As far as I'm aware at least one of the options should work on Mac. I recommend Chase's version as it is easy to use with both the downloaded version and the online one. You don't need to know how to use the console, you just need to press Ctrl + Shift + I then paste the link under where it says console. A new sidebar should pop up that you can minimise/maximise using the small white arrow and now you can close the DevTools using the X in the top right.By the way I’m on a Mac laptop, so I don’t know if it’s different on Mac, also, I’m not experienced with the console
You should now be using the editor and can change most things pretty easily. You will have to do this every time you reopen the game if you are using the downloaded version or the online version, but if you install the firefox extension it will always be there. Keep in mind all the warnings listed on Chase's page and that you will need to change screen in-game before any of the changes you made will show up.