Now I tried looking for something similar to this but all the posts I could find used my search terms in a generic manner so if someone already posted this, then I apologize.
It's true folks. Sad, but true. The universe as a whole does not wait for Steele to make a move. Many a life goes on without knowledge or care of one individual. There are other superstars or important figures. They have lives of their own and make huge decisions on their own without the help of Steele's intervention. As such I propose this idea. What if there were events that occurred off screen. Newsworthy events. Forshadowy events like military buildup in one sector of space or the rise of piracy in another. Events can occur some time after Steele has done things as well. Like the bridge that Syri is working on getting completed. And maybe, just maybe, time based events. For example, on day 20 the king of kings will declare a sex holiday on Ausaril on that day. If the player reaches that planet before then, then they can partake in a giant puppy-slut orgy. Or they can ingratiate themselves with the king and convince him to make a different holiday. If they don't, then they can just read about how it was orgytastic. What do y'all think? Pretty terrible idea right?
It's true folks. Sad, but true. The universe as a whole does not wait for Steele to make a move. Many a life goes on without knowledge or care of one individual. There are other superstars or important figures. They have lives of their own and make huge decisions on their own without the help of Steele's intervention. As such I propose this idea. What if there were events that occurred off screen. Newsworthy events. Forshadowy events like military buildup in one sector of space or the rise of piracy in another. Events can occur some time after Steele has done things as well. Like the bridge that Syri is working on getting completed. And maybe, just maybe, time based events. For example, on day 20 the king of kings will declare a sex holiday on Ausaril on that day. If the player reaches that planet before then, then they can partake in a giant puppy-slut orgy. Or they can ingratiate themselves with the king and convince him to make a different holiday. If they don't, then they can just read about how it was orgytastic. What do y'all think? Pretty terrible idea right?