Ways of playing white mage


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
Hi, i wanted to ask all of you, in what way do you play as a white mage.

I play white mage as a summoner, using summons to fight for me and using the white mage spells for healing the summon and chiping the health of the enemies
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
I play mine as a deliberate throwback to old FF games, so they use a bow and a mix of Ranged powers and white magic spells, basically tailored to the current party composition. Sometimes I'll slip Summon Phyria into the mix if I don't have a companion with a summon.. It's not really optimized for anything but I find it fun.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
I'm trying to build my current White Mage main as a mix of a support/healer and Resolve damage dealer, roleplaying a strong aversion to violence. However at lower levels not going after HP means deliberately gimping yourself. Meanwhile, limited number Power slots means leaving a lot of utility abilities unslotted most of the time and a tough time coming up with a set of powers that works well against all the encounters in a particular zone. Still, it is possible to clear all three starter zones this way even on Dark Mode and allowing your party members to shine is etremely satisfying.
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