TiTS Pregnancies


Active Member
Jun 30, 2021
It seems like the Wiki never gets updated, so does anyone have a list of all the NPCs who can impregnate the PC?


Active Member
Dec 29, 2021
This is everyone I've found who can impregnate the PC. Some require special circumstances and others require extremely high fertility, unfortunately I don't remember what each one requires.

Named NPCs
Ara Kei Enya
Gel Zon
Ilaria Ilgade
Imryllia Teyaal
Kase Bokiil
Mirrin Arkosduttir
Queen Taivra
Riya Batra
Remi-Kellen Lah
Selarith Teyall
Sera Landon
Sylvie Bartheon
Zaalt Kandar

Generic / Other encounters
Ausar Twin Fuckdolls
Bored Jumpers
Bothrioc Pidemme
Bothrioc Quadomme
Cyberpunk Security Operative
Easter Jumper
Gryvain Techie
Korgonne Raider
Kui-Tan Lieutenant
Laquine Fuckdoll
Milodan Amazon
Milodan Bruiser
Milodan War Lion
Naleen Herm
Naleen mating ball
Nyrea Alpha
Nyrea Beta
Parasitic Lapinara
Pollen Dancer Zils
Queen of the Deep
Raskvel Gang
Raskvel Trap
Shock Hopper
Sydian Herm
Treated Zil
Venus Pitcher Elder
Venus Pitcher
Zil on Mhen'ga

At Miscreant Manor on New Texas {laquine, kaithrit, ausar & Zephyr}
At Cherry's Tap Hall on Zheng Shi {laquine, Egg Trainer}


Active Member
Jun 30, 2021
This is everyone I've found who can impregnate the PC. Some require special circumstances and others require extremely high fertility, unfortunately I don't remember what each one requires.

Named NPCs
Amber - Deertaur found on Mhen'ga, can be recruited as crew if PC becomes pregnant by her. Babies tend to be human, seems to max out at 3 kids. She will acknowledge if you're pregnant with her kids, and if she's on your crew will have 'Bonding' scenes available. She will show up when you give birth to offer support.

Ara Kei Enya - Myrellion near the entrance. You have to be pretty addicted to the biothric for them to show any interest in you, which puts you at risk of a 'bad end' with another biothric leader during a quest for them. Eggs.

Chance - Faux Cow on Dhaal in the bar. You have to have asked him about his kinks, apparently maxes out around 3 kids. If you're on planet when you give birth, he will be there to help you at the hospital.

Dreghan - Uveto random encounter. Takes a bit of talking. Kor'gonne pups.

Edan - eggs, seems to be only two. Tarkus bar, doesn't take much persuading. Will acknowledge if you're carrying his eggs with pride.

Gel Zon - Uveto, the 'stone' warrior dude. Seems to take several tries, usually only one egg. Will not fight you if you're pregnant with his egg.

Haley - New Texas. Kids depends on PC's original race.

Ilaria Ilgade - Ausar modded to look more like a bunny, works in the ice cream shop on Tavros's residential deck. You have to order the first ice cream option with the 'special' topping before she'll have sex with you.

Imryllia Teyaal - Haven't encountered her yet, even though I've gotten all the probes, at least not that I recall.

Jasvalla - On Tavros, you may see a 'Dzaal' option. Clicking on it will start the interactions with her, with her declaring that she is going to chase you down and make you her pet. She will show up as a random encounter on various worlds depending on your levels. You can get pregnant on loss screens or through a victory option, and on losses will give you special attention if you're pregnant with her offspring. Repeated losses will get you an invitation to her apartment. Repeated visits to her apartment can lead to a 'Bad End' with you becoming addicted to her cum and being a broodmare to her.

Kase Bokiil - Kaithrit met on Mhen'ga as a representative for a company trying to get a lost drone back. If you get the drone back, he'll go hang out in the bar for a few days, where you can recruit him to your ship if you buy out his contract. He has breastfeeding scenes and sex scenes and can get you pregnant, doesn't seem to have any special scenes or acknowledge if you're pregnant with his kits.

LDC - Never got a sex scene with them and only encountered them once, so I don't know what the details of the pregnancy are.

Malai - Raksvel on Dhaal in a shop. Doesn't seem to acknowledge a pregnancy induced by him in any way, and it progresses as a generic raskvel pregnancy.

Mica - Haven't run into them that I recall.

Mirrin Arkosduttir - New Texas Gym. There's a rather long questline to have her one baby, including working out with her quite a lot.

Quaelle - Breedwell Incubation Center. It takes SEVERAL tries to get knocked up by her, and it seems like there's a time limit for how long she is capable of impregnating you for. Single slug baby every time. You can't be a taur to get to Breedwell.

Queen Taivra - Myrellion, the 'final boss' to get the probe. You can only get fertilized eggs at certain times of day from her.

Renvra - Myrellion, the red ant town, runs a shop. Will basically fuck you if you ask, you can get eggs from her or ask her about breeding to get the option to 'get spunk' for the chance to be impregnated with live young.

Riya Batra - Racist ass human cop on Tavros in the merchant area. Will acknowledge your pregnancy but won't be there when you give birth or anything like that. Will sometimes show up in the nursery to teach the kids to be racist.

Remi-Kellen Lah - RK, the 'wordwolf' of the Zil on Mhen'ga. Met after getting the quest from the plantation owner. You can only have sex with him if you get him sent to Gastigoth from what I've seen so far.

Selarith Teyall - Mhen'ga. A gryvian you run into while trying to get the lost drone for Kase - there is an impregnation chance, but it doesn't seem terribly high. Egg.

Sera Landon - Tavros, merchant deck. It's easy to get her to have sex with you, but getting pregnant by her requires a LOT of work and supplying her with Priapin. Human kids.

Shekka - has to have been given a horsecock after her questline. Takes a fair bit of money.

Sylvie Bartheon - Moose-taur on Canadia. You have to get her drunk the first time, but after that you can 'chill' together whenever. Single moose-taur child, which will be born via C-Section if you are not a taur yourself.

Urbolg - Zheng Shi, first one you meet there. Korgonne. Regular Korgonne pregnancy.

Vark - Uveto, in a cave near the bottom of the map in the wilderness. Milodan. A bad end is possible with him - fairly standard Milodan pregnancy.

Zaalt Kandar - Milodan. The one and only chance you have to get pregnant from him is if you lose to him during the ice queen quest and he rapes you, after which you never see him again. Standard milodan pregnancy.

Zephyr - Dickgirl Treated on New Texas, right outside Big T's office, also possible at the stocks in front of Miscreant Manor. Seems to always result in five babies.

Generic / Other encounters
Ausar Twin Fuckdolls - haven't met that I remember
Bored Jumpers - Zheng Shi. Live birth.
Bothrioc Pidemme - Myrellion. Eggs.
Bothrioc Quadomme - Myrellion. Eggs.
Cyberpunk Security Operative - Zheng Shi. Live Kaithrit birth.
Easter Jumper - Zheng Shi during Easter event. Eggs.
Frostwyrm - Uveto, outer edges to the east. You have to beat it a few times, then lose to it and take it up on the breeding offer. You can stay in it's cave with it during pregnancies, and can end up staying permanently as a bad end. Eggs.
Gryvain Techie - Starting area. Eggs.
Korgonne Raider - Uveto. Live birth.
Kui-Tan Lieutenant - Haven't run into that I recall
Laquine Fuckdoll - Haven't run into
Milodan Amazon - Uveto. Live birth.
Milodan Bruiser - Uveto. Live birth.
Milodan - Uveto. Live birth.
Milodan War Lion - Uveto. Live birth.
Naleen Herm - Mheng'a. Live birth.
Naleen - Mheng'a. Live birth.
Naleen mating ball - Mheng'a, during the Plantation quest line. After the quest, you can climb the waterfall again and choose to 'fall' to land in it again. Live birth.
Nyrea Alpha - Myrellion. Eggs.
Nyrea Beta - Myrellion. Eggs.
Parasitic Lapinara - Haven't run into
Pollen Dancer Zils - Mheng'a. Live birth, will change your milk type to honey.
Queen of the Deep - One-time encounter in Myrellion's Deep Caves. If you surrender or lose to her, she fills you with her spawn. As of yet, it seems like you can only find her once.
Raskvel Gang - Tarkus. Eggs.
Raskvel Trap - Tarkus. Eggs.
Salvagers - Tarkus Ruskvel. Eggs.
Shock Hopper - Zheng Shi. Lapinara if I recall correctly, live birth.
Sydian Herm - Tarkus. Live human birth.
Sydian - Tarkus. Live human birth.
Treated Zil - Live birth, changes milk type to honey.
Venus Pitcher Elder - seeds.
Venus Pitcher - seeds.
Zil on Mhen'ga - Live birth. Will change milk type to honey, can have random encounters with the father that go peacefully and basically involve cuddling, and if in labor out in the Mhen'ga wilds, the father will show up and take you to his village for a midwife to help you birth.

At Miscreant Manor on New Texas {laquine, kaithrit, ausar & Zephyr}
At Cherry's Tap Hall on Zheng Shi {laquine, Egg Trainer}
Okay, trying to add where everyone can be found and details about them! Thank you so much for the list!
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Jan 11, 2018
Does anyone have a similar list for NPC pregnancies? That's more my style of breeding. Selarith was a pleasant surprise for me, hoping to discover more not on the wiki


Active Member
Dec 29, 2021
This everyone I've found that can be impregnated by the PC.

Named NPCs
Aina Berkanis
Feruze Vraqquis
Illaria Ilgade
Imryllia Teyaal
Captain Khorgan Brytheck
Mirrin Arkosduttir
Nephelee (Ellie)
Quinn {her daughter stay with her and will not be sent to the nursery} [one time only duing Pollen Dance Festival]
Roxy Aiken
Samurenth Tyraso
Selarith Teyall
Sera Landon
Stella D’Amore {her kids stay with her and will be sent to her nursery}
Sylvie Bartheon
Ula {her kids stay with her and will not be sent to the nursery}

Generic / Other Encounters
Bored Jumper (brown)
Bored Jumper (creamy)
Bored Jumper (gray)
Bored Jumper (white)
Frog Girl {her kids stay with her and will not be sent to the nursery}
Milodan Priestess {her kids stay with her and will not be sent to the nursery}
Raskvel Dockmaster {her kids will not be sent to the nursery}
Raskvel Female {you have to know about her pregnancy and be at Tarkus at the time she gives birth to take one of the kids to the nursery}
Sydian Female {her kids stay with her and will not be sent to the nursery}
Vanae Huntress {her kids stay with her and will not be sent to the nursery}
Vanae Maiden {her kids stay with her and will not be sent to the nursery}
Zil Female {you have to know about her pregnancy and be at M'henga at the time she gives birth to take the kids to the nursery}


Jan 11, 2018
This everyone I've found that can be impregnated by the PC.

Named NPCs
Aina Berkanis
Feruze Vraqquis
Illaria Ilgade
Imryllia Teyaal
Captain Khorgan Brytheck
Mirrin Arkosduttir
Nephelee (Ellie)
Quinn {her daughter stay with her and will not be sent to the nursery} [one time only duing Pollen Dance Festival]
Roxy Aiken
Samurenth Tyraso
Selarith Teyall
Sera Landon
Stella D’Amore {her kids stay with her and will be sent to her nursery}
Sylvie Bartheon
Ula {her kids stay with her and will not be sent to the nursery}

Generic / Other Encounters
Bored Jumper (brown)
Bored Jumper (creamy)
Bored Jumper (gray)
Bored Jumper (white)
Frog Girl {her kids stay with her and will not be sent to the nursery}
Milodan Priestess {her kids stay with her and will not be sent to the nursery}
Raskvel Dockmaster {her kids will not be sent to the nursery}
Raskvel Female {you have to know about her pregnancy and be at Tarkus at the time she gives birth to take one of the kids to the nursery}
Sydian Female {her kids stay with her and will not be sent to the nursery}
Vanae Huntress {her kids stay with her and will not be sent to the nursery}
Vanae Maiden {her kids stay with her and will not be sent to the nursery}
Zil Female {you have to know about her pregnancy and be at M'henga at the time she gives birth to take the kids to the nursery}
Amazing, thank you so much for the prompt and thorough reply!
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Oct 28, 2022
Does Gel Zon require win or loss scene for a chance to get knocked up? I'm guessing it must be a win for the MC, but just to be sure, does anyone know?


New Member
Sep 15, 2023
This everyone I've found that can be impregnated by the PC.

Named NPCs
Aina Berkanis
Feruze Vraqquis
Illaria Ilgade
Imryllia Teyaal
Captain Khorgan Brytheck
Mirrin Arkosduttir
Nephelee (Ellie)
Quinn {her daughter stay with her and will not be sent to the nursery} [one time only duing Pollen Dance Festival]
Roxy Aiken
Samurenth Tyraso
Selarith Teyall
Sera Landon
Stella D’Amore {her kids stay with her and will be sent to her nursery}
Sylvie Bartheon
Ula {her kids stay with her and will not be sent to the nursery}

Generic / Other Encounters
Bored Jumper (brown)
Bored Jumper (creamy)
Bored Jumper (gray)
Bored Jumper (white)
Frog Girl {her kids stay with her and will not be sent to the nursery}
Milodan Priestess {her kids stay with her and will not be sent to the nursery}
Raskvel Dockmaster {her kids will not be sent to the nursery}
Raskvel Female {you have to know about her pregnancy and be at Tarkus at the time she gives birth to take one of the kids to the nursery}
Sydian Female {her kids stay with her and will not be sent to the nursery}
Vanae Huntress {her kids stay with her and will not be sent to the nursery}
Vanae Maiden {her kids stay with her and will not be sent to the nursery}
Zil Female {you have to know about her pregnancy and be at M'henga at the time she gives birth to take the kids to the nursery}
Hi. Sorry to respond to this thread again after months, but two quick questions.
1. Is this list up to date?
2. How in the world did you get Imryllia pregnant? I've been completely unable to.

Thanks in advance for your response


Active Member
Dec 29, 2021
Hi. Sorry to respond to this thread again after months, but two quick questions.
1. Is this list up to date?
2. How in the world did you get Imryllia pregnant? I've been completely unable to.

Thanks in advance for your response
Hi. To answer your questions;
1} No my post is not up to date. At the time I posted it I had no information regarding new characters or anything about the characters on Phaedra. But all the other information I gathered is there.
2} To impregnate Imryllia you have to successfully steal the Sidewinder then return to Zheng Shi three times and beat Imyrillia in battle all three times. After the last battle her ship is too badly damaged to return to the hanger and you must choose to save her. After that you should be able to encounter her near Vulriks' shop. During this and all later encounters at this location you will be given the choice to fuck Imyrllia or her daughter Selarith, both of which has a chance to result in either your Steele being pregnant if they have a vagina or either Imyrllia or Selarith becoming pregnant depending on which one you chose to fuck.

I hope this answers your questions.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2023
You can impregnate Selarith, but not Dr. Teyaal - believe me my Steele has tried numerous times.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
This is everyone I've found who can impregnate the PC. Some require special circumstances and others require extremely high fertility, unfortunately I don't remember what each one requires.

Named NPCs
Ara Kei Enya
Gel Zon
Ilaria Ilgade
Imryllia Teyaal
Kase Bokiil
Mirrin Arkosduttir
Queen Taivra
Riya Batra
Remi-Kellen Lah
Selarith Teyall
Sera Landon
Sylvie Bartheon
Zaalt Kandar

Generic / Other encounters
Ausar Twin Fuckdolls
Bored Jumpers
Bothrioc Pidemme
Bothrioc Quadomme
Cyberpunk Security Operative
Easter Jumper
Gryvain Techie
Korgonne Raider
Kui-Tan Lieutenant
Laquine Fuckdoll
Milodan Amazon
Milodan Bruiser
Milodan War Lion
Naleen Herm
Naleen mating ball
Nyrea Alpha
Nyrea Beta
Parasitic Lapinara
Pollen Dancer Zils
Queen of the Deep
Raskvel Gang
Raskvel Trap
Shock Hopper
Sydian Herm
Treated Zil
Venus Pitcher Elder
Venus Pitcher
Zil on Mhen'ga

At Miscreant Manor on New Texas {laquine, kaithrit, ausar & Zephyr}
At Cherry's Tap Hall on Zheng Shi {laquine, Egg Trainer}
Someone link this on the wiki, Jesus christ....


New Member
Sep 15, 2023
Hi. To answer your questions;
1} No my post is not up to date. At the time I posted it I had no information regarding new characters or anything about the characters on Phaedra. But all the other information I gathered is there.
2} To impregnate Imryllia you have to successfully steal the Sidewinder then return to Zheng Shi three times and beat Imyrillia in battle all three times. After the last battle her ship is too badly damaged to return to the hanger and you must choose to save her. After that you should be able to encounter her near Vulriks' shop. During this and all later encounters at this location you will be given the choice to fuck Imyrllia or her daughter Selarith, both of which has a chance to result in either your Steele being pregnant if they have a vagina or either Imyrllia or Selarith becoming pregnant depending on which one you chose to fuck.

I hope this answers your questions.
Did not mean to make it seem like I ignored your post, but for some reason yours didn't show up until this morning. I appreciate your response as well. If that's the case, then Imyrllia is just built different lmao