VR Hook-Up Cafe


New Member
Dec 6, 2016
Now, I'm not an amazing writer, I'll admit that up-front.

Basically, I thought that it'd be cool to be able to walk into some kinda internet cafe-type thing on Tavros Station or something, login to a machine, slap on a VR headset/neural stimulation combo doohickey, and be able to get random scenes with other patrons at similar places.

Like chat roulette with sex.

This is also my first post on the forums and I've mostly only really lurked during the streams. I'd like to hear thoughts on this idea.

Lemme say again, I'm not a fantastic writer but I'm willing to give writing a few of these a shot if people like the idea.

They'll likely be brief and I'm only suggesting it to give a bit of variety and maybe some choice ("What are you into?" prompt when first using the machine or something to that effect to steer you towards the kinda scenes you want, if not then just a big ol' fat "NEXT" button).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think VR rooms were supposed to be part of the ship expansion, but writing one ahead of time is perfectly fine too.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Few npc also have bits for been used with VR rooms. Maybe it could even serve as place to lock in Etis LD stuff ^^

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
@Geddy should also code an entire browser into TiTS, that also supports VR video websites.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Few npc also have bits for been used with VR rooms. Maybe it could even serve as place to lock in Etis LD stuff ^^
I'm not sure about it. LD is using a specific VR pod combined with medical system suited for a long-term life sustenance. Not exactly a suitable thing for a quick meeting.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well, It doesn't need to be a holodeck to be VR. It could be just a cyber interface headset to interact with a Chat Roulette-like thing as used by the the Black Void Tech Spec in Saendra's second quest.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Etis Well ok I just...thought it may be another way to bring LD to TiTS outside of only ONE approved by Fen modded version of TiTS ^^ But something similar to short sessions for CoC-esque game for VR room on Tavros may be a thing.


New Member
Dec 6, 2016
Hi, I know it's been a few days since the first post and I apologize, I really made the post on a whim at a time when things are kinda (really) hectic. Still dealing with fallout from the death of a grandparent, found my cat dead in the pool that she had avoided for years, found out my mother has to go into surgery because they discovered cancer in her colon, and not even an hour ago I had my first experience with a chimney fire. And these are just the highlights. This shit's all happening just as I'm finally getting a job lined up, so maybe this place will be amazing and shit has to be stirred up just to even it out on the other end of the cosmic spectrum.

Whatever, that shit's not important and nobody cares too much, if I do set myself aside some time to take a good shot at writing something out, I'll do it and let you guys see. If someone else wants to, go right ahead.

Some of you are curious about the VR setup and that's good, I only had a rough idea of it myself. I imagined something like rows and rows of slightly-private "booths" with a chair and all the appropriate headset equipment. A simple interface for starting the thing up and passing if you don't like what you see, giving it an "OK" to go forward with the person you've been thrown together with, etc. And then it creates a cyber-you and cyber-them that's controlled by impulses. The chair you're in is able to hijack/create/whatever signals from you/your brain and cause the movements of your avatar in the session. When the avatar is touched, the chair sends your body a sensation that makes it felt like you were just touched the same way.

Yeah, really rough idea, I've thought about full-body suits ("one size fits all!") that you strap into for the whole thing, but that makes it sound too involved for just a cyber-quickie. Might just be me, though.
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