TiTsEd - A save editor (FLASH VERSION ONLY)


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2016
I don't suppose you could submit some of these to the issue tracker? :)


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2016
TiTsEd v0.6 updated

Added Breast Row editing and a number of other minor additions. Restructured the layout some to be less congested.

Banged my head against the wall for a few hours getting that breasts thing in, so didn't have much time for a lot of other stuff as I am sure people wanted to get their hands on this addition asap.

Going to do a little internal restructuring for the next version to make my life slightly less miserable in the future. Also plans to get all the genital and ass stuff in, which will be the entirety of the new content in the next version barring bug fixes and the like.

See original post for download.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Banged my head against the wall for a few hours getting that breasts thing in, so didn't have much time for a lot of other stuff as I am sure people wanted to get their hands on this addition asap.

As someone who deeply cares about multi breasts, I can tell you it was not in vain. :)


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2016
I really appreciate you working on this, so thank you very much! I can use Minerva pretty easily but this just makes some things so much easier.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
Another thing I noticed, you have a limited height of 100 Inches, characters can exceed this. I don't know the max height, but this limit prevents fixing an accidental TF overwrite. Maybe bump it up to 144, I think I heard somewhere max height is 12 feet. Or just go crazy and let us make 25+ behemoths :p.

Goos can get to 12 feet. But then you can use Poe A to gain 1 foot and hit 13. This is the max for now.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Heh all the way up to 16 xD That already not jailbait in some countires (that a joke if some not caught)

So normal max height was where? 11 or 10 only? Anyway with 16 as hardcoded limit we can now expect some along lines of Giant/Titan TF to get it legaly ^^


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Heh all the way up to 16 xD That already not jailbait in some countires (that a joke if some not caught)

So normal max height was where? 11 or 10 only? Anyway with 16 as hardcoded limit we can now expect some along lines of Giant/Titan TF to get it legaly ^^

Without Galomax turning you into slime, max height is 10 ft, 9 from Leitha Charm Necklace then wearing the Poe A amazon armor to gain the last bit. Also, unsure if 16 is hard limit, but that's where the editor stops.
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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2016
Anyway with 16 as hardcoded limit we can now expect some along lines of Giant/Titan TF to get it legaly ^^

I don't know if my save editor is a good basis for actual content in the game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I don't know if my save editor is a good basis for actual content in the game.

Well I was thinking...if editor can make PC 16 then why not 18... as going for DBZ proportion of over 9k height it would be even unfit for silly mode. Ohh sepaking of editor...does it allow break body tone or thickness limit of 100?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well I was thinking...if editor can make PC 16 then why not 18... as going for DBZ proportion of over 9k height it would be even unfit for silly mode. Ohh sepaking of editor...does it allow break body tone or thickness limit of 100?

Those I'm pretty sure are hard coded.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
tone and thickness one you mean, right? But there was plans in one of submissions to add perks that would make tone and thickness limit rised to 200. Oh well probably it was merely option made by submission author withotu any chances to be doable in game code. And now when I think baout it more we would miss descriptions for values between 100 and 200 :/

There goes (away) umber-muscle or umber-fatty PC's xD
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Arcane Howitzer

Active Member
Jan 8, 2016
Once you're done adding in all of the physical customization options (which I understand could take a while given the current state and direction of the game's development), it would be great if you could add in Perk toggles. One of the things I'd always do with the old CoCEd was, right at the beginning of the game, give my character all of the "starter" Perks that you normally only get to pick one of (except the one that replaced the Masturbate option with Meditate, blech).

I get that it might cause some weirdness with how things like the class and level-up systems work (maybe you could just exclude class-based perks altogether?), but I would love to be able to fast-track my Captain's "rise to glory" without having to pick and choose their every feature (and also get rid of that annoying Ditz Speech perk whenever it shows up; I like my bimbos to be sophisticated, dammit!).
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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2016
This last day or two I hve been focusing on internal improvements when not slammed at work., that way you may even be able to edit non-pc characters at some distant point in the future.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Heh all the way up to 16 xD That already not jailbait in some countires (that a joke if some not caught)

So normal max height was where? 11 or 10 only? Anyway with 16 as hardcoded limit we can now expect some along lines of Giant/Titan TF to get it legaly ^^

*currently realizing my giant npc im writing may not actually be a giant much longer*
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
*currently realizing my giant npc im writing may not actually be a giant much longer*

Nagh as long this npc is taller than 16 it would still be considered as giant...or ust try include scene variants in case PC is close a lil bit taller that this npc (assuming you had set this giant height between 11 and 16)
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Jan 30, 2016
Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but I can't seem to get it to work...downloaded & extracted, but none of my save-to-file saves are recognized (error reading it as a slot file), and none of my online ones show up. Is there a step I'm missing?

Blackwater Syn

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but I can't seem to get it to work...downloaded & extracted, but none of my save-to-file saves are recognized (error reading it as a slot file), and none of my online ones show up. Is there a step I'm missing?

You use it with the sol files made when you do a normal save, not save to file. It looks for the saves made by the downloaded version of tits. You can use it with the online version, I think, but you'll have to hit import and navigate to where the online version stores it's saves.
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Jan 30, 2016
You use it with the sol files made when you do a normal save, not save to file. It looks for the saves made by the downloaded version of tits. You can use it with the online version, I think, but you'll have to hit import and navigate to where the online version stores it's saves.

Awesome, thanks for the quick response! Just gotta figure out where the online files are saved to ><


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2016
Got vags into the source now, but no new release yet, want to finish the other organ and ass stuff first. If you are feeling adventurous you can compile the source to try it out.
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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2016
Version 0.7

Added support for editing vaginas, cocks, balls and other minor genital items. Decided to skip adding ass for this release and instead focus on the main attractions.

See original post for download information.

As always use at your own risk.
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