Do you mean the editor?Does it just display whatever the in-game text is, then?
No, it just uses what is in the TiTsEd.Data.xml for the description.
The latest private build still has this as the description:
advancedShielding.perkDescription = "Grants a defense bonus to your shields equal to 25% of your intelligence.";
The actual effect is just a hard-coded value in the calculations.
public function shieldDefense() : Number
var temp:int = 0;
temp = 0;
temp = temp + this.meleeWeapon.shieldDefense;
temp = temp + this.rangedWeapon.shieldDefense;
temp = temp + (this.armor.shieldDefense + this.upperUndergarment.shieldDefense + this.lowerUndergarment.shieldDefense + this.accessory.shieldDefense + this.shield.shieldDefense);
if(this.hasPerk("Advanced Shielding"))
temp = temp + Math.floor(this.bimboIntelligence() / 5);
return temp;