So, i just got my first 8 warning points today. This made me wonder, exactly how does the warning point system work? How many points are required to put a restriction on an account? And exactly what would warrant gaining points?
I have 4, and just breaking forum rules in general, unneeded threads, reviving dead topics for shits and giggles, read this
while the email said it was for a lack of capitalization
Thank you, when i got the warning points i felt like an ass because, while the email said it was for a lack of capitalization and such, when i look on my account the points are for spamming.
And i despise spammers. I don't want to be labeled as one.
Don't sweat it, people can't see your points, and it seems that spam designation is a mechanical drawback of not having all possible offences listed in the system. Got mine today for mentioning the unmentionable in passing, or at least I think that's what they were about, since there was no reference to the post in question and a pretty vague reason. At least I'm in a decent company.
Personally, I enjoy how the warned duo continue to do what they are warned about. Incidentally, they've both received enough warning points to take a brisk vacation.
"Spamming" comes up simply because it's the first option in a drop down and we tend to forget to swap it out. You should be looking at the note, anyway.
Anyone ever, ever been unbanned?
The new forums are, of course, brand new, as is the warning system we're now using. So no, not that I know of. Only one or two people have actually managed to get themselves banned yet anyway.
That said, warning points do not expire. Once you hit 100, you're done. I don't really see us undoing a pointsban, even if the final offense was relatively minor. If you receive multiple warnings, shape up or ship out.