Thief Ideas? High crit strength build mostly.


Aug 29, 2024
Hiya! Right now I am trying to be a high crit punchy thief, so far I love being a thief so much more than being a charmer! It really suits my gamestyle and how I play other rpgs. (Agility Strength stuff mostly) I beat Sigrune so easily that it felt like a joke. I am mostly putting off doing the story, getting side quests done and grinding. I have Cait, Brint, Atugia, Quin, and Arona currently. I use, right now, Cait an Atugia because Atugia stops people from hitting me and Cait heals, but I am probably going to change them at some point when I progress.

I am using duel balance blades rn but I am thinking of what weapon I should work towards or go after, since admittedly I am not too good with figuring this out. Because of researching the board and looking at some builds I saw, I know some armor and items I am going to go after like winged sabatons and royal gloves because it seems this is used a lot between different people.

- Primary
Balanced Blade
Balanced Blade
- Head
★Silver Mask for Equanimity
- Neck
Ward Amulet
- Shoulders
Flame Cape
- Armor
Leather Jerkin
- Top
Linen Tunic
- Bottom
Silk Underpants
- Waist
★Champion's Belt
- Hands
★Golden Carrot
- Feet
Tabi Boots
- Ring
Lucky Strike
- Ring
Lucky Strike

Level 5
Strength: 14
Agility: 16
Willpower: 6
Toughness: 6
Cunning: 14
Presence: 7
Attack Power:
Armor Penetration:
Spell Penetration:
Critical Chance:

I am unsure of what powers for sure to use as well, I currently use Equanimity, Cleave, Mark for Death (I don't care for this one too much), Garrote, and Assassinate (I haven't needed to use it. so I am wondering if I should switch it for something I def will use.

Looking for ideas on:
Maybe items, if you have ideas?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
This look to be about what I would do if I wanted to have a thief build. Honestly, any suggestion I could make would only really tinker on the margins.

You could swap out your encounter for Deadly Shadows.
If you are fine with Z-cup breasts then there is also the hornet ring.

I would make your primary the Dawnsword since it is literally the best One-handed.

Maybe make your offhand the santified gladius or the Wing of Asira. Wing of Asira isn't that great, but it prevents disarm which can be crippling for a thief. Holy is right now the best damage type in the game right now since most enemies are weak to it, but few are resistant.

I would choose Eye of Weakness for your level 7. Perfect positioning is nice, but Eye for Weakness is just too good. Maybe once you get eye for weakness, swap one of your power for grease. That gives you a two turn stun.

Keep in mind that no class or build is good against all encounters. Some encounters will now be a breeze for thiefs, but some easy encounters will stumble you. Also threat generation is still a real problem for thief.


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2018
Get a ranged weapon and use the power Triple shot, a tank to prevent being curbstomped from aggro and support to boost damage and heal(Etheryn or Agnimitra)

I recommend going to kitsune den and completing the task from Rindo to obtain Chrysanthemum petal for triple shot if you're planning on dual wielding.
Alternatively get kunai for bleed debuff

If you're fine with pregnancy requirements, Tetsuya can give you the Regal Kimono, which buffs fire and blight damage by 20% which can allow you to deal even more damage with weapons like Fire wand or Assassin's Bow
Hana (In Frostwoods/Near kitsune den) can also give you a ring that increases crit chance against all enemies after a crit, but I think you need a pussy to obtain it from her romance route.

Completing Berwyn quest gives you a wizard hat that can increase attack power.

If you haven't done the Winter Wolf quest yet, unlock arona's hawkeye set and allow the lureling to copy her (dont grab circlets during questline) and then mirror stance her "Pierce and Fade" power. In the same dungeon, there should be gloves of giant strength with 15 armor pen

As Pallet said, eye for weakness is best and can enhance the debuffs caused by assassin bow, hana's ring and "pierce and fade"

Buy the Flames Within (Level 7) power from khor'minos for more attack power

Recommended gear is Titanic Hat, Regal Kimono, Gloves of str, Hana's ring,
1-hand weapon: Fire rod or assassin's bow

Dual wield: Chrys petal or kunai and whatever else you prefer

Powers: Pierce and Fade, Triple shot, Flames within
Perk: Eye for Weakness

That's the best I can think of.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
Hello again and good for you that you found where you wanted to take your PC, thief is a good class for those who want maximum damage. Twist the Knife's boost is one fourth of an encounter power boost in damage for any debuffed enemy, so you want to abuse it as much as possible. For a thief you have a few choices for where to take it.

Thief's are evasive and hit hard so the gear you need is mostly the same with some builds changing out a few things, high evasion armor such as the Kunoichi Bodysuit and crit boosting items like Lucky Strike are important but might be replaced for the build. Items like the Gloves Giants of Strength or Champion belt could be switch out for Golden Carrot or Belt with a Pouch, It is up to you on what you feel like you need more of or what effect you feel better works for you. You can always look at the wiki to see all the gear you can get bar some of the new stuff like the Golden Carrot or the White Blossom Ring.

Magic and Might all in one package for blowing holes in any force, a powerful build for it's versatility and ability to use many different powers. SpellBlades are good for big damage and nuking more so deal with threat by not having to, Grease and other disruption powers are good as you can pick up Eye for Weakness to make sure you can get set up and sweep.

This is a Spell Blade by the fact that the At-Will Blue Flame Blade is based on WillPower as most of the other powers you are using are physical attacks other then the various smites and duel damage moves if you pick one of them, spells can be use but physical attacks are better to abuse the way you are built. You need to be a KITSUNE to use this build as you can't get the At-Will power otherwise, this means giving up your soul locking you out of some stuff.

Your basic set up is Blue Flame Blade and Grease with your pick of A.O.E such as Cleave and other powers to use the fire damage to purify your enemies, the point is to weaken and stun your enemies and nuke them with massive fire attacks along with any party members that can abuse a fire weakness. As a fox you can also use Kitsunetsuki along with Eye for Weakness to have any enemy debuffed for six round or eight if you have the Fox Jewel, for bosses this means you can debuff them for two and a half rounds or more depending on the amount of turns.

For gear only a few thing would need to changed or picked up such as the FlameTongue Blade and the Fox Jewel, you can also use two Flame Daggers if you want to duel wield or you can get and use Ashelander but both of these options don't come with both a bonus to spellpower and spell pen that the jewel and blade combo has. For a good armor I would recommend the Regal Kimono for its boost to fire damage, it's not absolutely needed but it's helpful and if being souls bound is a deal breaker then the Habit or vestment can be used.

A holy damage At-Will weapon buff based on WillPower and much like Blue Flame Blade you will most likely be using a majority physical attacks or other duel damage moves such as smites, this build have more freedom in it's power choice as you don't need to slot in Grease to better make up for the many resists that fire that not that a A.O.E stun is a bad thing to have.

For what to do it's up to you really, many ways to build and not many ways to do it super wrong. You can run Smites and Power Wave or Holy Shock and do fairly fine, equip a Kunai and any other light weapon and use the cleave power and watch as all enemies are left bleeding and ready to be hit with bonus damage and another power like deadly shadow. Both Arona and Cait's spellblade sets show how you can work fairly well with most powers and even a spell mixed in too, tinker with what you feel best using.

The gear you need is defined by what you want in powers mostly, a bow for ranged or a knife, two daggers for a duel attack, a non heavy two handed weapon for powers that need one, and maybe even a catalyst and a sword to use spell and weapon attacks better.

Look it's not super crazy but you could switch out the buff for a power to boost your crits or make you immune to being knocked prone, it's there and you can use the invested WillPower to boost a smite power.

For non magical thief's you will mostly want the same good physical attacks but now with a power to gain obscurment before hand as to not get nuked from threat gain, duel wielding can be a good route to go down as you can get quite a bit of damage out of hitting twice.

What to do with this setup would most likely be setting up a power for obscurment such as Sneak Attack and then attack with your big attacks like Cleave and Deadly Shadow, some debuff powers would also be good to have such as Acid Flask , Smoke Bomb, and Estrus Flask as they can be used gain your Twist the Knife Bonus

Having a good tank to tank damage and a healer to heal you and the tank is important, it's the basic party setup of tank, damager dealer, healer. Any team member that can inflict a status can be useful to have or anyone who can also abuse the debuffs you inflict will be a great addition to the team.

Gear is once again up to what powers you want to use, but do keep in mind that you will most likely need a another weapon that can deal some elemental damage such as the Chrysanthemum Petal or DawnSword for there holy damage that can hit ghosts and the like while also helping deal this some of the more armored opponents. One weapon I like to use is the Kunai with A.O.E attacks to mass bleed everyone,