
Active Member
Mar 21, 2023
Content / Overview:

"Master of Seduction" is a full 3D experience which lets you move in ego perspective through the game world to provide great immersion.

You start the game in a nice villa that your father gave to you. So that is the center stage of the game.
While the game grows and progresses, there are different characters to seduce. Right from the start there is your housemaid that is already working and living in the villa. While arriving and accomodating in your new home, will you make it to turn this sexy and pure girl into a naughty one and fuck her?

But mastering that girl is just the beginning! After your maid is yours, more and more characters are introduced. All with different needs, preferences and characteristics. If you can make them feel at home in your villa, you can have a lot of fun together!

This game constantly grows in content, features and gets fixes with every release. In the future there will be more characters (already introduced with v0.9.0), more things to do and of course much, much more content! The main goal is to create a game that feels more real and more immersive than many others.

The growth rate of this game depends on the support it receives. Any help, however small, is very welcome and will help to speed up the game development and make it better and better. As a reward, supporters get access to a special edition with more content.

Thread Updated: 2024-10-12
Release Date: 2023-05-13

Developer: HexorGames Webpage - Patreon - Subscribestar - Discord - Twitter/X - Instagram
Censored: No
Version: 011.0
OS: Windows, Mac
Language: English

  • added new story chapter with Jessica
  • added new random scene with Hannah where she comes to your office when you work on your laptop
  • added two tasks with Jessica
  • refined all chapters and tasks witch face expressions / sounds / head movements
  • added name tags for girls to find them easier in the game world
  • extended slide in alerts to display when sex poses are locked
  • extended slide in alerts to display needed stats when they are tested
  • added monochrome filter in (some) monologues
  • improved UI (names in dialogs)
  • various optimizations and bugfixes

There's more if you like this game:
The latest version 0.13.0 (as Supporter Edition) is available on Patreon or Subscribestar as a reward for everyone who wants to support this project. Your support would be a great help to the speed at which I can develop this game, and as a reward you will receive the latest version of the Supporter Edition. So if you really like this game, this would be a win-win situation for you and this project.

I'm sure both girls would be very happy too! :)


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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2020
Can't look at the attachments.

Stated plotline isn't all that unusual so I was looking for more info before trying.


Active Member
Mar 21, 2023
I had some issues adding the screenshots. But you can check my linked patreon or visit hexorgames.com for more info and screens.

In fact this isn't the plotline but just the starting point of the game. The plotline will evolve as the game progresses in development and new characters are introduced.

I encourage you to download and try the first version to check if you like the kind / style of the game ;)


Active Member
Mar 21, 2023
The relase date of v0.2.0 will be on May, 24th. From that day on my supporting patrons may download the new version depending on their relation level (some even a bit earlier, some later).

I will update my patreon site as well as this thread with the new version when it is released to the public and free for all.

I'm already sorting and setting up my todos for version 0.3.0 ;)


Active Member
Mar 21, 2023
From this moment the latest version v0.2.0 of Master of Seduction is available for download for everybody! :p

You can download it at patreon.com/hexorgames or hexorgames.com

Have much fun playing! If you like the game, I would be happy if you would at least consider supporting the project. I would be pleased to welcome you as a patron one day providing you exclusive stuff about the game ;)

The next version v0.3.0 is almost done. Its release date will be announced to my patrons very soon. And I will surely give you info here when it's released!


Active Member
Mar 21, 2023
Finally the Discord server is up and running :) There are public channels for everyone and private channels reserved for patrons / subscribers.

If you like you are welcome to drop by ;)

Link to the server: https://discord.gg/PGfFn742Wc


Active Member
Mar 21, 2023
v0.3.1 will become available to the public within the next week - I will post here again when that happens! :)

The release date for v0.4.0 will be on Friday, August 18th for 10$ patrons/subscribers. Higher patrons/subscribers may even access it some days earlier.

That means: if you become at least a 5$ patron/subscriber now, you will be able to play the latest version 0.3.1 immediately, even before it is released to the public, AND also will have access to the upcoming v0.4.0 within the same billing period!


Active Member
Mar 21, 2023
Just a brief info about the dev progress:

While working on the upcoming version 0.5.0, I stumbled across a bug that occasionally causes a deadlock in the activity "strange noises", when you touch Hannah's breasts and make her nipples get hard.

Since I aim for high quality (and it also could kill your boner if you encounter it and get stuck - and nobody wants that!), I have fixed this issue and just released v0.4.1. ;)

All 5$ patrons / subscribers or higher can download this version from this moment.


Active Member
Mar 21, 2023
Some time has passed since my last post here. I have been very busy developing v0.5.0. Since the update for 0.5.0 is a big one, it took a while now. The release for v0.5.0 is coming soon.

I made v0.4.1 available to everyone today. You can download it from my website hexorgames.com or patreon.com/hexorgames

Have fun! ;)


Active Member
Mar 21, 2023

Hannah and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and happy holidays! And if you don't celebrate Christmas, then we wish you a very good time!

Looking back on this year, I'm just overwhelmed by how many people have played the game and support the project. Also, the amount of suggestions and feedback I received was just great! I'm already looking forward to next year and am excited to see how the project continues!


Active Member
Mar 21, 2023
I'm happy to announce that v0.6.1 is now available to the public! I've updated this thread and the download links so that you can now get it right here. I have also updated the changelog. If you're coming from v0.4.1, then one of the biggest updates for you is probably the big update to the graphics!

I wish you lots of fun!

Quicknote: v0.8.0 has also become available for 5$ supporters now. ;)


Active Member
Mar 21, 2023

Hannah would like to send you Easter greetings! She wanted to dress up as a bunny and play with a carrot...

She also wants me to tell you: if you don't see a carrot in her mouth, but something else, then you should start the game and play with her a bit.
And if you see a carrot in her mouth, then you should definitely play the game too. Because she will then show you what she really wants to put in her mouth...

I wish you happy holidays! And if you are not celebrating Easter, I wish you a nice weekend and a great time!


Active Member
Mar 21, 2023
v0.7.0 was just released to the public!

I already updated the links and info in this thread. You can also download it from my website hexorgames.com

I wish you much fun playing! ;)

And if you like this release:
The latest version 0.9.0 (as Supporter Edition) is available on Patreon (HERE) or Subscribestar (HERE) for everyone who wants to support this project with 5$ or more. Your support is a great help to the speed at which I can develop this game, and as a reward you will get the latest version. This should be a win-win for everyone who likes the game.

And I'm sure Hannah would be very happy too! :)


Active Member
Mar 21, 2023
v0.8.1 was just released to the public!


In addition to many new features the game world is expanded by adding RPG elements. Also Hannah reacts now differently to your and / or her stats and can also refuse you if you mess up.

To experience the new game feeling, I highly recommend to start a new game.

I updated the links and info in this thread. But you can also download it from my website hexorgames.com

I wish you much fun playing!

There's more if you like this game:
The latest version 0.11.0 (as Supporter Edition) is available on Patreon and Subscribestar as a reward for everyone who wants to support this project. Your support would be a great help to the speed at which I can develop this game, and as a reward you will receive the latest version of the Supporter Edition. So if you really like this game, this would be a win-win situation for you and this project.

Jessica would be very pleased to meet you there, and I'm sure Hannah would be very happy too! :)
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Active Member
Mar 21, 2023
No. You can't go that far in the game at the moment. But would that be something you would like?


Active Member
Mar 21, 2023
v0.9.0 was just released to the public!


I've already updated the links and info in this thread. You can also download it from my website hexorgames.com.

In this version you will see the new girl Jessica for the first time. There's also a new story chapter with Hannah with lots of sexual action! And you can finally set the walking speed in the options!

For more details, just check out the info and changelog in this thread's initial post.

Have fun with this release!