The Syncharion Ascendance RP (Floozer, Khorne)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
A giant tarantula with hair all over its body, steps around the corner of the rock. A giant mouth with four clicking mandibles dripping with venom lead to a drooling tooth filled maw. A pair of dragonfly wings sprout out of it's back, and it has spikes on the end of each leg, Six eyes, three on each side of its face, glare at the imps.

The females shriek and jump to their feet, backing away. The male is on his feet too, but he starts muttering something as he waves his hands around. This one was probably a spellcaster... Shed better do something quick, or whatever spell he was casting would give away the illusion!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Trying to cast a spell are you big guy? Not if you cant concentrate." She smirks and focuses on the male imp before casting fantasizer on him. this should break any kind of concentration as sexual thoughts flood his mind.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He groans as his dick suddenly starts stiffening, and he glances down at his dick, his concentration broken by the growing rod. He takes one look at the spider, then back at his dick, then groans out loud. "There's a spellcaster somewhere!" He groans, before starting to masturbate furiously. Luckily for Phorsaal, the girls didn't hear him, and are peering around the rock with extremely confused expressions on their face as well as a bit of arousal as they watch him masturbate.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Phorsaal breaks her imp for and returns to her default appearance before stepping out into view, off to the side of the imps. "Oh me oh my... what have we got here? five imps cornered by a horrible beast. This is truly unfortunate for you all isn't it?" The spider takes a few more steps forward and Phorsaal makes a display of staying out of it's path. "Oh dear... it looks hungry. Tell you all what... submit to me... give yourselves to me... and I will drive it off for you."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The redhead looks at the others a little nervously. "Wha- Um... One sec." She turns around and whispers hurriedly to the others, gesticulating wildly, which makes her body jiggle in all the right places. There is a flurry of back and forth whispering as they converse among themselves, with one or two of them looking suspiciously at the spider and Phorsaal. Finally, with a sigh, the redhead turns to Phorsaal.

"Okay. Okay. We'll come. Just... Don't hurt us..." She says, her head hanging.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She smirks and raises her hand which glows bright yellow, sealing the imps into her charge. "The fact is sealed. A wise choice... if this situation were real." She laughs and snaps her fingers, the spider fading away into smoke. "Fear is such a powerful tool to use, don't you think? Lust as well. Now then, line up everyone, I wan't to have a good look at you."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Oh. Shit. Spellcaster! Ilkarn yelled spellcaster!" One of the females groans. The redhead winces and groans before facepalming. "Shit. Should have seen this coming..." She mutters before walking over to Phorsaal, the others following behind her rather grumpily. "Well... What now?" She says, crossing her arms over her bust. Phorsaal can see that they're all rather curvaceous for their size, with tiny spaded tails flicking around above their asses, and wings just large enough to carry their weight. They're about three feet tall, but the redhead is at least a foot taller. Hmm... There were four females, and the guy only wanted three... She could probably keep one of them! Maybe keep the redhead, and give the male as an extra to the brothel owner? Who knows, the man in blue might even give her a bonus for getting an extra imp, and a spellcaster on top of that!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Klaus started off his day with a smile, just as he often liked to do, whilst sauntering lazily past the full body mirror leaned haphazardly against the wall of his small apartment. No matter how tired he was, he couldn't help but enjoy the morning, or, late noon, if today were any day like most. He kept things tidy in his humble abode, but in his own special way. The piles of junk were placed orderly on their own sections of the floor, though any stranger to walk in wouldn't know it. With a decisive yawn, he slipped on a pair of sandals, woven of sturdy hemp, and figured that today was as good a day as any to finally make some cash. Lonely though he was without slaves, heading down to Hark's bar and notice board was probably the most responsible of his options, and he slipped his way outside to make the journey.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor looked at the skull bra'd woman and smirked when she asked the question on if he was strong enough, he seated himself and spoke "Well that depends on your definition of strength deary..I have my strengths and i'd be an egotistical ass if i'd say I had no weakness" he said said another playing card appearing in his hand as if her had pulled it from his sleeve...except he had no sleeves. He placed the card on the table before it shimmered into a business card once the lady had picked it up "Melkor Rhomus at your service..but please just call me Melkor." He said nodding to he before placing his hands onto the table "Now I suppose the job your offering is pretty cut and dry bring back an elf for you...?" Melkor asked scratching the back of his hand thinking. He wanted to appear as professional as possible but in truth he hadn't dealt with an elf before and was contemplating on what he should do before trying to steal one.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Phorsaal smiled at her bounty, happy to have so many imps now in her thrall. "Excellent. You are exactly what I was looking for!" She moved around behind them to get a look at those round asses. "Very good, very good indeed. Get moving little ones, we are heading back into the city now! I have business to attend to and you all are going to help me!" She says in a sing song voice, ushering them back into the city.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Making his way to the bar, Klaus found it a little full. As always, Hark himself was at the bar, cleaning a glass or serving up food. The earlier crowd around the notice board had cleared up a bit, and the old jobs were still there, but a new one had been added. He should probably go and check it out.

"Yeah. And you don't even know what an elf can do, do you? They can fling around pretty powerful magic. And it can definitely hurt even a Djinn like you, invulnerable to physical damage though you may be." She sighs and sits back. "Gotta give you credit for being gutsy. Not a lot of first timers would go for the elves. I'm just going to warn you beforehand, that this is going to be hard, and you may or may not get killed. You still want to do this?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.

There is a bit of mutinous muttering, but the imps all start walking back towards the city, pointedly ignoring Phorsaal. Except for the redhead. "What are you going to do with us? What business do you have that you need imps?" She asks, not exactly glaring at Phorsaal, but her look isn't one you would give to a random stranger.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"If it puts your mind at ease, I was hired to capture some imps for a man looking to start a brothel." she points at the other three females "They are the ones I am giving him" She points to the male "He will be a bonus to raise my reputation I am sure" Then she points at the red head "You... I am keeping for myself."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She blinks a bit. "A... Brothel? What's that?" She asks, tilting her head. "And... Why are you keeping me? What's so special about me?" She asks.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"A brothel is a place where people go to pay for sex with no strings attached. They show up, pay the owner, pick an employee and have sex for several hours before leaving." She says calmly "I am keeping you because he only asked for three and you stand out. You are taller than the others, you have that lovely red hair... and I have been looking for a slave for a while now."

[Got a picture of the red head?]


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Several hours? Oh. Well... I'm sure they won't mind. They've been rather sex starved lately." The redhead says, tilting her head to the others, who are conversing among themselves. "As for the rest... Just treat me nice and I'll treat you nice. Fair's fair, right?" She says, shrugging. "Oh, and my name is Ash."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She chuckles and shakes her head "I'm sorry, you misunderstand me Ash... several hours per client... which they will work almost every day... forever. This isn't a one day thing, this will likely be their new lives. As for you... hmm, my treatment of you will all depend on your attitude. Serve me well and you will be well rewarded. Give me trouble and be punished... simple really."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Yeah. I understood the first time you said it. I know what's going to happen to them, and that's why I said they probably wouldn't mind. Although Ilkarn would probably mind getting fucked in the butt." She says, giggling. The others look suspiciously at her before looking at each other. "Oi. What're you talking 'bout, Ash?" Ilkarn asks. "Oh. Just getting some info. You guys are going to be working in a brothel." Ash says. "What's a brothel?" One of the females asks. "A sex house, basically. You're going to get fucked every day for hours on end." Ash says nonchalantly. This earns some raised eyebrows on the part of the females and a groan from Ilkarn. "Well... As long as we're fed, given water, and preferably not knocked up, I... Guess I don't mind." One of the girls says, earning nods from the others. "Plus, sex is a bonus." Another says. "Wait. What about you, Ash?" Another asks. Ash tilts her head to Phorsaal. "I'm staying with this one, apparently. She wants to keep me." She says. The other females look at her, then Phorsaal. "Eh. Whatever. Makes no difference. You're still winding up as a sex toy." A female says. Ash chuckles. "Sure, but shell respec my wishes. I doubt the same can be said for whoever comes in to see you girls." Ash says, crossing her arms and smirking. "Oh. Right. I didn't think about that..." Another mutters. "Hey. Free food. Think about the free food!" One says, and they turn back to converse among themselves.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Seeing as how they will just go along with it, she picks up the pace, eager to be back in the city and not in the waste lands again. She keeps them all together in a tight bundle so they don't wander off and head back to Hark's bar to drop them off and talk business.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
When they walk in, she easily spots the Eidolon in blue, still at the same table, except he's resting his head on his arms, probably asleep.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She walks the gaggle of imps over to his table and lifts them up one at a time, sitting them down so they face the sleeping man... except for Ash, who she picks up and places her in her lap before poking the sleeping blue man. "Excuse me... wake up please. Time for good news!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He looks up with an irritated expression. "Dude, closing time is-" He sudden notices the imps around him. "Oh. That kinda news. Hmm? Four? Hey, not bad!" He glances at the one in her lap. "I suppose you want to keep that one, so I'm not going to bother counting her." He says, looking over Ash, who gives him a prim, slightly smug smile in return. He chuckles a little. "Well! Three females and a male. Good work. I'll give you a hundred chip bonus and a recommendation for the speedy work and the extra!" He says, smiling and tossing her two hundred chips.

[Chips are the currency of the realm, and they look like small white bone fragments.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She catches the chips with a smile "Most excellent! Please do spread my name around, Phorsaal Ul'garn. Now if you will excuse me, I have other business to attend to." She nods to the man and gets up, still holding onto Ash like a teddy bear. She heads over to a side booth and sits down, placing Ash on the table in front of her. Without a words she starts to explore her body with her hands. "Hmm, such a curvy thick body for someone so small. So tell me little one, what is it you desire? Tell your master what gets you hot and bothered."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Wha- Uh- Um..." Ash seems a little lost for words at Phorsaal's sudden groping. "I... Guess... I don't really know. I'm no virgin, but... I don't really have any... Experience with... Stuff." She murmurs, looking down at Phorsaal's hands. "But... I suppose one thing I like would be... For someone to take control and fuck me silly." She says, smiling a little and blushing a bit.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh, well that can certainly be arranged. We will find what gets you wet, don't worry little one. Hmmm, I am already thinking of some cute little outfits for you... the lewd kind of course." Her hands go down and spread Ash's thighs before rubbing her pussy. "Mmm, you look delicious!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Save for a few kind nods and smiles to anyone he may have encountered along the way, the quick jaunt to Hark's was thankfully uneventful. Though he'd never admit it for fear of looking pessimistic, Klaus was glad to be in front of the notice board after sifting his way through what remained of the crowd. The fucktoy job was first to catch his eye, though he looked the new one over as well.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor pondered the thought of the elves flinging magic at sounded very painful and dying was not something he wanted to do today...or any day for that matter, but still..he had already sat down and it'd be very unprofessional for him to tuck his tail between his legs and back off now so Melkor did the thing he always did in these types of situations something dumb he looked up toward the her and grinned a bit of black smoke spilling out unintentionally "One thing you'll come to learn from me dear is that when I sit in these chairs making deals...I don't back down from them just because it'll be hard...besides whats life without a little bit of hard work i'm sure it'll pay off and besides." Melkor said leaning in the chair some his grin vanishing "You'll get yourself a nice looking Elf and everyone'll be happy...especially me!" He says proudly putting his hands behind his head, Great...just great well looks like my day is gonna be perfect.. Melkor thought a single bead of sweat ran down his head which he wiped away before chuckling to himself.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Ash gasps and shivers a little when Phorsaal starts rubbing at her pussy, and scoots forward just a bit to let her get at it more easily. "L-lewd outfits huh? I- Ah!- Don't mind if it isn't- Mm!- something painful!" She says, gasping in pleasure in between.

Apart from the jobs already posted on the board, the new one read:
Want a few human slaves. Talk to the Djinn in the red jacket. Reward: 1000 Cs

The succubus gives him a long look. "Alright. Well, I just hope you manage to pull it off. I mean, these aren't dark elves but they're still rather powerful. It's not gonna be easy. Buuuut.... Not my business if you wanna head to an early grave. Just get the job done. Oh. And I want a male elf, if you can. A female would be fine too, but I like transforming the males and watching them squirm." She says, grinning evilly.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Klaus's expression brightens in delight. The human realm was interesting enough to warrant visiting merely on a whim. Those prudish beings could be so much fun, and now that the trip was lucrative, his mind was made up. With a an extra bit of spring in his step, he scours the bar in search of the Djinn in the red jacket.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He sees a man with spiky black hair sitting at the back of the bar with his head over his steepled hands. He's wearing a red jacket with a black stripe down each arm, that looked like a collar design around the neck of the jacket. He's wearing a black shirt underneath, and his eyes are smoking, a clear indication that he's a Djinn.

[Gotta run.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Klaus approaches the Djinn with a smooth nod and slight smile, more of an elegant head bob than anything, whilst bowing his interlocked hands politely. "I'm told that you're looking for a few human slaves. With a little bit of incubus trickery on my side, I think I'd be able to help you and then some given the reward. Tell me, should you trust me for the task, how many would you consider a "few," and what sort of preferences do you have?"