Un-informed question


Active Member
Oct 7, 2015
I've always wondered how homosexual guys and gals feel about Futanari/Dickgirls. Not sure if the dicks would outweigh the rest of the girl or vice versa, I don't know many gay people and the ones I do know ain't really about the porn/hentai life.

I'd love to get some information about it, (preferably from people who know first hand or know people, if you catch my drift).  Also when I google it all I get are people flaming each other on forums about if it's gay to like Futanari/Dickgirls and that's a can o' worms I don't really wanna tangle with.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm not gay myself but my friend Tyler once just showed utter disgust for futa/dickgirls, no idea why. Or maybe that was towards Herms? I tend not to delve into these things IRL


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Futas are by definition feminine in appearence and mentality, so they won't do much for strictly homosexual men. The only person I talked to it about said that he wouldn't mind banging fully masculine herm, although the extra bit won't be extra arousing in his eyes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
As a trisexual, I get turned on by both futas and herms. I like the feminine and masculine body types and have no issue being sexually active with either. In general when it comes to hentai or eroge I have no issue of seeing or fapping to any type of porn that could involve herms and futas. I can't really speak for strictly gay people but I think feminine bodies with dicks or masculine bodies with breasts is a pretty good turn on for me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I don't think you're going to find a definitive answer. Orientation is less two sides of a door and more like a line with different points. There'll be gay folks who like it, some that don't, some that are half-half, just like for those who identify straight or bi.



Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Human sexuality is insanely complicated and every single person is going to be very different from one another in their particular tastes and fetishes.  As a general rule of thumb, however, people are attracted to body shapes more than genitals.  So someone who is primarily interested in men is most likely going to find the male form more attractive regardless of their genital equipment.  Same with someone who is primarily interested in the female form.  If someone is into thin or petite female figures, they're also likely to find trappish males attractive.  Someone who only likes a big hulking appearance is unlikely to find many women attractive at all.  Someone who only likes full voluptuous figures is unlikely to find any men attractive.  And so on.


Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
You'd have to ask people who are strictly homosexual (or heterosexual for the other way around). Those would probably not be very well represented here since people attracted to the mess of sexuality that is CoC/TiTS are pretty open, even when identifying as homo/hetero. I'm for all practical purposes straight but when it comes to fantasies and fiction pretty much anything goes.

I've browsed gay forums in the past, and from what I see there they are not interested in futa/MtF in the slightest.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2015
Human sexuality is insanely complicated and every single person is going to be very different from one another in their particular tastes and fetishes.  As a general rule of thumb, however, people are attracted to body shapes more than genitals.  So someone who is primarily interested in men is most likely going to find the male form more attractive regardless of their genital equipment.  Same with someone who is primarily interested in the female form.  If someone is into thin or petite female figures, they're also likely to find trappish males attractive.  Someone who only likes a big hulking appearance is unlikely to find many women attractive at all.  Someone who only likes full voluptuous figures is unlikely to find any men attractive.  And so on.

IMHO, is the opinion I like the most.

Patrick R. Key

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015
Well apparently the way heterosexual male brains are hardwired, futas contain all the visual cues typically desirable in heterosexual males. What is surprising is the study with George Brett's picture. In the study they tracked where men spent the majority of their time focusing when looking at an image of George Brett and apparently a lot of time gets spent looking at Brett's junk. It seems to be the case that heterosexual men are just hardwired on some level to take interest in penises. This would explain the popularity of porn categories/ porn sites centering around large dicks.

I remember seeing this video a few years back. It's been a while so I can't point out specific parts that are relevant and I'm too busy to sit down and rewatch it for you. But it might help explain/ answer some of the questions anyone might have on the subject.:



Aug 28, 2015
IMHO, is the opinion I like the most.

gotta agree, it is complex to a point, but like Patrick pointed out from the video he posted, apparently it is hardwired in pretty much everyone certain cues. I have no doubt it does vary slightly from person to person, like some men are chubby chasers, while others are simply not interested.

Okay was trying to be clever with the spoiler but fucked it up, anyways where can i find the whole image of your profile pic Nephilim?
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