TiTsEd - A save editor (FLASH VERSION ONLY)


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2016
I've decided to enable non-PC perks editing.

Messing with flags can cause far more damage to saves than giving a NPC a perk that will almost certainly be ignored in most cases.
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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2016
There's a disclaimer so just ignore those comments

The disclaimer is there to prevent issues true, but introducing buggy or game breaking editing capabilities will cause the thread to fill up with those kinds of posts. This is something I would rather avoid. Not only that but such functionality could reflect badly on the editor or worse TiTs itself.

So in my opinion it is better to save everyone headaches and just not include it in the first place.

nox bellua

Well-Known Member
May 23, 2016
Thank you for starting this. I was using .minerva, but I would eventually encounter "Maximum call stack size exceeded".
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Mar 19, 2016
I've been trying to use the editor with the newest version of the game... I keep getting "save file is possibly corrupted!" each time I try to load my save file now. It got so bad I had to start an entirely new game since my old save file just would. not. work.

Got this error message, too.



Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

   at TiTsEd.ViewModel.GameVM.SetCharacterOptions()

   at TiTsEd.ViewModel.GameVM..ctor(AmfFile file, GameVM previousVM)

   at TiTsEd.ViewModel.VM.Load(String path, SerializationFormat expectedFormat, Boolean createBackup)

   at TiTsEd.ViewModel.ImportRootVM.OnClick()

  at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)

  at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args)

   at System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem.InvokeClickAfterRender(Object arg)

   at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)

   at MS.Internal.Threading.ExceptionFilterHelper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)

Sorry if the text looks wrong, I had  to translate some parts from Finnish.

PS. It also keeps telling me "The file is actually a "Slot" format save, but it was loaded as though it were a "Save to File" format save.". ...What? I was trying to load the save file I downloaded from the game itself. How the heck am I supposed to edit physical save files now?

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Snusnu Schnitzel

Active Member
Oct 22, 2016
Since from skimming the last few pages of this thread I haven't seen anyone bring this up yet, hopefully I'm not repeating an earlier suggestion: could you allow editing of multiple tails? E.g. 3 vulpine tails, 1 cockvine, etc? I haven't had the chance to extensively test the editor since I use offline Minerva most of the time but from what I tried, you can only edit the number of a single type of tail.

I'd like to add that the editor has been a godsend for me though, since before I found this it was a complete nightmare to edit Perks properly, especially with Treatment-related ones. When I wanted to check if I could save-edit Pheromone Cloud or Panic Ejaculation perk on my non-Treated PC I had to proc the TF, gain the perk in-game, check the perk flags in minerva then copy-paste them onto an existing perk I had like Mane hair perk. Hopefully the editor is also less prone to save file corruption. Regardless, much thanks and kudos to the talented folks who develop and maintain this project, you have my appreciation.  :shibe:


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Since from skimming the last few pages of this thread I haven't seen anyone bring this up yet, hopefully I'm not repeating an earlier suggestion: could you allow editing of multiple tails? E.g. 3 vulpine tails, 1 cockvine, etc? I haven't had the chance to extensively test the editor since I use offline Minerva most of the time but from what I tried, you can only edit the number of a single type of tail.

The game itself doesn't currently allow for simultaneously having multiple tail types, and as far as I know, there are no plans to change that.

Snusnu Schnitzel

Active Member
Oct 22, 2016
The game itself doesn't currently allow for simultaneously having multiple tail types, and as far as I know, there are no plans to change that.

Based on the Smutosaur.us Wiki it should be theoretically be possible through getting multiple tails with Foxfire or Nepeta then choosing specific TFs which support multiple tail descriptions such as Gryvain (DracoGuard). It's true that most other tail TF items merge multiple tails into such as Leitha Charm or Ruskvel but I'll try to test it out now.

Ok I've checked and yes you're right it seems the game does not support multiple tail types, testing with Nepeta then DracoGuard TF. It seems I was misunderstood.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Based on the Smutosaur.us Wiki it should be theoretically be possible through getting multiple tails with Foxfire or Nepeta then choosing specific TFs which support multiple tail descriptions such as Gryvain (DracoGuard). It's true that most other tail TF items merge multiple tails into such as Leitha Charm or Ruskvel but I'll try to test it out now.

Nope. There is only one tail.type variable that is universal and governs all the tails, so they can't be of different types. If you have multiple tails and use an item that changes their type without merging them, all of your tails will get effected.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Nik has it correct. All your tails, if you have multiple, are essentially non-existent outside of one to determine what flags it has. You can have a genitaled tail, it can be prehensile, but you can only have one that determines species/type. If you add a flag to your tail all tails share it, it's unavoidable.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2015
oh, uh, small question, any chance of there being a way to alter anthing from the start of the game, such as our affinity or our starting race?


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2016
oh, uh, small question, any chance of there being a way to alter anthing from the start of the game, such as our affinity or our starting race?

PC_UPBRINGING is a flag, which will be in the next release.

I also added an editor for that specifically, along with affinity and originalRace.

Snusnu Schnitzel

Active Member
Oct 22, 2016
PC_UPBRINGING is a flag, which will be in the next release.

I also added an editor for that specifically, along with affinity and originalRace.

Sweet. @alkeiser Just curious, is using the TiTsEd stable for the savefiles? So far, I've encountered no issues but f.ex. online minerva almost always corrupts my saves and offline minerva corrupts my save once in a blue moon or when I try to edit too many variables. I always backup the saves before editing anything as a precaution but I'd still like to know.

Also, if I use the editor to gain Key Items, does that also edit the flags related or not? F.ex. I add the bimbo raygun, does that also modify the flag so it looks like I've accepted Dr.Badger's quest?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Minerva is all sorts of out of date at this point, but the main issue is sometimes it doesn't load or create a flag for versioning. Couple that with a lot of browsers not being able to handle "stack exchange" and you get plenty of issues.

So far, from personal experience, the editor is unlikely to corrupt a save unless you royally fuck it up yourself by changing things in ways they weren't meant to be changed.

Snusnu Schnitzel

Active Member
Oct 22, 2016
Minerva is all sorts of out of date at this point, but the main issue is sometimes it doesn't load or create a flag for versioning. Couple that with a lot of browsers not being able to handle "stack exchange" and you get plenty of issues.

So far, from personal experience, the editor is unlikely to corrupt a save unless you royally fuck it up yourself by changing things in ways they weren't meant to be changed.

I've gone so long without using online Minerva that I've forgotten the issue with the hang ups, being unable to handle the stack exchange like you said (plus the corruption). That said, I've never encountered many issues with offline Minerva even if it's out of date at this point. Are you saying that since it's out of date it's not as capable of editing newer versions of TiTS?


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
Is it safe to change just the body features?(More interested in changing the face lets say for example from Feline to Badger or from Badger to half-Asuar


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2016
Is it safe to change just the body features?(More interested in changing the face lets say for example from Feline to Badger or from Badger to half-Asuar

I don't see why they wouldn't be.

FYI, if you change your originalRace the game detects some mismatch between other fields (that I haven't looked into further yet) and will prompt you to reestablish your original colors.

There is a known issue with some of the items, such as the Corny T-Shirts:


Sweet. @alkeiser Just curious, is using the TiTsEd stable for the savefiles? So far, I've encountered no issues but f.ex. online minerva almost always corrupts my saves and offline minerva corrupts my save once in a blue moon or when I try to edit too many variables. I always backup the saves before editing anything as a precaution but I'd still like to know.

Also, if I use the editor to gain Key Items, does that also edit the flags related or not? F.ex. I add the bimbo raygun, does that also modify the flag so it looks like I've accepted Dr.Badger's quest?

The only save file issue I've had was when testing the flag editing where I messed with some flag and it corrupted the save file.

No, editing Key Items does not affect flags, nor the other way around either.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2015

(On mobile and can't figure out for the death of me how to delete boxes) So when do you think the new version coming out

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
That's because you can't delete on mobile. gggeddy

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I can select it too, but it still won't delete.


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2016
Yeah, sorry about not working on this more. Been wrecked with having to work 12s everyday for the last month. Hopefully it's ending soon and I can get back into this. Maybe another week.
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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2016
Don't worry, we appreciate every bit of progress you get done while juggling your busy life. I'm hoping you get a holiday at the end of the year, and that you can relax.
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