[UNITY] Hoonters - Monster Hunting RPG [Updated 12/02/2018]


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I just made a post about it on our Patreon page yesterday, I'll copy paste it here.

The expedition system is in and currently fully functional, Pexe is working on the UI while I'm polishing up a few things code-wise. Once the UI is done, I'll put it in the game and then I'll post the newest update on Patreon, then the non-patreon build will be out around the second week of February.

Happy for the expedition system. The current system isn't that interesting and the new one should help the games design a lot.
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Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
Happy for the expedition system. The current system isn't that interesting and the new one should help the games design a lot.

Yup! It certainly opened up a new array of possibilities for us to play with, too. Speaking of which, version 0.4 is currently out on Patreon. Following the 14-15 day rule, it will be made public (Alongside with any bugfixes that I do until then) on the 6th of February.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
Nescafe here. I'm updating the download link above to the newest public build (0.4), if there are any bugs or problems anyone runs into, be sure to let me know.

This new version is pretty much just for the new Expedition System.

Version 0.4 Details

- The new expedition system is implemented. When going out to hunt a monster, instead of being bumped into a bunch of random events, you'll instead be sent to the map exploration screen. You and the monster will take turns moving through the map, where you'll be able to set traps or move around at will. Entering the same tile as the monster will cause the battle to start, carrying over any debuffs or buffs acquired while traveling the map.

- All of the monster fluids, which you previously could only sell, are now implemented as consumable items which you can pick up while going out on an expedition...Speaking of which.

- The Expedition Set Up Menu in the town was completely changed up to fit the new expedition system. You can take up to eight items with you, decide which area you're going to hunt and you'll also get a little bit of information on each monster before you set off to hunt them.

For testing purposes, all consumable items are available to take into an expedition right away, as many as you're able to fit in your backpack.

So, as we roll into February, I feel like I should let everyone know about what will be our focus for this month. I'm gonna start doing this at the beginning of every month, I think it's a nice way to communicate with you guys about what's going on with the project, so you know what we're working on our side. For this February, we're gonna be focusing on Art. More specifically, we want to get the game hopefully on a more polished state. Enough for it to be posted on a game portal like Newgrounds. Given the size of Newgrounds, we thought it'd be proper if at least most of the art on Hoonters was properly finished before we released a build there.

So the current plan for this update will be:

- All currently implemented monsters will get the art of their scenes properly polished and colored.

- All of the art in the introduction cutscene will also receive the same treatment.

- (Possibly) Town Updates.

This means that, for this next update both me and Pexe will be shifting our focus to work in the art, which leaves me little time to do proper programming of any new features. Of course, if there are any bugs or glitches I'll get to them right away, but for the most part, February's update will be an Art focused one.

Here's a little WEBM preview I just finished yesterday. Yes, I know I need to fix the scarf, this was a first test. It actually doesn't even do that much justice to the one actually in the game which runs on 60 FPS, the WEBM captured it at like 30 or something.

View attachment GoblinTest.webm

I don't know for sure WHEN during February we'll be finished updating the art, but I'll be sure to keep you all updated


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
Nescafe here!

Boy, this took a while. But it's finally here. This update was VERY art heavy. So let's get to listing things, shall we?


New Features

- Cutscene Animated Sprites. Now, along with the art that comes in the background and in the various scenes, the introduction cutscene now also has our first "Living Portrait" for Rona. Smiling and breathing in glorious 60 FPS.
- Battle Animated Sprites. Much like the Cutscene sprites, all of the monster battles now also have animated sprites. The Goblin, Orc Amazon and Pigman all had their designs updated and will now actively move, attack and dodge around as you fight.


- Most of the monster sex scenes (All except parts of the Orc Amazon Defeat) have all been properly polished up. As you might've seen in the previews, they're now looking all pretty and proper! They're still not final, mind you. The idea is for all of them to be animated, just like the stuff above was! But that's gonna take a fair amount of time yet, and there's other things which should take a little bit of priority over it. The reason why the Orc Amazon Defeat scene wasn't finished is actually because I'm re-working it into something else. I wasn't really satisfied with how the current scene was turning up, so I figured it'd be better if I figure out how I'm gonna do it before I properly polish it up.
- The introduction cutscene images were also polished up! Several of them just got a bit of a better paint job over them, but a few were re-drawn over. As you might notice, Annabell also received a full re-design to go along with the new cutscene art!

- Some code clean ups, as usual.



We're up on Newgrounds now! The build seems to be running fine (For the most part), but as always, I'll keep the EXE around if anyone needs it.

Thank you so much for your support,

Sincerely, Nescafe.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I wasn't able to get the Newgrounds version to work.  Did anyone else have trouble?


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
Mine was on Chrome.

Chrome and the WebGL application don't get along too well, but sometimes it's just because it's taking a while to load. I'd suggest trying to run it in another browser or using the EXE. It took a while to open up but it worked for me and some other people who tested it on Chrome, so.

Also, just uploaded 0.5C, the old 0.5 had an exception occur when you used the Parry Dagger's skill, which crashed the game. Fixed now tho.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2015
Are you planning on making it where you can play as a male character as well? By the way great game so far :)


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
Are you planning on making it where you can play as a male character as well? By the way great game so far :)

Thank you! And yes, I am, I'll have to adjust and re-do all of the monster scenes for the different genders though, so I figured I'd try to get as much done with the female protag as possible before getting started on the male one.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
0.6 is now public.

Version 0.6

New Features

- 2 new monsters
-- Harpy (High Evasion and High Damage but squishy.)
-- Gellusk (0 Evasion and Average Damage, but EXTREMELY tanky.)
- 2 new weapons
-- Chakram (Can debilitate enemies, lowering their dodge chance.)
-- Caestus (As long as you keep comboing, your damage keeps going up! Losing the combo puts you in a very bad situation, however, as you'll need to stack it back up.)
- 1 new armor
-- Fluid Hunter Outfit (Average Armor for Dodging or Defense, but increases your Fluid Rewards by double if worn.)
- New displays for Status Effect on the Player & Enemy on the Battle Screen (So you'll always know for how long someone is stunned, how much extra damage you currently have, etc.)
­- "Sell all" button on the shop. Should make selling loot a lot faster.
- Enemies and some items rebalanced.
- Code clean ups, you know the drill.

As always, if anyone finds any bugs or has any problems, let me know and I'll try to fix it ASAP.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
Version 0.7 is now public.

New Features

- At the introduction Cutscene, you can now offer Annabell's offer for some fun under the Deck.
- Amazon Orc Defeat and Victory Scenes now animated.
- Gellusk Defeat and Victory scenes now animated.
- Goblin Lumberjack Defeat and Victory scenes now animated.


- Monster scenes now take up a lot less memory than they used to.
­- Gellusk and Harpy were nerfed. Gellusk has 100 less HP and 2 less armor. Harpy now has 50 HP. General strategies for beating them remains the same, just easier and friendlier to different approaches.
- Code clean ups, you know the drill.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
Version 0.8 is now public.

New Features

- Adrenalin system is in. The longer a battle lasts, the more dangerous it gets. You can click the ? below the Adrenalin bar to show or hide the extra information about Adrenalin and its effects. Adrenalin naturally rises throughout the battle, but can be lowered or raised with the use of Incenses.

- Pet system is in. You can now capture monsters by finding their Adrenalin Sweet spot, getting them below 30% HP and then hitting them with a Tranquilizer Bomb. Once captured, tamed and equipped, Monsters will fight alongside you and help you against other monsters.


- Goblin, Pigman and Orc Amazon battle sprites no longer have that weird delay before their animations play during the battle.

- There is now a neat display on your HUD to show you how many turns until your skill is off cooldown. When you have a pet with you, it will also show the pet's cooldown.

We're also currently (As of 20th of November, 2016) hosting a poll to decide on which monsters will be implemented for the next update of Hoonters. If you're interested in casting your vote, check out our Patreon! You don't need to be a Patron to vote!


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
Version 0.9 is now public.

Version 0.9

New Features

- 4 New Monsters (Centauress, Drider, Lamia, Cerberus)

- 7 New Weapons

- 3 New Armors


- General Bugfixes and adjustments around the place


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
So, apparently Version 0.9 came out with a few bugs. Some of which were apparently present for a few versions before, but I didn't catch until now.
Among them...

- Any weapon after Whip, would switch your skill, but wouldn't actually switch out your stats such as Attack and Accuracy.

- Same thing with armor, any armor after Leather suit wasn't actually adding armor or dodge to your character.

- Drider was, for some reason, using the Lamia's special attack while as an enemy, instead of her own.

- War Scythe would execute any enemy who was not at full HP, instead of the intended functionality (Executing below 40% HP).

- Some weapons had incorrect information on their Game Info Display.

- The four new monsters weren't tameable, even though they were supposed to be. They should all be tameable now.

I've updated the WEBGL build on Newgrounds with this new stuff already. Will be updating the EXE builds soon.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
Version 0.10 is now public.

New Features

- Inventory system Revamped

- Town Revamped

- All shops Revamped

- Quests!

- Hunter's Logbook.

- Building Upgrades!

- Kassandra's Restaurant! Acquire stat boosts and chat up the other outpost members.


Feb 7, 2016
The current version has you starting with 0 health so you can't win any battles.
Battles that don't have a defeat scene cannot be ended afterwards so you have to restart the application.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
I was told about the the 0 health bug. Working on a fix right now. What do you mean by this defeat scene thing?

Never mind, I figured it out. Fixing.
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Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
The WebGL version and the EXE were fixed and re-uploaded. I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience. It was a dumb mistake on my part while I was cleaning some code up before the public release.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
Version 0.11

New Features

- 4 New Monsters

- One new Hunting Area

- Some monsters rebalanced

It was actually already out for over a month, but I forgot to update it over here...Ooops.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
Version 0.12

- Lynne will show up on Day 15. To unlock her scenes and conversations, unlock the restaurant and interact with her.
- Goblin Lumberjack Scenes reworked.
- Orc Amazon Scenes Reworked.
- New random event scenes have been sprinkled over the first in-game month.