This is embarrassing.


New Member
Apr 1, 2024
So it's taken me an embarrassingly long time to realize there are 3 exits from Hawkethrone and I was just going between Harvest valley and The Old Forest. 32 days ingame and i've completed the Alrune quest and working my way through Harvest valley but I was stopped at the various quests demanding stone and wood. I kept reading the wiki wrong and thought they meant the old Forest but after days of running in circles I hadn't seen a single stone piece:( back to the wiki had me notice I was in the wrong spot and it said the foothills was accessible from the village. running back to the village has me questioning if i'm missing something and I have been. THERE ARE 3 EXITS‍♀


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I feel you there. I began my first game in the Harvest Valley, and didn't leave it until I finished traversing through it and completing its by-then available quests. When I found out about the forest and Brint joined the fray, it felt extremely awkward XD