...Right, how dumb of me to check the wiki history for the date the page for the new Nykke got added rather than the date the old Nykke's page got the "removed content" flag.If I'm reading the changelogs right, Nykke was disabled in 0.7.232 (11/12/2018) and added back in 0.8.009 (7/22/2019).
Maybe it's on there, but I searched my copy of the blog posts....Right, how dumb of me to check the wiki history for the date the page for the new Nykke got added rather than the date the old Nykke's page got the "removed content" flag.
The page history isn't sufficiently labeled (most changes don't have any comments), but just clicking any version of the page from before the page for new Nykke was added probably would have yielded the correct answer (I just checked a page from around December 2018 and it had the correct date listed as November of 2018.)Maybe it's on there, but I searched my copy of the blog posts.