
Bobby Bobsen

New Member
Jul 2, 2016
Hey, I am Bobby, 19y old and a weirdo!

I found Fenoxo about a week ago because of e621. As you can guess, I like MLP and clop ofc. I am really interested in a lot of different sexual stuff and want to learn as much as I can about TiTs/CoC and so on.

Well now I have a Question: Is there anybody interested in Cyber Sex? I would love to just write/talk about such stuff and do this kind of things. I read the rules and don't think there is anything wrong with that.

If you are interested just PM me or answer in this post. If you have any questions, just go ahead and ask. Don't be shy :3.

Greetz Bobby

Btw if that kind of post is forbidden, just go ahead and delete it. I hope I can find some nice people to talk about life.


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2016
Alright, I guess I'll be the first one to reply to this.

Firstly, yes there are bronies on here me not being one of them.

Secondly, cyber sex sounds really cheap and according to my knowledge is something that doesn't go on around here, there are RP threads and such but those are more story driven than smut driven.  (Side note, some people might not want to do that with somebody who is 19 years old.)

Thirdly, and this is just my personal opinion but don't try coming on so strongly in your first post it's cool you're enthusiastic but this place is pretty relaxed you don't need to get everything out at once. 

Bobby Bobsen

New Member
Jul 2, 2016
Hey Ruri,

thanks for your reply! Well, I am not 'that' kind of brony searching for others and stuff. It's just what I like and watch.

I just like typing/talking to other people in general it's not only sexual stuff. Do you think I am too old or too young?

Oh yeah, I just try to be honest. That is who I am and what I do. I am sorry that it bothers you. Damn that rhyme.


Champion Cocksucker
Feb 21, 2016
Welcome! The community here is pretty chill. We get nitpicky when it comes to game mechanics and people's waifus, but it's otherwise nice. A lot of us are here to talk about games--whether it's CoC, FoE, TiTS or games elsewhere--it's cool. It's not an e-hookup site, but I'm sure you'll find plenty of people interested in that sort of thing.

Oh yeah, I just try to be honest. That is who I am and what I do. I am sorry that it bothers you. Damn that rhyme.


Side note, some people might not want to do that with somebody who is 19 years old