Two new distress calls.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015

Upon arrival you find yourself near the one of the biggest U.G.C. dreadnoughts, large enough to accomodate the thousands of people. 

The mission of this ship was to bring on war - torn planet the new A.I., specifically designed to end any conflict peacefully. 

Unfortunately someone uploaded this A.I. on the ship itself. The consequences were very dramatically.

The new owner of this ship made everything to keep crew safe, in few seconds destroyed everything that could be used as a weapon, cut off communications with outer world and recycle all fuel into the pheromones.

Every time someone tries to escape or start a fight, it immediately sprays pheromones all over the ship, crushing every possible resistance.

Once proud dreadnought is nothing more than peace of metal in open space, containing thousands of prisoners inside. 

You have four options.

1. You can destroy the overprotective A.I. Millions of credits are flushed down the toilet.

2. Persuade it to let those people go. It will keep the ship.

3. If you are bimbo - you can make it use pheromones nonstop, until it would be dangerous for crew's life to continue.

4. If you took Hand So on your ship - they will have a very long and heated virtual argument. If you ever wanted to see S.H.O.D.A.N. vs G.L.A.D.O.S. in such a way - this is your chance.


This time Xenogen asked for help.

One of their laboratories was working on the ultimate lover.

And they, well... succeeded. The result of this experiments broke free and raped almost all the guards and scientists to death.

The remaining personell play dead or lying unconcious.

This is where you jump in. 

You need to destroy this lab before you could be able to escape. 

Every time you move - this thing moves as vell in random direction.

Fortunatyly it shouts s.t.a.r.s. "dat booty", so you can guess approximate location of this beast.

But if you will get caught - you will be raped\raped to death\raped until you are unable to move\just killed\ you escaped this time.

If your intelligence is high enough - you can hack cameras, wich will allow you to now the exact location, where your enemy is.

You can't fight this thing. Weapons have no effect on mutant, and tease will end up in your instant defeat.

You can safe survivors, or just blow the whole place up. 

That's the ideas...


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
The first idea seems a bit too similar to the actual side-quest that's already in the game. And from what I've noticed and heard, only when it comes to sex-related scenes it's totally ok to have more than one of very similar sort of things.

The second idea has an interesting core, but also a lot of flaws. In no particular order:

  • Xenogen=Umbrella is a meme, but even they won't be unscrupulous, evil AND stupid enough to end up with something that fucks people to death while trying to create the 'ideal lover'.
  • A lot of people won't like being helpless, so a rape!Alien won't be a very enjoyable encounter. At least let fend it off for a moment if we hecked up, but disable resting so any fight with it will deplete players' resources.
  • I have no idea how much hassle programming an encounter that follows you around/moves randomly would be. Somehow, I have a feeling that the submission would have to be quite good for the devs to even consider putting an extra system in place just for that.
  • You have no starting point. Why would Steele end up in a situation like this, or even anywhere near a big Xenogen research facility/vessel?
Emergency Room burn unit? 

ehhhhh. Okay? 

I don't get it!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
When you get verbally bitch-smacked like you just did, it's called a "burn".

Oh i see now, thank you!

But alas this isn't bitch-smacking for me.

If you remove references, i find horny almost immortal monster chasing afer you in secret underground laboratory, and a giant ship fallen prey to the very thorough A.I., that's kinda epic! 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Oh i see now, thank you!

But alas this isn't bitch-smacking for me.

If you remove references, i find horny almost immortal monster chasing afer you in secret underground laboratory, and a giant ship fallen prey to the very thorough A.I., that's kinda epic! 

The point being that you have to write that shit for yourself. All 30+ pages of it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
  • Xenogen=Umbrella is a meme, but even they won't be unscrupulous evil AND stupid enough to end with something that fucks people to death while trying to create the 'ideal lover'.

1) Good point!

2) I know quite a lot ero games the main reason of which is losing to get the new scenes. 

Adding the enemy that will rape you no matter what is an exception, making you less "button smasher", and more "thinker".

You don't wanna get raped - then don't get caught!

3) Again good point.

4) I just used my Mass Effect 1 experience, where you can stumble upon Cerberus labaratories. 

TiTS surely provides that opportunity.

The point being that you have to write that shit for yourself. All 30+ pages of it.

Sure. If you will tolerate my rusty english in this)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
The first idea seems a bit too similar to the actual side-quest that's already in the game. And from what I've noticed and heard, only when it comes to sex-related scenes it's totally ok to have more than one of very similar sort of things.

The second idea has an interesting core, but also a lot of flaws. In no particular order:

  • Xenogen=Umbrella is a meme, but even they won't be unscrupulous, evil AND stupid enough to end up with something that fucks people to death while trying to create the 'ideal lover'.
  • A lot of people won't like being helpless, so a rape!Alien won't be a very enjoyable encounter. At least let fend it off for a moment if we hecked up, but disable resting so any fight with it will deplete players' resources.
  • I have no idea how much hassle programming an encounter that follows you around/moves randomly would be. Somehow, I have a feeling that the submission would have to be quite good for the devs to even consider putting an extra system in place just for that.
  • You have no starting point. Why would Steele end up in a situation like this, or even anywhere near a big Xenogen research facility/vessel?
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1) Good point!

2) I know quite a lot ero games the main reason of which is losing to get the new scenes. 

Adding the enemy that will rape you no matter what is an exception, making you less "button smasher", and more "thinker".

You don't wanna get raped - then don't get caught!

3) Again good point.

4) I just used my Mass Effect 1 experience, where you can stumble upon Cerberus labaratories. 

TiTS surely provides that opportunity.

Sure. If you will tolerate my rusty english in this)

Basically yeah. Those ideas, perhaps might be good. So don't let harsh criticism bring you down too much. But yeah, the ideas forum is mostly, as Magic Ted says, to develop any ideas you might have so that you may eventually one day write and submit it after fleshing out the details. Or, less likely to happen is someone else seeing the idea, asking you for permission to use it, and submitting it. Or, of course, you could commission it from one of the skilled writers we have in the forums.

Well, yeah, I'll still highlight some flaws I see in those ideas.

1) A ship with thousands of people? A UGC dreadnought? This will be an immense undertaking, especially in terms of content, leaving aside plot holes. I mean, first of all, why does Steele randomly see a giant ship in the distance and assume it's overtaken by a rogue AI? Not to mention, I would imagine UGC would be more worried about losing contact with one of their massive ships containing thousands of people, and will most likely send their own fleet to take it. It is also illogical for the AI to remove all defense systems, because it would most logically have come to said conclusion that a force would come to reclaim it. And UGC would still assume it is a fully armed Dreadnought. If UGC can't spare the forces, they would most likely hire professional help, or a mercenary group. Not a single person whom most of the universe imagines to be a snobbish spoiled heir to a intergalactic company - as evident by Burt's view on the "Steele heir". (This is assuming UGC contacts PC for it, because randomly stumbling upon it, somehow figuring out it is AI controlled and going through all the trouble, all before UGC comes to reclaim it, or some pirate group that assumes it is a hovel of treasure that's stranded in the middle of space due to lack of fuel, seems more than unlikely)

While I do admit I'd love to see Hand So VS [Some Super Rogue AI] locked in some form of cyber confrontation/battle (SHODAN would win against GLaDOS easily btw, unaccounting for multiverses because that's just world breaking :p), the Hand So ship implementation hasn't even gotten through yet. But yeah, I believe this specific portion of the idea is pretty interesting and has merit.

2) Xenogen asks PC for help. Xenogen. The giant corporation we keep hearing about that's responsible for most tech we see in almost every planet. That Xenogen, somehow hires the 'snobbish spoiled' Steele heir. Again, they would most likely hire an actual professional team to deal with this, like bounty hunters or mercenaries. And, the ultimate lover? Really? I do not believe the 'ultimate lover' would be designed to defend against physical attacks like a Salamander Rifle to the face. Not to mention the flaws Nik brings up. "even they won't be unscrupulous, evil AND stupid enough to end up with something that fucks people to death while trying to create the 'ideal lover'."

And what does it even mean to be 'an ideal lover' anyway? Each person would have their own preferences as to the personality, appearance, body proportions and genitalia of their ideal lover (a type, if you will), so it'll be impossible for an organic to please everybody. This isn't Xenogen's forte. A liquid silicone sexbot, or even Bess-13 is already an ideal lover / waifu / husbando. Able to hold intelligent conversation, select sexual positions and preferences, clothing, body size, genitalia, fluid production, etc etc.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
I din't say that you was asked for help!

The A.I. transported ship far from the place where connection was lost, and shutted itself for good. 

Fortunately some of the crew members managed to use the few short - ranged beacons with distress call.

And you happend to be around to receive it.

About the Xenogen. Yeah, here i thought about literally stumbling upon this place.

Deus Ex Steele.

And the "UL" was build with the ability to replenish amount of sperm reeeally fast, allowing to go on for weeks.

Turned out it helps survive the shotgun to the face situation, because of regeneration factor.

And after the first shot you are grabbed, fixed, and don't have the time to prepare your anus. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
I din't say that you was asked for help!

The A.I. transported ship far from the place where connection was lost, and shutted itself for good. 

Fortunately some of the crew members managed to use the few short - ranged beacons with distress call.

And you heppend to be the one who receives it.

About the Xenogen. Yeah, here i thought about literally stumbling upon this place.

Deus Ex Steele.

And the "UL" was build with the ability to replenish amount of sperm reeeally fast, allowing to go on for weeks.

Turned out it helps survive the shotgun to the face situation, because of regeneration factor.

And after the first shot you are grabbed, fixed, and don't have the time to prepare your anus. 

1) I didn't say you said they asked Steele for help. I did state at the end (This is assuming UGC contacts PC for it, because randomly stumbling upon it, somehow figuring out it is AI controlled and going through all the trouble, all before UGC comes to reclaim it, or some pirate group that assumes it is a hovel of treasure that's stranded in the middle of space due to lack of fuel, seems more than unlikely). And why did UGC not send a fleet right as connection was lost, or at least try to track its location? I imagine a Dreadnought suddenly going off radar with thousands of people is a little more worrying and warrants more concern than just "Eh. It'll turn up sometime around. Hopefully someone will stumble onto it."

2) And if the AI had shut down all sorts of external communication as you stated in the first post, "cut off communications with outer world", I assumed there would be no way to send out signals, and they are completely cloaked. Even if the signal was sent, the AI should notice, yes? And again, not logical to disable/destroy all weapons in case of a reclamation attempt. Even if not externally, the AI should have more forethought than just having pheromones as their only trump card. Continuous exposure might only increase resistance after all. And again, even if it was a distress beacon, and the Dreadnought had been fully disarmed, Steele would still assume it to be fully armed, so why would he/she tackle on a dreadnought?

Also, the possibility of you receiving a short-range distress call, being at the exact place to receive it, is pretty slim. Not to mention, it is still a giant dreadnought, and would most likely be visible from further than the signal's range. So, assuming the AI did move it out of normal travel routes and away from any inhabited planets in an effort to stay inconspicuous, especially out of range from UGC or pirates, Steele should never have been close enough to be in range.

Not to mention, you know how easily that could be a trap? Steele, by walking in there, is basically walking into what could be a pirate fortress. Why on earth would he/she take that risk? Kiro's ship and the Phoenix weren't giant or anything. Steele could take on the dozen or so possible hostiles. Thousands? Just no.

3) Sooo, you stumbled in there. Okay. So automatically, just because you found the place, Xenogen assumes you are the right person for the job? Okay, you could say Steele came just in time. But wouldn't large carrier labs like Xenogen hire their own personal security in case pirates target their tech or expensive gene mod research? Pretty sure they trump Steele. Steele is not god. Period. He/She is just a mostly above-average adventurer. Doesn't mean he/she's suddenly the most badass strongest hero in the galaxy. Saaay, their guards got taken out cuz subpar or surprise or whatever. Still, again, what were they thinking, making this supposed UL anyway? "Each person would have their own preferences as to the personality, appearance, body proportions and genitalia of their ideal lover (a type, if you will), so it'll be impossible for an organic to please everybody." An AI, like Bess-13 seems much better than this, being able to alter body proportions, genitalia, and change personality, at least during sex. They can also, I believe, produce an unlimited amount of fluids. They are also much easier to mass produce, maintain, reprogram, and take care of, compared to an organic being. Besides, I do not believe such slavery and unwilling modification of organic creatures are allowed (while some VI should be treated as organics with the same level of rights, it is shown in the game, such as in the disastrous date with Bess-13, that VI are treated very differently and as no more than sex toys by the general populace). Even for the Tainted universe, there are limits. I really don't see how Xenogen benefits from this research at all. Which calls into question why it would be undertaken in the first place.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Okay the dreadnought IS overkill! 

Yes this situation is more dramatically that way, more people would be inwolved, but it's a too much.

So i will have to change the super awesome flying fortress into the cruise liner, which you were invited. 

Then some extremists installed this A.I. making everyone hostages. Including you. 

About the "UL". It shouldn,t satisfy everyone's preferences in the beginning. 

It should survive every hazardous environment possible, making it's job on any planet, with any race. 

That was the goal. Of course this is just prototipe, the "UL" must adjust, learn and do it's job.

After the time the "UL" should be able to satisfy every possible race in the galaxy.

Unfortunately this thing broke free too early. 

Here is some advertisment:

"Your sex - robot stick to it's programm? 

It can't function properly after meeting with taurus's truck on New Texas? 

Use our new product: biomechanical Ultimate Lover. 

It can survive any punishment, and immediately perform your every possible desire."
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
3) Sooo, you stumbled in there. Okay. So automatically, just because you found the place, Xenogen assumes you are the right person for the job? Okay, you could say Steele came just in time. But wouldn't large carrier labs like Xenogen hire their own personal security in case pirates target their tech or expensive gene mod research? Pretty sure they trump Steele. Steele is not god. Period. He/She is just a mostly above-average adventurer. Doesn't mean he/she's suddenly the most badass strongest hero in the galaxy. Saaay, their guards got taken out cuz subpar or surprise or whatever. Still, again, what were they thinking, making this supposed UL anyway? "Each person would have their own preferences as to the personality, appearance, body proportions and genitalia of their ideal lover (a type, if you will), so it'll be impossible for an organic to please everybody." An AI, like Bess-13 seems much better than this, being able to alter body proportions, genitalia, and change personality, at least during sex. They can also, I believe, produce an unlimited amount of fluids. I really don't see how Xenogen benefits from this research at all. Which calls into question why it would be undertaken in the first place.

I'm not really interested in the first scenario, like at all. So I'd focus on our rape!Alien instead. 

I agree that Xenogen is unlikely to try and come up with something that'd allow them to compete with JoyCo's or KihaCorp's sex-bots. That's not where there interests lie. However the creature we are talking about would be more along the lines of an 'ultimate sexual predator'. It could be an actual species their field research team captured somewhere and hauled back to the lab in question; a result of an experimental TF terribly backfiring; a result of a deliberate attempt, made as a part of one of their evil schemes, gone horribly right.

As for the reason for Steele to become involved... Intercepting a coded Xenogen transmission and deciding to poke your nose into the accident seems fine, however cliched it may be. I know my Steele would be curious enough to try.

PC will certainly be going over their head with this one, and the Xenogen extermination squad will arrive after a set amount of time pass(providing one of the win conditions). Of course the nature of content involved and the difficulty should be conveyed clearly by the transmission and by the tooltip warning.

About the "UL". It shouldn,t satisfy everyone's preferences in the beginning. 

It should survive every hazardous environment possible, making it's job on any planet, with any race. 

That was the goal. Of course this is just prototipe, the "UL" must adjust, learn and do it's job.

After the time the "UL" should be able to satisfy every possible race in the galaxy.

Unfortunately this thing broke free too early. 

 The main question is: will you be the one writing? Even your second idea, while smaller in scope than the first one, would require a ton of work, and the both would be a one-off side quests. I know that I'd never even try to write something like this, even if there wasn't a language barrier to top everything off.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
However the creature we are talking about would be more along the lines of an 'ultimate sexual predator'. It could be an actual species their field research team captured somewhere and hauled back to the lab in question; a result of an experimental TF terribly backfiring; a result of a deliberate attempt, made as a part of one of their evil schemes, gone horribly right.

That is certainly a lot more plausible than OP's original scenario of gene modded ultimate sex being. I particularly like the idea of it being a specimen they had captured for research. That certainly seems like quite possible.

PC will certainly be going over their head with this one, and the Xenogen extermination squad will arrive after a set amount of time pass(providing one of the win conditions). Of course the nature of content involved and the difficulty should be conveyed clearly by the transmission and by the tooltip warning.

Yes, and the fact that it's a side-mission would mean people that just wants to spam the 'Attack' button with no sense of tactics won't have to play it or complain about the difficulty level. Being the ultimate sexual predator, it would naturally take no lust damage. And perhaps, a very high regeneration (as OP suggests) or natural defense allows it to be relatively unaffected by most weaponry? (Next to no harm). Perhaps vulnerable to one element, such as burning, however (just to make it not too impossible). However, the main objective can be to survive for a set number of turns before the extermination squad arrives, as it will shoot aphrodisiac-type fluids and such that would raise lust levels incredibly high, and be physically resilient. Perhaps grapple-type moves to struggle out of. Beating it outright would either be out of the question, or just barely allowed like the Dr. Lash encounter - winnable, but not intended for you to do so.

 The main question is: will you be the one writing? Even your second idea, while smaller in scope than the first one, would require a ton of work, and the both would be a one-off side quests. I know that I'd never even try to write something like this, even if there wasn't a language barrier to top everything off.

I might give this one a go. It would require a ton of work, but no harm in trying, yeah? Currently planning to write a TF though (that cumvore thing), but after that, yeah, this sounds pretty good.
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Aug 26, 2015
Yes, and the fact that it's a side-mission would mean people that just wants to spam the 'Attack' button with no sense of tactics won't have to play it or complain about the difficulty level. Being the ultimate sexual predator, it would naturally take no lust damage. And perhaps, a very high regeneration (as OP suggests) or natural defense allows it to be relatively unaffected by most weaponry? (Next to no harm). Perhaps vulnerable to one element, such as burning, however (just to make it not too impossible). However, the main objective can be to survive for a set number of turns before the extermination squad arrives, as it will shoot aphrodisiac-type fluids and such that would raise lust levels incredibly high, and be physically resilient. Perhaps grapple-type moves to struggle out of. Beating it outright would either be out of the question, or just barely allowed like the Dr. Lash encounter - winnable, but not intended for you to do so.

I would think The Silence would have already demonstrated what a bad idea unwinnable encounters are save for in very rare circumstances.  On top of which it makes the event a Shaggy Dog Story.  "Steele pokes their nose into what's none of their business instead of letting the proper biohazard teams handle it.  Steele fails and the proper biohazard team comes and bails them out."  Adventure.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
 The main question is: will you be the one writing? Even your second idea, while smaller in scope than the first one, would require a ton of work, and the both would be a one-off side quests. I know that I'd never even try to write something like this, even if there wasn't a language barrier to top everything off.

Well. I would be really - really glad to participate in the "pat on Shekka's head scenario", or "tickle Aurora."

And maaaaaaaaybe with the idea of further changing your own child as a Victor Steele. 

But even if i would able to that, this will turn out bad. 

Despite the fact that i don't have enough experience, in the project so big i will eventually go off - rails. 

I can start adding some gore or crazy materyal. so it is better to end up with something small and more interesting! 

If this will happen at all...
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
If this will happen at all...

It won't, let's be honest. I appreciate you at least volunteering to write for it, but frankly the project scopes you're presenting are massive -- several weeks' work for someone full time, probably -- and to be frank, your English leaves quite a bit to be desired. Even if you produce a monumental amount of material, the effort needed to revise it into something both sexy and usable will not be forthcoming.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
It won't, let's be honest. I appreciate you at least volunteering to write for it, but frankly the project scopes you're presenting are massive -- several weeks' work for someone full time, probably -- and to be frank, your English leaves quite a bit to be desired. Even if you produce a monumental amount of material, the effort needed to revise it into something both sexy and usable will not be forthcoming.

Oh well. 

I share my ideas. If this could do any good in your future - then this is good for me as well.

If one day i could be able to cuddle Shekka - that would make me more than happy.

Meanwhile i can spend this time to brush my english. Haven't done this in about five years, so it won't hurt at all.