[V0.9.088] Edging Ring effect does not match description; can remove passive lust gain over time

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Jan 26, 2024
The item description for the Edging Ring is : "This metallic band uses savicite to regulate arousal buildup, increasing it when overall lust is low and decreasing it when it’s high." This seems to imply that the ring will increase lust gains when at low lust, and decrease lust gains at high lust. I also assume this is supposed to apply to passive lust gains due to time passing.

The ring's actual effects do not reflect this at all. After testing at multiple different Libido values, it the ring can cause passive lust gain to completely disappear during tile exploration at low Libido values, and at high Libido values changes passive lust gains to be round numbers (usually a flat 1 lust per tile regardless of time). My assumption is the ring is functionally rounding the lust gain due to time passing, which means any lust gain value < 0.5 becomes 0.

Assuming that normal passive lust gain is a function similar to libido/100 per 5 minutes (roughly, I couldn't find the equation in the code), any libido value low enough will not have any lust gains when 5 or fewer minutes pass. Due to the passive lust gain only applying when leaving any given tile and because the most common tile cost is 5 minutes or less, this results in no passive lust gain at all during exploration for low libido values. Also due to the rounding, at ~50 libido passive lust gain is exactly 1 lust on 5min tiles; at 100 libido you gain 1 lust for 3 minute tiles as well as 5 minute tiles. This rounding effect also impacts lust gains when using the Wait function, rounding the resulting lust gain to the nearest integer.

For comparison, without the ring, libido of 25 results in gaining about ~0.25 lust per 5 minute tile (libido 50 is ~0.5 lust, libido 75 is ~0.75 lust, etc). Without the ring, you always gain some amount of lust as a decimal amount, even with small amounts of time passing. Even if it isn't shown in the UI, it's still stored as a float value in the data.

TLDR : Edging Ring causes passive lust gain from time passing to round to the nearest integer; this can result in values of 0, removing passive lust gain over time at low libido values; the effect does not match the item's description
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