The Syncharion Ascendance RP (Floozer, Khorne)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Syncharion... City of the Damned, Sin City, The Underworld; it has a lot of names. Infernal red lights light this city that never sleeps, and sounds of pleasure or pain are constantly in the air. Metal buildings are laid out in a chaotic, yet somehow orderly pattern, with each district following its own style. Succubi, Incubi, Djinns, Eidolons, and Ultima walk the streets or traverse them on the backs of Raveners, heading to their next source of devilish fun. In the distance, across the wastelands, shimmer the portals to the different realms, Earth, Jakisa, the land of the elves, Teryn, the land of the reptiles, Bajikan, the land of the dark elves, Tronheim, the land of the trolls and the orcs, and last but not least, Aquila, the land of the sea people. Each gate is guarded by the Gatewatchers, huge giants of animated metal, who watch and record the deeds of every demon currently in those realms.

It has been five thousand years since the last demon king was exiled, and Queen Kanikara took his place. The kingdom is getting restless, simply because a single demon has been in power far too long. This, of course, has led to some demons getting dreams of being the ones seated on the throne, and it is now an age of backstabbing, lying, cheating, and basically using any methods they can to get more followers, more influence, and more power. In this time of change, we find four of our aspirants, Melkor, Phorsaal, Klaus, and Colahr. They are all in their apartments, and are rather bored. [I'll leave the descriptions of your apartments to you. Keep it simple!]

They can either go to the bar to look for a job, head to the realm portals to catch slaves, or go to the Pain Houses to watch slaves getting the snot beaten out of them or fucked silly by creatures far too big for them. [Note: Whatever you do to the SOULS of slaves here will mot have any effect on them. You could chop off the head of a soul slave, and it would grow right back. It would still hurt like hell though. Actual bodies act like actual bodies. :p ]
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Phorsaal let out a sigh of boredom, her apartment really just wasn't keeping up with what she wanted any more. It was basically just one big room with the kitchen at the door, living room after that, bedroom to the right and bathroom to the left. If it wasn't for the doors blocking them off... it would be one room, it was certainly small enough to feel like it. Deciding enough was enough, she got to her feet, slipped on her shoes and went out the door and into the city. She needed a bigger place... a nicer place... and that meant money, so it was off to the bar for a job.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor wakes in his dinky little apartment and yawns audibly stretching a little before forming into his smokey form and making his way toward the kitchen, the apartment looked almost terrible it had barely any space and looked as if a mini tornado had gone through it obviously Melkor had no idea what the word neat meant. Melkor opened the door within his fridge and looked into it debating on what to consume for the morning he scratched at his bare ass yawning a little before slamming the door "Nothing!" He yelled to himself before slumping a bit and slowly zipping back into his room to put on proper clothes. Melkor was hungry and in need of work and if he was gonna make his way up in these lands he had to get his name out there, what better place to start than some bar! They have work, food and drinks what more can a Djinn ask for! Melkor put his clothes on a nice blue summer button up and some loose shorts to throw on as well, he scrambled for the door throwing some shoes on and zipping out the black smoke following behind him. He walked giving a bit of a cheerful whistle his stomach making audible growls which only made him whistle louder and make him walk much faster.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Living in the lower middle class district of the kingdom, there was only one bar that they could go to. Hark's. They make their way through the pedestrians on the street to a somewhat sleazy looking bar. From the outside, Hark's bar is a low slung, rather cheap looking building, with the word Hark's written over the top in bright red letters. Inside, the place looks a little more cozy, and they can see demons of various types lounging around on the couch like chairs. Some are solitary, some seem to be chatting about business, and some seemed to be making a social call. The beats of a heavy metal song vibrate through the room thrumming into their bones. Those of them that had bones, as it were. The bartender, Hark, was an Eidolon, who had taken the shape of a human male. He was around 5'7", and had black hair streaked with grey. His face was weathered and slightly wrinkled, like a man who had been out in the sun most of his life. He wore a regular white button up shirt, and black jeans. Of course, the only giveaway that he was an Eidolon were his glowing yellow eyes. Over to the side, a small ring of people had formed around the jobs board, and everyone was staring at the boards without really picking out anything.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With a smirk on her face she strut over to the board and used her height to her advantage, looking over the crowd of people to scan the board for open jobs she might be able to handle. While she was certainly hoping for something of high pay, those also warrent bigger risks and the idea of doing several small time jobs seemed far more appealing to her.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor sauntered into the bar and had a bit of a sniff specifically for food, he zipped over toward the bar and sat on a stool before slapping his had on the counter "Pardon me! Pardon me! does this establishment serve food..please say yes" Melkor said almost looking pleadingly toward the bartender before panning his head over toward the crowd where he would think the job board would sit...or just some really great pictures drew in a crowd, regardless Melkor was hungry and figured he'd get a feel for this bar before he set off to work. "So Mr....Hark? Is that there where the work is?" He asked gesturing toward the crowd to his left "Or am I wrong and you have the better board somewhere in the back..?" He raised his brow a bit before smirking.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Yes, we do. And yes, my name is Hark. And no, that's the job board alright." He reaches over and slides a menu towards Melkor. "Balluuk eye in Jarlen blood is on special today. A bit of a favourite with the regulars here." He says.

Phorsaal looks over the jobs on the board.
  1. Want a sex toy for a night. Look for the guy in a black trench coat sitting with a succubus in a skimpy dress. Reward is negotiable.
  2. Want a human female for a slave, look for the Djinn in the blue turban. Reward: 500 Cs.
  3. Want an elf slave. Look for the succubus wearing a skull bra. Reward: 1000 Cs.
  4. Want five merpeople slaves. Any gender. Look for the incubus with a whip and wearing a black shirt. Reward: 2000 Cs.
  5. Want three female imps. Look for the Eidolon in blue. Reward: 100 Cs.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
A grin spreads across her face and she steps away from the board to look around for the Eidolon in blue. Three female imps should be plenty easy to get so long as she didn't just walk into a group of them. After that, maybe should could take up that job for a human female. It has been a while since she went to the human realm... it could be interesting to take a peek once more.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She sees a rather bored looking man dressed in- Oh dear lord... A bright turquoise blue suit. With a dark blue shirt. And a turquoise tie. He stood out like a sore thumb around the dark settings of the bar. Or rather, like a very bright blue beacon on a dark night. He's staring into a glass of- Yep. You guessed it. Something blue, and stirring it with a straw. He glances up and casts his yellow eyes around the room, as if he can tell someone is looking at him. His eyes settle on Phorsaal's for just a moment before moving on.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
"I'll take two then!" Melkor states leaving the money on the counter before heading over towards the job board where the demons crowded around, he turned into a plume of smoke and whisked his way through the crowd an assortment of folks hearing in theirs heads a rather grumpy individual politely saying "Pardon me! Coming through I need to get in here!" Once he was finally in the front Melkor took a look at the board and read the jobs that were up for grabs. Most of them seemed pretty cut and dry find a specific gendered race and make the said person a slave, it didn't sound all too hard but two did catch his eye; one being individuals wanting a sex toy and the other being the enslavement of an elf. He wasn't the best at getting folks riled up like a Succubus could easily do but he had other methods of doing so...then again he was curious on the sex toy job and wanted to hear more about that. Finally making up his mind Melkor pointed at the Sex Toy mission and nod to himself "This one should be alright.." He said before turning to look at the demon crowd "Alright alright lemme get outta here jeez!" He would say before forming into a plume of smoke again back toward the bar stool where Hark was probably finishing up on the food he had ordered. "Hey Hark when your done just send the grub over to the table where..." He pauses and looks for the man in the black trench coat, once spotted he points and looks back towards Hark "There! thanks pal!" He hops off of the stool and makes his way toward the shady guy putting up his best smile...which sadly just looks like a creep's smile but that's the best you'll get from a demon.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The demon in the trench coat catches him walking over, and whispers something to the succubus with a slight grin on his face. She giggles and whispers something back, and both of them turn to fix their eyes on him. They look rather hungry... And not for food...

The demon in the trench coat leans forward when Melkor sits at the table. "Let's just cut to the chase. I assume you're here for the sex toy job, right? I do hope you know that means you get to be our sex toy for a night, right?" He says, grinning. The succubus curls her lips inwards to stop herself from laughing.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor looks at the two individuals for a good while mostly because he was processing the words of the fellow trench coated individual..and also because he was waiting for Hark to place the place the food in front him, he remained silent giving a very neutral stare at the two before finally Hark would show up to hand over the food. Upon halfway of Hark making his way to the table Melkor turns and grins at the man "Ah that's what I was waiting for thanks Hark your the best it's like I've known yah forever or whatever" Melkor nods toward Hark and begins to dig in not even saying word to the individuals as he eats almost inhaling the contents of the food. After about a good minute of silence and the sound of Melkor finishing up he simply belches and pats his stomach before belching "Oh ahem excuse me!" He would say smiling at the two a bit embarrassed. He adjusts himself in his chair before clearing his throat and looking toward the trench coated demon "Now say that I'm to be a sex here's the funny thing! Trust me this is hilarious the thing is when I read you little job post on the board it said you were in need of a sex toy now in my head i'm think oh well hell this is gonna be a cake walk I just gotta get some random toy to please some demons and be on my way easy peasy right?" He smiles and using his hands to further simulate his thoughts as he speaks "But now that i'm here apparently the toy your wanting is...well see the problem with that is that i'm no toy no no no faarrr from that John...your name is John right? Can I call you John? You look like a John no disrespect of course" He says nodding toward you and the succubus "Now here's the thing John..I can still help you maybe I help you find a toy...or maybe even a more permanent toy huh? You see where i'm going with this!" Melkor pauses for a bit rubbing his chin before kicking his feet up "As much as i'd love to indulge in you and...your partner's activities..I am a man of business and I couldn't do such a thing like that...but like I said..I could help you find someone who can...for a price of course!" He smiles and winks toward the succubus pausing for a moment letting them absorb all of what he had said. "But of course if that's not gonna work for you I can always go somewhere else you seem like your really wanting a toy soon and I am also very busy and have tasks to take care finding an Elf...if you'll excuse me I will be meeting with another but if you wanna do business just give me a yell" Melkor says as he stands to leave giving a bit of a bow and turning on the heel as he walks he turns back as if he forgot something "Oh's my card" He places a very plain playing card on the table but upon touch would shimmer into a business card containing means of contacting Melkor. Once he leaves that on the table he turns again and makes his way toward another table...maybe to find that skull bra succubus.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Well that's too bad. Could have used a good fuck..." The trench coat guy says, sitting back and murmuring something to the succubus before slipping his hand down her pants. She moans a little before saying something in reply that makes the male demon laugh.

The succubus in the skull bra looks up as he approaches. She has wavy bubblegum pink hair cascading over her shoulders, with a pair of ten inch long black horns curling back over her head. She has large, perky D cup breasts supported by a bra with a red skull on each pad. She's otherwise naked save for a bikini bottom patterned with an upraised middle finger. She raises an eyebrow as Melkor approaches her table, and leans forward when he sits, her breasts squishing together into the table top. He notices that her eyes are completely black. Apparently this one wasn't one of those who hid their true eyes. "So you're here for the job, hmm? To be honest, you don't look like much. An elf would probably eat you for breakfast and shit you out within a few minutes. Are you sure you're strong enough for this?" She says, sighing as if she's gone over this before.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Phorsaal approached the blue man with his blue drink looking all blue in the face as well. With a friendly smile she extended a hand to him "Greetings! You can call me Phorcide. I saw you had a job posting for three female imps. Still looking for a hunter to bring in that prize?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Yes. Yes I am. Please, do take a seat." He says, noticeably brightening a little. Getting a closer look at him, she can see that he's an Eidolon, with bright blue eyes, combed back hair, and neat white teeth. He was toeing a very fine line between pimp and overdressed...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She sits down and crosses her legs "So, any specific details I should know about? While imps are easy to catch, they can vary rather highly. though for only 100 credits... I assume you are not too picky?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Weeeellll I would like some pretty female ones if you don't mind. Maybe I'll bump it up to 200." He says, shrugging and stirring the straw around his glass a bit before drinking a bit of it. "Im starting a brothel, so... You know. Curves and faces are important." He says, giving Phorsaal a wry smile.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oooooh, a brothel you say? Imps would certainly make good free labor for that." She hums and rubs her chin "Kick it up to 200 credits, let me sample the wares before coming back and I will find you the best imps possible."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Hmm... Deal. And anyway, gotta spend to earn, right?" He says, smiling. "Alright. Get to work! I'll pay after I see the product, yeah?" He says.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She gets up and bows to him. "Those imps are as good as yours!" She turns and leaves the bar, heading for the wild lands between here and the portals to find some luscious imp ladies!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
It takes her an hour or so to get to the city gates, where she is stopped by the guards for routine stuff, and then she's out in the wastelands.

Red sand with black rocks stretches out as far as she can see before giving way to the portal grounds far off in the distance. The only living things in the wastelands were wild Ravener demons that would happily eat her, and imps. Those little buggers somehow seemed to survive everywhere. She should probably start searching for them or make enough noise to lure some of them out.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
While making noise would lure them out... it would also piss off the raveners and that was the last thing she wanted right now. Calling out her staff, she began to search around for imps hiding in small areas and out of the way locations.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The air is sweltering hot, the heat bouncing off the ground in waves. She would have been drenched in sweat had she had a physical body. An incubus or succubus definitely wouldn't come out to the wastelands...

It doesn't take long before she spies a group of around five naked imps lounging next to a pool of steaming, greenish water. They're chatting among each other, gesturing and waving in the air. She can see that there are four females and one male, but she'd have to get closer for a better look.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hmmm, this might be easier than she thought. She puts her staff away and focuses on her body, slowly shrinking down and taking the shape of an average imp woman. She clears her throat to use her most imp like voice before walking over to the group "H-hey there, is there room for one more?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
They all glance over at her. The male narrows his eyes a bit, probably sensing something was up. "'Ey, where'd she just suddenly pop up from?" The male asks. The females look at each other, then at Phorsaal. "Which tribe are you from?" One of the females asks, raising an eyebrow. All their postures are guarded, and they look ready to attack.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Shit... fuck fuck. Seems they had a structure, something she didn't expect. She took this time to appraise the females while making up an excuse. "I... I am not with a tribe. I have, literally, been living under a rock trying to hide from the ravenars!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The male glances at the females. "Doesnt exactly look like she's been digging tunnels... Look. She's too skinny!" He says. "Ilkarn, she already said she isn't with a tribe. You heard her." One of the females says. "Yeah, and we already know what that means! She's either lying or she's been exiled! And I'm inclined to believe it's the first!" He says, glaring at Phorsaal. "True. Not being in a tribe is pretty much a death sentence out here." A female says, glancing at her, then back at the other females.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She throws her hands up in the air "Fine! The one damn time I come out from my rock and all I get is suspicion and harsh words! I'm going home!" She stomps off, away from the imps and out of view. She clicks her tongue softly, not expecting them to have any kind of order. Time for plan B then. With a small snap of her fingers she fades from view, becoming invisible before walking back to simply appraise the females from afar. She stops though, and quickly sets up a lust aura to see if she can get some kind of influence going.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The females, all four of them, are rather cute, with button noses, and wavy brown or black hair, except for the one who sort of stood up for her, who had bright, fiery red hair. They have curvy bodies, forms that would look voluptuous on any normal woman, and a pair of small horns curling out of their foreheads. The male isn't that bad looking either, with a cock that seems to match his size hidden under his loincloth, and a relatively normal looking face.

When she casts the lust aura, the only person who seems to be visibly affected is the male, who sits up straighter and shifts a little uncomfortably, trying to hide his stiffening penis under his loincloth. The females shiver a bit and look at each other before shrugging and glancing at the male, their eyes fixating on his cock just a little longer than they should.
[Note, lust aura has levels. The first just gets people a little randy. Sensitivity varies from person to person, but right now you just have the basic level.]
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Phorsaal stood their and thought. All of these imps would work out perfectly for a brothel. But how could she possibly get them all? She could possess one of them and simply just walk away with her. But then the others would know something is up and trying again would probably fail. Attacking them straight up would not be wise, as 5 imps at once could possibly be an issue right now. Ah... now there is an idea. Walking away from the imps she hide behind an rock and focused on the area near by before casting an illusion, a fake ravenar slowly coming around a rock and blocking off any hope of escaping as it snarls and glares at the imps.