Unable to access Cait/Evergreen Threesome [0.2.44]


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
So after finally realizing this was an option, I went to try and see this scene and found that none of my Champions could access it due to all my runs picking the 'No Way' option when seeing the initial conversation as part of the Cat Call quest. Going back to earlier saves with several of them, I find they can unlock the threesome option if and only if I accept Evergreen's initial offer and let Cait join in. Refusing or not letting Cait participate locks the content out. I asked in the Q&A board if this was by design or not and Savin said he thought it was intended to be open, so I'm making a report here if it is indeed a bug and not meant to be gated content.

I can share save files if it's necessary.

Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
Savin intended for it to be blocked, and for some reason thought I went around him to enable it. The intention has always been for it to be blocked if you don't do it the first time. It may be made open again in someway in the future, though.