The White Hat Hacker Gorgon: Treiby [Editors Wanted][WIP: Update 01.10.2019]


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hey y'all. It's ya boi JohanLitvsk (better know as RemRoss) coming at you live with the TF boi's very first NPC (There are no others). Treiby is one big snek (Gorgon, really) who hacks the hackers for fun and profit. You can interact with her a friendly and sexy basis, tho be prepared to get fucked into the dirty if you do~!

Treiby Doc:

Change Log:

12.20.2018: Initial Work posted. Sex scenes coming shortly!

12.22.2018: Treiby's post-coital reprise is mostly up. Like with everything else, the sex scenes are coming eventually. Look forward to them!

12.28.2018: First sex scene is done!

12.30.2018: Anal sex is done!

01.10.2019: Tribbing scene is done! And belated Happy New Years, too.
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kachowski labowski

Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2018
I'm liking this character so far. Also haven't seen many grammatical errors, maybe like one or two places where you could change the wording or add/remove a letter. But otherwise, good! Need those sex scenes STAT!


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The first sex scene is done. I'm absolutely terrible at writing sex so keep that in mind when you absolutely destroy my attempt! Make sure to look out for grammatical errors and awkward phrasing!

kachowski labowski

Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2018
Mmk, got a couple questions. But first, just wanna say that this first scene, imo, was pretty good. A few there are a few minor errors that I see that I'm suggesting changes for, but still good. She might actually be the perfect character (for me, that is). Loved the lifting parts you added.


1. Besides the Rut scene, do you have any other vaginal sex scenes planned?
2. Possible Tail-Ride scene planned? I can't get it out of my head, what with how many times the size of her tail is mentioned. I could be wrong, but from what I've read, I think she'd be into putting it inside the PC :p.
3. You got some kinda sexual and/or non-sexual shower scene planned for PCs with normal/low libidos?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Mmk, got a couple questions. But first, just wanna say that this first scene, imo, was pretty good. A few there are a few minor errors that I see that I'm suggesting changes for, but still good. She might actually be the perfect character (for me, that is). Loved the lifting parts you added.


1. Besides the Rut scene, do you have any other vaginal sex scenes planned?
2. Possible Tail-Ride scene planned? I can't get it out of my head, what with how many times the size of her tail is mentioned. I could be wrong, but from what I've read, I think she'd be into putting it inside the PC :p.
3. You got some kinda sexual and/or non-sexual shower scene planned for PCs with normal/low libidos?

1. There are no other planned vaginal scenes as of right now. Maybe in a future expac, but we'll see.
2. Tail ride scene is packed in with the facial domination scene. That's coming soon, don't worry!
3. None are planned at moment! I intended the two shower scenes to be special, considering Treiby puts you in the proverbial dirt during actual sex.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Ok, we seriously fucking need a snake tf, now!

Preacher was working on one for a while, but it kept getting rejected, so he gave up


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Sorry for the bit of a longer turnover, but sometimes you just gotta take care of irl stuff. Treiby's tribbing scene is down, meaning we're finally halfway there to all her main sex scenes being complete! Make sure to smack her doc with edits and I'll keep trucking along with the content.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I want heeeer~! Unf! I do wonder though, will high willpower have any effect in those amazon endurance points? Also, Gorgon's Delight, this another project for the future?