The universe does not revolve around you


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Now I tried looking for something similar to this but all the posts I could find used my search terms in a generic manner so if someone already posted this, then I apologize.

It's true folks. Sad, but true. The universe as a whole does not wait for Steele to make a move. Many a life goes on without knowledge or care of one individual. There are other superstars or important figures. They have lives of their own and make huge decisions on their own without the help of Steele's intervention. As such I propose this idea. What if there were events that occurred off screen. Newsworthy events. Forshadowy events like military buildup in one sector of space or the rise of piracy in another. Events can occur some time after Steele has done things as well. Like the bridge that Syri is working on getting completed. And maybe, just maybe, time based events. For example, on day 20 the king of kings will declare a sex holiday on Ausaril on that day. If the player reaches that planet before then, then they can partake in a giant puppy-slut orgy. Or they can ingratiate themselves with the king and convince him to make a different holiday. If they don't, then they can just read about how it was orgytastic. What do y'all think? Pretty terrible idea right?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Idea is good I just hope it won;t later twisted by people that likes whole TiTSverse circling around PC Steele to change it. For sure few events that are happening at set time with or without PC (well PC arriving will allow us to decide outcome but if we not make it in time it will always go some set outcome) make game more interesting. Just not overdoing it too much imho.

Let pray devs will suprise us with such stuff in future. I do feel sometimes that outside some of nessesary things (vide always meeting rival at probes) seems like all happening only because PC is near :D

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
It does, though. It's a smut game.


Aug 26, 2015
Like most video games, the world does in fact revolve around the player character.  Your cousin will always have gotten to the Mhen'ga probe just moments before you did.  The pirates on Tarkus will not pretend to follow through with their threat to blow up the planet if you take too long to get there.

If Captain Steele walked into the Total Perspective Vortex it would tell them the truth, that they are the most important being in the universe because the universe of TiTS was created specifically to be played in by them.  All of the setting detail, while fun and interesting in its own right, exists first and foremost to allow the player's avatar to gain their preferred appearance and then run around banging all sorts of different aliens and furries.

Furthermore, while I create a new save file and start from scratch with nearly every major revision, many people play the same save file for as long as possible and thus are at hundreds of days in, far beyond any reasonable event timer.  So it's a bad idea on both philosophical and practical levels.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2015
The problem with this is that it's a lot of work for... not much payoff. Being a text game, TiTS is going to be hard-pressed to feel like a living, breathing world no matter how much effort is put into little random details like this.

That's...not quite true. Making the world feel alive is do-able, but at this point in TITS development is unreasonable it's something Fen would've had to have planned on from the start and started designing that way. It could still be done but it never will be because the changes would have HUGE implications not just on gameplay but on the way the game would have to be developed to make that work. 

As for the payoff? The payoff is in adding replay value instead of characters going everywhere seeing everything and doing everything in one playthrough. For example, imagine if time were relevant. If for example you had 'x' number of days to get probe 1 or your cousin gets there first and takes it. This would give the game the sense of urgency it lacks but it would also mean anytime you stopped to slut around with the locals your cousin is getting farther ahead of you meaning the PC would have a hard time catching up once they fall behind unless they skip everything and either try to come back for it later after they've got all the probes or start making hard choices about which probes to get and which ones to let the rival obtain. This means who you have time to meet and greet and sex up would change based on simply how much time you wasted dicking around on the first planet. It would also mean development would ahve to focus more on the main story and actually put enough probes out there to account for missing some and there'd have to be some goal number of probes to obtain to claim your family riches. It would change the entire way we play the game. 

I think this actually came up once before early on and was pretty much rejected out of hand.  That said having things happen off screen isn't totally without merit. For example, imagine if after leaving a world for awhile when you go back things changed? Maybe 100 days or so after leaving mhen'ga or awhile after getting badger arrested Penny gets promoted and so leaves mhen'ga and ends up somewhere else? Some new recruit takes her spot or once in awhile Flahne actually gets reprimanded for fucking on the job by.....whoever her boss is. Or Syri can be see actually at her day job like Kelly who works during the day and only visits the bar at night.  Maybe after leaving for awhile the plantation development progresses (and whether for better or worse is up to something you did or said on mhenga or didn't do). Just to name some examples. 

I'd love to see Tarkus progress, and the crew of the nova get their bodies and start actually appearing after you help them instead of just one goo girl/armor thing being the entirety of the result of that. I wouldn't mind it taking awhile to happen so long as it happened. Or something like if you take too long to fully resolve myrellions plot line the ceasefire does eventually break and the war starts again drastically changing conditions on planet.