Using Items with Submenus May Soft-Lock Map Movement - Version 0.9.083

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Jul 22, 2023
As far as I can tell it's unobtainable legitimately through Lessau's shop. After gaining it through the item spawner and trying it out, it puts you back in the item menu after you take a step. Afterwards you're softlocked. Not sure if I'm missing a flag or some sort to spawn it tho.


May 9, 2017
Something happened to Dumbfuck in the latest backers release. I've toyed with that transformative before and what used to happen was

1 - You consume the dumbfuck pill
2 - You get a little blurb telling you how it's affected your character, and if you've taken it before there is also a message that the original effects were like... totally permanent or something. The dumbfuck status is applied for 24 hours here.
3 - You are returned to the map and allowed to continue moving about and explore the world

What happens now is different

1 You consume the dumbfuck pill
2 You get a little blurb telling you how it's affected your character, and if you've taken it before there is also a message that the original effects were like... totally permanent or something. The dumbfuck status is applied for 24 hours here.
3 Instead of being returned the map you are instead brought to the inventory menu. You can consume or drop items, but the only way to exit this menu is the back button
4. You are once again returned to the map and allowed to continue moving about to explore the world. However....
5. Taking one step in any direction on the map brings you back to the inventory screen again, just like step 3. But this time when you click the back button... the game locks up
6. You are brought back to the map. But navigation is completely shut off. You cannot move through hallways and there are no options in the boxes to move. The game enters a complete freeze state.


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Aug 26, 2015
Ah, a patch must have gone through when I was actively trying to fix a menu-related bug I found. I should have wrapped the changes around dev-mode, but I didn't realize a hotfix was going to be pushed so soon. This lock should only affect some items that directly route back to the inventory (though it is hard to tell that from the player's side--it was primarily for items that had a sub menu after use, that would them pop back to the inventory rather than the main game screen). When I realized this bug happened during testing, I did fix it with a better solution that didn't result in empty buttons like that. So hopefully this should be resolved in the next patch.

The bug I was trying to fix was a UI-related bug that deals with push/pop of the UI states. The crashes are only apparent in dev-mode builds, so the release builds are playable just fine, even if they run into those issues.

The broken solution I had was that it would queue up returning back to the inventory after an item was used and there was a main game screen element in the UI history. This worked for items that used a sub-menu and dropped into the main game screen, but I only realized it was a bad edit when I saw that some items would force back into the inventory after their sub menus (like Dumbfuck). So essentially there were two inventory UI calls. It's the second inventory call that cleared the main game menu buttons.

The new solution basically digs into the UI history and sees if the main text UI element exists in the history before returning to the main game screen. If it does, it should clear the UI history. This would resolve the dev-side crash of stacking matching UI states for item sub-menus dropping the player outside of the inventory and not add any extra inventory UI calls.
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