To Cure the Lands of Corruption -an Erotic Multiversal RP [OOC]


Active Member
Mar 17, 2021
Name: Odelia
Age: 24
Gender: Female/Hermaphroditic
Appearance: She stands an almost uncanny impression of beautiful and unnerving. Her raven hair is kept short and practical, allowed to rest just above her shoulders while short, pointed ears just manage to poke out. Possessing sharp features, her pale gray eyes bare the first hints of her chimeric nature: thin slitted pupils. Perceptive eyes may even notice her more robust fangs as she speaks. Warm, tan skin, otherwise only slightly disturbed by an odd scar or two, is where her unnatural origins become truly noticeable. As, starting at the neck down, she has several patches of silvery scales across her willowy, athletic body. One patch nestled just between her C-cup breasts. Though most evidently disturbing are her sharp fingernails. Capable of extending and retracting a few inches, and looking like they may be able to rend through metal. She’s typically dressed in lightweight leathers for ease of mobility during long distance traveling, and a metal breastplate that displays a depiction of a single open eye.
Personality: Beneath a cold, direct veneer lies a conflicted, young woman. Due to complex circumstances regarding her birth, upbringing, and perceptions thereof, Odelia is torn between her desire to strive towards the virtues of her surrogate mother, and her more instinctual pride and vindictiveness. This creates an uncertainty that causes her to keep a level of distance from people that only cultivated a sense of loneliness in her. Often wondering if she can even overcome the vile magics she was infused with at birth despite her best efforts to be a good, virtuous person.
Status: Normal
Corruption: 15
Equipment: A longsword, a dagger, a crossbow, a quiver of crossbow bolts, a set of simple clothing, a prayer book, and a ring with an open eye insignia from her order
Skills: Horse riding, general first-aid, prolonged wilderness camping, general eclectic knowledge from travels
Abilities: Hex Skirmisher/Tank, can channel necrotic energy to weaken opponents, and utilize that same energy to bolster her own endurance
Background: The tampered child of a witch that was tapping into truly heinous magics, Odelia’s early childhood is a fog of vague memories. Her mother, someone she only faintly recalls as being both terrifying and suffocating . For all her mother’s power, however, her misdeeds had grown too large, and her life was cut short by a small band of paladins. These same paladins would take her in after determining it was too grisly to cut such a young child down. One would step up to mentor her, and serve as something of a maternal figure. Unable to utilize holy magic the way her peers could, she still contributed how she was able as a hunter of malevolent mages. Long nights out in the wilds, and even longer roads between targets becoming the norm of her life.
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Reactions: HeroicSpirit


Active Member
Mar 17, 2021
Not sure if you’re still accepting players, but thought I’d submit a character.


Active Member
Feb 17, 2019
If anyone wants to use fairy for anything feel free she is meant to be for everyone


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Out of curiousity are we waiting for a specific person to post in the RP? It's been quiet for a couple days so I was wondering.


Active Member
Mar 17, 2021
I’m just waiting for the other two so I’m not just hogging the narrative.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2019
i'm mostly just waiting for heroicspirit to continue with the main story since am just mostly waiting for you guys to meet me


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Also, I’m waiting for the party to introduce themselves to the newcomer and decide to leave.


Active Member
Mar 17, 2021
Yeah, that's fair. I was waiting to see if Kuzya wanted to chime in with anything first. But I think I'll just push things forward.


Active Member
Feb 17, 2019
Yeah sorry my two week break is over so i had to come back to my job and will have less time to do things in the future i am still in tho what are we doing?


Active Member
Mar 17, 2021
Understandable. As far as I can tell, Odelia is exchanging some words with the priestess, then the group is meeting up with Jessica so we can leave the grove.


Aug 12, 2024
From across the multiverse, a group of heroes has appeared within a circular chamber, with high marble walls reaching up to the domed ceiling of painted saints looking down on the sheen golden floors. In the center is an archway, a portal crackling within it.

Suddenly, a figure appears before them in a bright light; a beautiful fifteen-foot-tall elven goddess with green glowing eyes, long golden hair, and dark blue skin marked with silver dots. She informs them that she is Ysra, Goddess of Healing, and that she needs your help. She tells them that a kingdom under her guardianship have fallen to corruption and its heroes had failed, causing them to be overrun by the forces of her evil sister, Lanas. She points to the portal and states that, in order to reach the kingdom, one must travel to them through the archway. They will be brought to the archway a sacred grove that had not yet been reached by the corruption, and that any others must be activated by them.

With that, she bids them well and disappears.

1. This is a freeform RP, meaning that you don't have to be worried about rolling stats and stuff. The only mechanic is Corruption, which is more a measure of how much you have been afflicted by the powers of Lanas.
2. You can use either OCs or Canon characters, as long as they're adults.
3. You can only have one character active at a time but may have some in reserve.
4. There can only be four players at a time.

Character Sheet

Status: Normal
Corruption: 0

Character List
1. Elaine- @Kuzya
2. Fiona- @Autobass
3. Jessica- @sora21345
4. Odelia- @TyDyed
I may be interested, but i need some time to think about it, and maybe a “declaration of intent”? Kinda like dnd where the master says what the campaign is about.

Edit: nevermind i just read the 4 player limit
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
While there's stirrings of life in here might as well ask this since it's been bothering me for a bit. Do we try to poke this thing back awake and progress the plot or do we call it officially dead, I know life can get busy but a near month of total silence feels like it warrants asking. @HeroicSpirit @Kuzya @sora21345 @TyDyed