Vanae Maiden pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Ever since the robomom snippets in the Nursery topic, I have been paying attention to the scenarios and mini scenes you come up with. May I ask what is stopping you from trying to write content like that?

Don't make me blush  :$  Too late.

It's a matter of self confidence in my own writing skills. Being a bit of a perfectionist with a lack of self confidence, it's not easy starting projects when one feels inadequate compared to all the other brilliant authors here. I also lack a bit of drive force. But I'd like to overcome these issues and be able to start writing as a hobby and continuously improve mys kills(if I'm the only author here then...)...I mean skills.

Hopefully finishing up that mouthgina TF (current name Muffstick, shamefuladvertisementIknow) will work as a stepping stone to do just that.

TL;DR I don't feel like I can do some of my own ideas justice if I wrote them myself atm. Hopefully one day, though.

Especially something like the Vanae. Pregnant Vanae encounters have to much expectations going for them, and I don't feel like I can live up to them. [SIZE=10.5px]Even with all these extremely adorable scenarios popping into my head...[/SIZE]

EDIT: You know how some babies put their foot in their mouth? Ooooh, little vanae babies putting their tentacles in their mouths because they're silly little babies! :x  

I also had this exact idea xD
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I just wan't to meet a mid pregnancy vanae maiden, embracing her lovingly and telling her how great of a mother she will be. 

And later on I want to hold my little squid baby girls in my arms, watching them doze of into sleep, making Mhen'ga the hardest leave...ever.

Helped you edit your post :p

Since Jim long ago set if vanae be pregnant it will always ends up in birth of twins. I think even vanae-morph coudn't run away from fate of caring always twins (well maybe four if super lucky but always number that divide by 2)


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Helped you edit your post :p

Since Jim long ago set if vanae be pregnant it will always ends up in birth of twins. I think even vanae-morph coudn't run away from fate of caring always twins (well maybe four if super lucky but always number that divide by 2)

Completely forgot about that. there chance for me to just brush it off as holding one of the daughters while the other is lovingly being  nursed by the freshly baked Vanae mom, a silent atmosphere filled with uttermost love for our two squidlings?
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
So now that the nursery is a thing does anyone else besides me wanna go back and find one of the Vanae maidens the PC got pregnant and make her a waifu?

Since we managed to go through an entire page without actually addressing the main point:

If you want it, write it.

Since you offered to write it, which is remarkably rare and praiseworthy: don't worry about mechanics when writing things. Just be sure you understand how the parser works {things like [pc.cock] and such; it's all in the writer's guide here on the forum) and one of the coders will handle the... codery stuff. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Completely forgot about that. there chance for me to just brush it off as holding one of the daughters while the other is lovingly being  nursed by the freshly baked Vanae mom, a silent atmosphere filled with uttermost love for our two squidlings?

Well there is also stuff that usualy vanae will make sure for her breast sister (well I thin it was term Jim used to describe twins relationship between them...well kindal like as their were two each was sucking one of her mother tit...or her mother twin sister). Anyway I getting off topic a lil bit. So as I said with vanae been mother there is chance PC could see twin sister of vanae that jsut became happy mother and their I think was said to been able to take care of her twin sisters children when mother itself was out hunting ^^

Jim do done some good job to make it all work. LIke this twin children stuff and one carring for children of other twin even is only one of those two vnae became mother. Since vanae can produce milk always it seems no trouble to have milk to feed growing children of sister.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Hopefully finishing up that mouthgina TF (current name Muffstick, shamefuladvertisementIknow) will work as a stepping stone to do just that.

TL;DR I don't feel like I can do some of my own ideas justice if I wrote them myself atm. Hopefully one day, though.

Especially something like the Vanae. Pregnant Vanae encounters have to much expectations going for them, and I don't feel like I can live up to them. Even with all these extremely adorable scenarios popping into my head...

I'll go and take a look at that ASAP, and when you'll decide to write some of your ideas, I'd gladly try and help with that as well.
If I may throw in a suggestion, random tiny blurbs for PC's generic babies and kids doing various kawaii stuff in the Nursery might be a good choice for the next logical stepping stone. I recall you talking about them in the Nursery thread, and I really liked the sound of that. Tiny details like that can potentially make the whole facility feel much more alive.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Literally exactly what happens during my zil birth scene, so yes. :p  

Must. Contain. Excitement.

That's the kind of pregnancy content I love. Not just increasing a baby counter, but the affectionate moments shared between parents and their children. Lovingly and adorable content like that are things I really enjoy  :x

I'll go and take a look at that ASAP, and when you'll decide to write some of your ideas, I'd gladly try and help with that as well.
If may throw in a suggestion, random tiny blurbs for PC's generic babies and kids doing various kawaii stuff in the Nursery might be a good choice for the next stepping stone. I recall you talking about them in the Nursery thread, and I really liked the sound of that. Tiny details like that can potentially make the whole facility feel much more alive.

I'll think about it. If it's okay with the big guys, I might give it a try sometime.

But I'm pretty sure I heard somewhere that we would get some small blurbs for the generic babies. I might be wrong, though.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Literally exactly what happens during my zil birth scene, so yes. :p
You're the father of two {hasZilKids: more} adorable zil hybrids, {random: both girls / both boys / one boy and one girl}. If it weren't for the tufts of [baby.hairColor] hair and [baby.skinColor] skin, they'd be almost indistinguishable from pure zil, with their tiny antennae and cute patches of barely-developed chitin.

Can't believe I missed those. Bee babies hype is off the charts. :thumbsup: .
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
@IVIysteriousPerson: Oh I mean, I wasn't saying specifically write about the Vanae. I just meant that if and when you do babies, it would be super cute if they were super cute. Like first word stuff.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
You cradle the tiny bundle in your arms, looking down at your child with immense pride and love. You see her eyes open slightly, and she gives a great big yawn, blissfully ignorant of everything but the warmth and comfort of your presence. Suddenly, she looks right at you and reaches for your face with her adorable little hand. She can't reach you, but you smile and offer your index finger to grab onto.

She grips you with surprising tightness, and you're shocked when she opens her mouth to whisper, "I have information that will lead to Hillary Clinton's arrest."

Not sure if you're making fun of me or just my fetishes.
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Oct 11, 2016
When did I ever say I'm new to writing? I write... A lot, just not for TiTs. So I'm gonna write this everybody Throw me all your ideas and thoughts Fuzzy and non.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
You cradle the tiny bundle in your arms, looking down at your child with immense pride and love. You see her eyes open slightly, and she gives a great big yawn, blissfully ignorant of everything but the warmth and comfort of your presence. Suddenly, she looks right at you and reaches for your face with her adorable little hand. She can't reach you, but you smile and offer your index finger to grab on to.

She grips you with surprising tightness, and you're shocked when she opens her mouth to whisper, "Consent is important."




Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
When did I ever say I'm new to writing? I write... A lot, just not for TiTs. So I'm gonna write this everybody Throw me all your ideas and thoughts Fuzzy and non.

Well I think we've already mentioned some adorable moments we'd love to see.

Besides that...

Meeting her at several stages of pregnancy. Maybe getting to see the incredible potency of pregnant Vanae milk. Lots of adorable baby interaction. And of course actually getting to know about her as a person. (Maybe some more pregnancies, increasing her breast size and all)

As for some fuzzy content: Seeing the cute little squids crawling blindly at the ground, crawling towards even the tiniest of sounds from their parents, happily going towards your open arms.

Just throwing out some ideas, before I call it a night, and log off.

Well, I wasn't new to writing when I started, either. But I was new to TiTS writing. It took me a long time to get used to the nuances of writing for the game, but I'm not going to discourage you from attempting to make content. In fact, I wish you luck! If you succeed, I imagine you'll become very popular indeed. :p  

What she said. + What I said about Vanae expectations...

Also if she's going to be a "waifu", I'm curiuous as to how we're gonna visit her. Is she gonna be a random encounter in the jungle? Have her own specific location there? Be a crewmember? (Probably not such a good idea), or have her be stationed at the nursery, living in Tavros station?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Also if she's going to be a "waifu", I'm curiuous as to how we're gonna visit her. Is she gonna be a random encounter in the jungle? Have her own specific location there? Be a crewmember? (Probably not such a good idea), or have her be stationed at the nursery, living in Tavros station?

AFAIR, the original JimT's plan revolved around a FFZ or Naleen Huntress type deal at the beginning (meeting with her randomly in the Vanae parts jungle), with later having her as a static NPC in the Vanae Sky Tree Village.

At that point she becomes FFZ 2.0 and we threaten to start a precedent of a preg-waifu collection. I don't know if that would be considered a good thing or a bad thing. :|

I can see several reasons why it might not be a good idea from a meta perspective, but at the same time:

The life expectancy and maximum life span of vanae are very different. The general life expectancy of 50 per cent of vanae is a mere sixteen years. However, their maximum potential life span is 120. Vanae mature fast, reaching full adulthood at fourteen, and die young. The number one killer of young vanae are non-sapient arboreal predators (Mammal, insect, and plant).
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Most Vanae are kidnapped by slavers.

Disclaimer: Circumstantial evidence + other writercanon let me to this conclusion.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2016
That "psionic connection" thing we talked about did get my brain juices flowing about a female-only race that made "mind babies" based around a naturally imposed D/s dynamic. Like they reproduce via intense telepathic emotional connection (made easier with physical stimulation), and whichever one is more submissive ends up conceiving essentially asexually, her body made to do so by the psionic "command" of her SO. :p

That sounds similar to the Asari from Mass Effect, although for the Asari it is in reverse, the one that initiates is the one that gets preggo
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I never said any of these ideas were the best of ideas.

There are pros and cons with them all, both from a meta and in game perspective (But I originally didn´t think too much about the dangers of the jungle...)

Any other ideas?

What if she lived in Esbeth?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
TL;DR -- That piece of vanae lore is depressing as fuck and a little too real for "happy TiTS," and I wish it didn't exist because it seems very inconsistent with other things.

Should we petition to get it changed then? Because you are right in that any other piece of lore or direct exposition coming from the NPCs lists rape and harassment as the pinnacle of negative outcome for someone wondering the jungles of Mhen'ga.

What if she lived in Esbeth?

Not while Dr. Smug Animu Villain Hanswell is taking residency there.

Unless we will be able to procure all the genetic material that Xenogen needs from them by other means and get them off poor squidgirls' back for good.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I mean, I'd like to have it be changed, but I don't know if it's a piece of lore that's even recognized or cared about in-game. If it's in the Codex, it should probably be omitted, but there's quite a few things in TiTS that need the "lore rework" treatment pretty badly as it is. Burt and Kelly come to mind just on Mhen'ga itself, and the zil lore still has that strange mention of their chimeric hybrid offspring, which is not how they're going to work. Having mish-mashed monster children that potentially lack basic elements of their anatomy required for proper function in their environment is rather unsettling, and feels quite cruel to even allow...

You're overthinking, again. They aren't "strange" or "monstrous" chimeras, just not the expected blended hybridization. I feel it's important that from all I recall reading nothing was concrete how they were chimeric besides one super vague rumor, so to make this easy let's set it in stone. Example, hypothetical naleen hybrid Savin thought up would have legs and tail, but let's say a zil-naleen mix would have either two legs or just one snake body. Instead of having a blended mix of cat and zil ears, it'd be one or the other. So on and so on. Plot armor is in effect, they won't be hapless. Zil don't have much different to humans, they have wings, antenna, tails, and chitin. That's all you have to worry about. Obviously the tails and wings aren't neccessary to survive else both sexes would be faltering but they aren't. Antenna can be worked around, it's not the only means of communication, just like people hard of hearing and speech are.

E: Forgot to mention eyes, but those are just a cosmetic thing.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Not while Dr. Smug Animu Villain Hanswell is taking residency there.

Unless we will be able to procure all the genetic material that Xenogen needs from them by other means and get them off poor squidgirls' back for good.

Wasn't there already some Zils on Esbeth, both in the bar and in Penny's custody? He didn't kidnap any of those. Let's trust our officer...currently sucking of her own dick...while people fap to it...f*ck... :p


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Wasn't there already some Zils on Esbeth, both in the bar and in Penny's custody? He didn't kidnap any of those. Let's trust our officer...currently sucking of her own dick...while people fap to it...f*ck... :p

I was mostly joking, because even in case of Penny currently being... ahem ...indisposed, Esbeth will still provide more protection from slavering assholes to anyone dwelling within than they would have had in the jungles.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
What all have we been shown or told of their society? Not much besides sex dominance and clans. And if we're going to avoid the plot armor, there must be zil who have had accidents involving losing wings or antenna or damaging tails. We don't know that they are then unable to function, that's your assumption. There's also the fact that even in real life there are animals that develop traits entirely unrelated and even hampering to survival. Again, you're overthinking. I'm trying to help here, steer away from the worse-thing-ever scenarios. As I said, plot armor exists in a universe where, in reality, things that shouldn't be able to even fuck each other without discomfort can and even breed together! Use that plot armor. The children will be fine if you say they will.

As an aside related to the original topic of the thread, all this hullabaloo about hybrids can be ignored for vanae as all children will be vanae, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Then how about this: Instead of the chimerism being mix-and-match, why not make it all-in-one besides redundant features like limbs. Thus when it comes to humans, with so little unique features, they don't add anything besides phenotypes. Still allows what is without rewriting. When it does come to features that are unique and are major functioning parts, like eyes, it's then mix-n-match but with zil as base. A race with wings would add a bit of physical uniqueness onto the bee wings as they are, be it feathers or scales. With Ausar, you'd just end up with female zil with fuzzy tails and extremities and. . . now I'm imagining bumblebee zil . . . fuzzy tails and extremities with dog ears. Starting to sound like a broken record, sorry, but we've not been given anything but vague wording. You can decide how it works without needing to erase it since you're literally giving the whole race and expansion.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
MistyBirb So we if the removal of chimerism ffrom the zil lore is all but 100% approved by the head honchos, why exactly are we even discussing it in the first place? o_O

Also, gib us fuzzy zil plz.

A Kui-Zil would be terrifying, actually. That much cum with those pheromones? They'd be like "softcore Dzaan" >_>

But their balls and their libido makes them more easily manipulated, not the other way around. Poor Kui-Zil baby will have such a hard time being anything but a slut of some description.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Eh, to play devil's advocate (which is what I do and why I kept it going, sorry if that's a problem) that message doesn't say anything other than Steele's DNA is human no matter what they look like or started as.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Oh boy if Kui_tai wasn't nighmire to think about how it turn out to be basicaly fetish fuel for certain person mixing them with zil now....ummm really I would feel sad too thinking what childhood would have such mixbreed child -_-'


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
To be fair, "half-x/half-y" doesn't help. A painting could be half red and blue with a split down the middle or made of shapes or there could be a gradient with just the edges pure color and it's still "half x/half y", the former being chimerism the later hybridization. This is why I continue to push, so we can hammer this stuff out. Doesn't help when contact is sparse and/or lost.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Thing about half-human/half-other would be I suppose due to lore reasons of probes need still recognizing Steele DNA in some way. As if we had at least for PC as it's now totaly changing even it genome with all those TF it would make probably already around Myrelion to mess up for probe to recognize him/her. So it would be for PC more about been chimera than hybrid since it would be as with otuer parts (bodyparts) been non orginal starting race) while inside is mostly orgnal race. NPc on other hand can be either chimeras or hybrids and it will not clash with main game lore.