help people find writing partners who might want to cover their gaps? i.e. I could team up with any writer attracted to women and, between the two of us, flesh out one or more submissions.

This isn't really an advertisement looking for writing partners, although I guess it could be, but more just a general question. There are a lot of male NPCs, for instance, who I wish got more love and would love to write new minor content for.

Any ideas, or anyone know of existing partnerships etc? Pretty new here so sorry if this is old hat or unrealistic.


Mar 16, 2021
Also (and this might be more of a mod question), are the devs ever interested in additional scenes (win or lose scenes, for instance) for NPCs which cater to specific anatomy or characters? There's seemingly less content available for characters with dicks once they get too big in TiTS, for instance, and I'd definitely have fun writing additional scenes for existing enemies with hyper-leaning content to round things out. As an example, Able in TiTS only has sex scenes for characters with a smaller penis, a vagina, or both — what about submitting a scene for characters with a too-big peen, or even just a cuddling scene or something so there's still something to do at the plantation if you don't qualify for the existing content?

Just spitballing ways to help out with development for people who would have trouble catering to everyone.


Well-Known Member
You don't have to account for everything, especially if you're writing new NPCs who aren't into the stuff you don't want to account for; so long as the restrictions make sense, it should be fine. Also, CoC2 limits the PC to being a bipedal non-neuter specifically so that writers don't have to account for non-bipeds and neuters (who are historically not well accounted for).

Also, if you're writing for an existing NPC it's good form to ask for their author's permission to write the scenes.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Also (and this might be more of a mod question), are the devs ever interested in additional scenes (win or lose scenes, for instance) for NPCs which cater to specific anatomy or characters?

Yes! That is in fact one of the things we suggest for new writers -- submit a scene or two for enemy encounters or older, less content-rich NPCs.


Mar 16, 2021
Yes! That is in fact one of the things we suggest for new writers -- submit a scene or two for enemy encounters or older, less content-rich NPCs.

Also, if you're writing for an existing NPC it's good form to ask for their author's permission to write the scenes.

Where would I reach out/find out who to reach out to? Able, for instance, was created by nonesuch, according to the wiki....would I find them on this forum and send a message?

Also, while I'm thinking of it, are there rules for writing additional tf content? For instance, there are scenes that trigger when you give an NPC an item (like giving, uh....Penny throbb, I think it was?) — are more of these welcome? Would they be limited to tfs which wouldn't require the sprite/bust to change, or which are temporary? Are these sorts of scenes a bit too core to the games for outsiders to contribute?

Thank you for the help/answers, also!! My reaction to feeling like "damn, I wish there was more X in these games" is always to want to write it myself, but I really do have no idea how that works here lol


Mar 16, 2021
You don't have to account for everything, especially if you're writing new NPCs who aren't into the stuff you don't want to account for; so long as the restrictions make sense, it should be fine.

Hmm, can I get some elaboration on this? Sorry for the barrage of questions lol — I think one of the "how to contribute" docs says that scenes are considered complete if there are options for male, female, and herm characters. If I wrote for an existing character I guess I could just add an individual scene for "sex with X" that is limited to PCs whose anatomy fits the bill, but does the same hold for new characters? I know from experience there are a few characters (think Edan on Tarkus in TiTS and Garret (sigh, he's hot lol) in COC2) who are only interested in women/characters with a vag, so I guess I could just choose to write a minor NPC who only accepts sex with dicks involved or something. Much to consider, and any pointers are helpful!


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
would I find them on this forum and send a message?

Yep. Just consult the game/wiki for author tags and send the guy a PM.

are more of these welcome? Would they be limited to tfs which wouldn't require the sprite/bust to change, or which are temporary?

Yeah, TFing an NPC is generally a no-go -- at least unless the author's completely finished with that character. It makes more work for them in the future, and often requires new art or rewriting swathes of existing content to support it. Ditto pregnancy.

You can always ask, though. I recently gave Fen the okay for Futa Anno cuz I really don't have any more plans for the pup anymore.

but does the same hold for new characters?

You can write NPCs with specific sexualities but don't expect that to be a very popular decision. Better to write scenes for existing NPCs that cater to specific PC setups.

Quicksilver Tongue

Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2021
I know from experience there are a few characters (think Edan on Tarkus in TiTS and Garret (sigh, he's hot lol) in COC2) who are only interested in women/characters with a vag

I know that Jin-Jin is prohibited from contact with women, but I don't know if he defines that based on pronouns, genitals, or both....