TiTS Shower Thoughts


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Right, so, i get bored easily and often. And when that happens, my mind wanders.

Most of the time its either mental white noise or complete garbage. But once in a bule moon, from the aether of my mind arises something somewhat coherent and interesting, at times related to TiTS.

Such as making this thread!

Point is, i figured i may as well slap this in here just to see how it goes, and see if anyone else has any similar RNG thoughts and ideas theyd like to share.

To be clear, this isnt meant as a "stuff you want in the game" thread or to serve the purpose of the ideas section. Its moreso meant to just be a wall you can throw shit at and have people look at the splatter, if youll excuse the gross analogy.

Anyway, with that small essay over and done with, ill kick us off!


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Silly mode quip for tavros: when in residential area, have a "carameldansen blasting out the window" easter egg.

Nother silly mode idea: literal dick measuring contest. Maybe with dane or lund or some other cocky character.

Silly mode again: mass effect "well bang ok" reference. Though tbh id be very surprised if thats not in the game already.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Fuck hold on... im suddenly getting deja vu... did i already try making a thread like this once? Cuz im seriously having a mandela effect moment here.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Selfcest style encounter where you bang either a clone of yourself, or some superfan who modded themself to look exactly like you. Or maybe just the superfan thing without the sexytimes, or encounter the clone as some kinda Tomb Raider Underworld Doppleganger kinda deal.

An interesting thought, though i can already hear the code staff howling in agony at the mere thought of having to string together all the necessary parsers, even if they ommited the sexy bits, lol.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Fuck hold on... im suddenly getting deja vu... did i already try making a thread like this once? Cuz im seriously having a mangela effect moment here.
It's possible to look at all the threads you made through your profile page's "postings" tab.
I'm not seeing anything similar to this thread, and if there is one, it's probably many many years old by this point.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
It's possible to look at all the threads you made through your profile page's "postings" tab.
I'm not seeing anything similar to this thread, and if there is one, it's probably many many years old by this point.
Im aware i can look through the old stuff. Iits just that in past experience, that usually doesnt bear fruit too well for me.

That and im just lazy af tbh, lol.

But thanks, man!


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing head-canon also counts for this thread? If so, here's some of mine:

The enjoyment from being petted shared by most if not all ausar is physical in nature; it's kind of like sexual stimulation, but without any inherent sexiness (so it's fine to do it to kids). Furthermore, the ausar have known about this since before they even invented writing. Or civilisation. Or agriculture. (There's ancient cave paintings that clearly depict ausar petting each other.)

Despite having no fewer than two distinct member races, the Gryvain Heartland Republic never had any anti-racism laws until after it made First Contact with the UGC. To be fair, anti-discrimination principles were so ingrained to the GHR's culture that such laws were effectively unnecessary.

Because its homeworld is basically space-Australia (specifically, space-Outback; a giant desert where everything's trying to kill you), Ausari society is much less fond of nature than Terran societies. As a result:
  • Ausaril is named after the ausar; it's effectively saying the planet belongs to them (in the possessive sense) and not the other way around.
  • They've managed to cause less environmental destruction than us because Ausaril has less environment to destroy than Earth.
  • Non-sapient animals are, without exception, considered objectively inferior to all sapients. This, in turn, has two results:
    • The concept of keeping animals as pets never really occurred to the ausar until humans introduced it to them. Prior to this, all domesticated animals were either livestock or beasts of burden.
    • Ausari culture views furries* as either willingly bringing themselves down to the level of non-sapient animals, or elevating those animals to the same level as sapients. Either way, it explains why Ausari culture hates furries*.
*Does not include races like kui-tan or milodan since they're naturally-occurring.

The "kaithrit love milk" stereotype actually has some basis in their biology; lactose tolerance is naturally present in all kaithrit, and their tongues even have lactose-specific receptors that react in a similar but distinct manner to sweet-taste receptors.

Unlike the above point, the "ausar and kaithrit hate each other" stereotype is due almost entirely to the Terran "cats and dogs hate each other" stereotype. There was probably some incident (maybe an early border dispute?) that caused Roshan society to develop a negative opinion of the ausar, but that opinion isn't shared by kaithrit from outside kaithrit-dominated space (or even some planets within said space), and ausar-dominated societies don't treat kaithrit any differently from other humanoid non-ausar (and many ausar-dominated worlds, including Ausaril, also have not-insignificant kaithrit populations without any issues whatsoever).

The GHR is so widely-loved in the UGC that no-one would dare declare war on them out of fear of retaliation from the rest of the UGC. Similarly, if the GHR were to ever declare war themselves, most of the rest of the UGC would follow suit as soon as they've picked up their jaws (or equivalent anatomical structure) from the floor.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
I had to look up what "shower thoughts are and apparently there's a whole reddit of them with the definition being this sorta thing.
"Showerthought" is a loose term that applies to the types of thoughts you might have while carrying out a routine task like showering, driving, or daydreaming. At their best, showerthoughts are universally relatable and find the amusing/interesting within the mundane.

So I'd imagine it's not headcanons persay, tho those can probably count, but rather random thoughts or ideas you have while playing the game in this case (Or I suppose anything random that comes to your head when you think of the game).


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Shower thoughts are more strange thoughts that are technically true in their own way. For example, "Everything in the universe is either pizza or not pizza". A weird thought, but true nonetheless.

A TiTS specific one would probably be "No matter what position Ausar have sex in, its always doggy style".


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
A TiTS specific one would probably be "No matter what position Ausar have sex in, its always doggy style".

Someone needs to add that to the raskvel jokebook. If i wasnt college student broke i would literally pay to make that happen.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Shower thoughts are more strange thoughts that are technically true in their own way. For example, "Everything in the universe is either pizza or not pizza". A weird thought, but true nonetheless.

I always assumed it reffered to just random bullshit your brain comes up with.

Like the stuff here:

Edit: Basically what emerald said.

I really need to stop just skimming through this kind of stuff, sorry.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
I'm guessing head-canon also counts for this thread? If so, here's some of mine:
I dont see why they wouldnt!

Ausari culture views furries* as either willingly bringing themselves down to the level of non-sapient animals, or elevating those animals to the same level as sapients. Either way, it explains why Ausari culture hates furries*.

*Does not include races like kui-tan or milodan since they're naturally-occurring

Would be interesting to see what they would think of the uplifted Pexiga. Or Galitoans (am i spelling that right? I doubt i am but i cant be bothered to check, lol). Cuz werent thise goo babes basically feral until one like, absorbed some poor bastard?

Despite having no fewer than two distinct member races, the Gryvain Heartland Republic never had any anti-racism laws until after it made First Contact with the UGC. To be fair, anti-discrimination principles were so ingrained to the GHR's culture that such laws were effectively unnecessary.
If you dont mind my asking, just out of curiosity, where did this stem from? Idk why, its just striking me as a bit... odd...

The enjoyment from being petted shared by most if not all ausar is physical in nature; it's kind of like sexual stimulation, but without any inherent sexiness (so it's fine to do it to kids).
Uh.... i dont wanna be judgy or rude, man, but... ok im sorry but i cant think of any other way of saying it so im just gonna be blunt here, at least in my eyes this is slightly bordering on some Fallout: The Frontier level stuff here, man. Like, this is kinda toeing a very fragile and dangerous line, here, if you get my meaning.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Sometimes I think about Ausar doing body language like our current doggos do depending on the situation alongside their emotions and laugh a little at how somewhat absurd the images my head conjure up look.

Imagine one snarling like a dog while still being as humanoid as they are.
Actually, I can't get that idea out of my head now. Damnnit.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Sometimes I think about Ausar doing body language like our current doggos do depending on the situation and laugh a little at how somewhat absurd the images my head conjure up look.

Imagine one snarling like a dog while still being as humanoid as they are.
I mean they already do tail wags and whimper and stuff, so i wouldn't be surprised if they have other canine habits.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
I mean they already do tail wags and whimper and stuff, so i wouldn't be surprised if they have other canine habits.
They must fricking hate the old-age vacuum then. xP
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
They must fricking hate the old-age vacuum then. xP
Dammit now im just imagining there being some kind of diplomatic incident where all the ausar and kaithrit reps went all psycho when a janitor turned on a vacuum in the hall or something, lol.
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Would be interesting to see what they would think of the uplifted Pexiga.
Uplifting the pexiga is a one-time-only thing, so I doubt it'd change their perception of the species as a whole. However, given the conclusions I made, I doubt Ausari culture would approve of uplifting non-sapient animals in general.
Or Galitoans (am i spelling that right? I doubt i am but i cant be bothered to check, lol). Cuz werent thise goo babes basically feral until one like, absorbed some poor bastard?
The galotians were already sapient, it's just that no-one from the wider galaxy considered the possibility that they were sapient until Galos apologised for killing an explorer. These days, it's generally accepted that they're sapient beings (although some societies (mainly ones that prize monogamy) still discriminate against them, but that's for a completely different reason).
If you dont mind my asking, just out of curiosity, where did this stem from? Idk why, its just striking me as a bit... odd...
Gryvain Codex entry said:
During this period of exploration and settlement, the gryvain encountered another sapient race in their system, the tauric ehmris, who were still at a tribal level of technology and were quickly put through the gryvain equivalent of the U.G.C.’s Upliftment program that has resulted in the ehmris joining the gryvain in a near-equal status in society and military roles, though they possess little political power in the Republic.
The ehmris having near-equal social status to the gryvain despite having much less political power provides strong evidence that the GHR's culture is strongly anti-discriminatory, and that gryvain politicians are very considerate of the needs and wants of non-gryvain. Expanding on this, I thought that the very concept of racism was alien to them (at least at the societal level), and it was only contact with the UGC that introduced them to it.
Uh.... i dont wanna be judgy or rude, man, but... ok im sorry but i cant think of any other way of saying it so im just gonna be blunt here, at least in my eyes this is slightly bordering on some Fallout: The Frontier level stuff here, man. Like, this is kinda toeing a very fragile and dangerous line, here, if you get my meaning.
Now that I think about it, comparing it to sexual stimulation probably was a bad idea; a more accurate analogy might be like... a really good massage? An extension of this head-canon is that an ausar's early experience with being petted would have a strong influence on their perception of later petting; if they were first petted as part of sexual pet-play, then they would consider it sexual*, but if they were first petted as a child by their parental figures, they'd consider it to be a gesture of familial affection with no sexual connotations and would thus find being petted as part of sexual pet-play disturbing (unless they have a fetish for incest and/or incest-play). I hope that clears up what I meant in my original post.
*Erra is a good example of this, and I think this is the reason she can cum from being petted; it's kind of like how Steele can sometimes have 'sympathy orgasms' from performing oral without receiving any sexual stimulation in return.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
The ehmris having near-equal social status to the gryvain despite having much less political power provides strong evidence that the GHR's culture is strongly anti-discriminatory, and that gryvain politicians are very considerate of the needs and wants of non-gryvain. Expanding on this, I thought that the very concept of racism was alien to them (at least at the societal level), and it was only contact with the UGC that introduced them to it.
I guess thats a fair assumption to make.

Damm, now im pretty curious as to what the actual relation between these species and stuff is. Is what you said the case, or were the Gryvian just being nice for the sake of it? Were there Gryvian that protested against the uplifting? What the hell does an ehmris even look like?!?!

So many questions! Hopefully in the future well get the answers!

Now that I think about it, comparing it to sexual stimulation probably was a bad idea; a more accurate analogy might be like... a really good massage? An extension of this head-canon is that an ausar's early experience with being petted would have a strong influence on their perception of later petting; if they were first petted as part of sexual pet-play, then they would consider it sexual*, but if they were first petted as a child by their parental figures, they'd consider it to be a gesture of familial affection with no sexual connotations and would thus find being petted as part of sexual pet-play disturbing (unless they have a fetish for incest and/or incest-play). I hope that clears up what I meant in my original post.
Yeah thats way better. Though im not really sold on the "influence" bit. Seems a bit too... pavlovian? Idk. Regardless Im pretty sure for animals in general, humans included, its really all about the context of the situation that determines the energy of things.

For a comparison, its kinda like this:

Vs, well, erra.

You get what im saying, or am i just coming off as crazy here?

As for erra cumming just from pets.... i think shes just kinky af, lol.


Well-Known Member
Damm, now im pretty curious as to what the actual relation between these species and stuff is. Is what you said the case, or were the Gryvian just being nice for the sake of it? Were there Gryvian that protested against the uplifting? What the hell does an ehmris even look like?!?!
All we know is that they're tauric, come from the same star system as the gryvain, and were tribal prior to being uplifted. I'd imagine there was some debate concerning the ethics of uplifting a tribal species, which the 'yes' camp won.
You get what im saying, or am i just coming off as crazy here?
I get it. Perhaps I was overestimating or overstating the whole influence thing.
As for erra cumming just from pets.... i think shes just kinky af, lol.
I don't think anyone could argue with that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
All we know is that they're tauric, come from the same star system as the gryvain, and were tribal prior to being uplifted. I'd imagine there was some debate concerning the ethics of uplifting a tribal species, which the 'yes' camp won.
Well, heres hoping we see one in game someday.

I get it. Perhaps I was overestimating or overstating the whole influence thing.

Good. Was worried i was talking nonsense, as usual, lol. As for overestimating/overstating, idk, man. Thats a question for a smarter man than i.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Silly mode thing for penny. Idk if bimbo/cumslut exclusive, tho: "what does the fox say?" reference while making penny beg for dick. Could work on any fox character now that i think about it.

Hell, could even work on steele if they fjt the bill and are begging for it from a dommy character like sera or luca


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Dandruff and fleas must be a bitch for mammal animalistic aliens.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Dandruff and fleas must be a bitch for mammal animalistic aliens.
Oh god i never even considered that! What is hair care like for fully furred species? They must spend a fortune on shampoo! And drying off must be a bitch too, unless theyve got like a step in blow dryer, kinda like one of those hurricane simulation thingies.

And what about stuff like shedding, combing, cutting, or even dying and styling?

There are so many variables to this, omg.
Feb 2, 2021
Oh god i never even considered that! What is hair care like for fully furred species? They must spend a fortune on shampoo! And drying off must be a bitch too, unless theyve got like a step in blow dryer, kinda like one of those hurricane simulation thingies.

And what about stuff like shedding, combing, cutting, or even dying and styling?

There are so many variables to this, omg.
True, you'd think Shear Beauty and Vava Groom would be a lot busier than they are.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
True, you'd think Shear Beauty and Vava Groom would be a lot busier than they are.
Ikr? Though, now that i think about it, seeing as how expensive going to a salon or whatever so regularly would likely be, it kinda makes sense that they arent that busy, cuz all the furred species would likely just do as much maintenance on themselves as they can to save moolah.

Theres a lot of deep think going on here, lol.

And we need to go deeper...
Feb 2, 2021
Theres a lot of deep think going on here, lol.

And we need to go deeper...
And why not? We've got all this time while we wait for more content to roll out- :p

But I'll tell you who desperately needs professional groomers - the 'taurs. Seems unlikely they can bend enough to brush their own hindquarters, which raises the ugly probability that they can't do much to clean their own arse/genitals, either.

Fortunately, we're talking TiTS and not CoC or other fantasy realms, and there are showers and drones. Hmm, I wonder if Leithan colonized worlds have something like an automated car wash where they can just trot in and get scrubbed down...

(Hate to think what Amber smelled like after being stuck in the Mhen'ga jungle - going through multiple heats - getting "romanced" minimum 5 times by Steele before she can be recruited - no wonder the poor thing loves that shower!)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
But I'll tell you who desperately needs professional groomers - the 'taurs. Seems unlikely they can bend enough to brush their own hindquarters, which raises the ugly probability that they can't do much to clean their own arse/genitals, either.
I actually remember a line from Monster Musume (again no clue if im spelling that right).

Centaurea said she simply uses a brush with a long handle.

If you mad it so you could make sections bend to reach around places, thats pretty much problem solved.

Alternatively, you could also have q sort of scratching post system, with a brush mounted on the wall or whatever, or one of those big cattle scratcher thingies. Or hell, maybe go all out and have fucking car wash style brushes!

I just thought of an advert for whatev basicalpy a taur car wash!

"Is you taur dirty, and not in the fun way? Then come on down to taur wash! Well scrub away all nasty gunk and grime, dry em off, and leave em with a nice scent of your choise, with additional interior cleaning and optional lubrication! Satisfaction guaranteed! Now also servicing other large bodied beings, such as nagas and fanfir!"

Edit: Ffs, i got shafted by my skimming habit again! Sorry, lol.
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