The Quin Conspiracy (And now the thrilling conclusion)


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Possible non-serious speculation

Quintillus eyed the Champion warily. Nursing his beer, he couldn't help but feel paranoid. The Champion always acted as a paragon, fighting back against demons and cultists alike. Always prepared to risk life and to part with coin to even the smallest of troubles of the people of the Frost Marches. They were the closest to being a hero that Quin have ever met, but he never believed in heroes. His ear's itched and he would have never survived the Talons and the Cult if he didn't pay attention.

It started so slowly at first. A freak accident with an ancient pair of cursed armor. One in million happenstance and his burly friend became a sweet maiden. Looking at Brienne, he knew that was when he should have made a break for it. But thinking about Tollus and his ilk stayed his feet and besides there was no possible way the champion could have known what would have happened.

Arona was next. Impressed by the "vigor" of the champion, she declared that they were the only one worthy and one night and broken bed later it was done. That was just how orcs did things, Quin said to himself.

Next it turned out that the pendant the champion always wore contained the soul of a powerful kitsune. By the time the champion was able to get her free they were on the 34th. They were now on there 51st. It explained why the champion was always happy going to sleep and a bit exhausted when they got up.

It just got stranger from there. The deal the Champion and Atugia made with the Baroness. The time Azyrran and Liaden wanted a surrogate. The epic quest that the Champion went to restore Cait's standing with the Mallachites that just so happen to undo a certain mark, a fact that was celebrated by the Champion and Cait that night. And the less said about the craziness that surrounded Berwyn and Matiha the better.

By the time Quin realized what was happening, he was already surrounded. Looking at his friends, colleagues, and compatriots smiling over at the next table rubbing their full bellies with glee. Quin knew that he, for the short period of time that he was to continue to be a he, was next. And the scariest part for him was that a small part of him was looking forward to it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Nah, Quin never even hints at being insecure in his masculine identity or having any doubts regarding it.

Now Berwyn is another thing entirely. The poor pupper would definitely feel the heat from the sheer breeding frenzy that surrounds him at all times in that particular Champ's little entourage, and unless he can strike first and make the Champ his bitch, it will just be the matter of time before he is tamed, collared, gender-swapped and preggoed.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Quin is just a cocky nerd that needs to be put in his place since it looks like he did not learn anything from his time with obviously evil cult, needs to learn to value his feminine compatriots above his basic need to fuck them and needs to be pegged/fucked in the ass to learn that it is not a big deal and that no one will think less of him. Brint does it and no one bats an eye or makes fun of him.

Nah, Quin never even hints at being insecure in his masculine identity or having any doubts regarding it.

Now Berwyn is another thing entirely. The poor pupper would definitely feel the heat from the sheer breeding frenzy that surrounds him at all times in that particular Champ's little entourage, and unless he can strike first and make the Champ his bitch, it will just be the matter of time before he is tamed, collared, gender-swapped and preggoed.
Quin seems more insecure than Berwyn tho. The dog boy may complain about doing anal, but we both know he does it out of more playful act and because he is little insecure. Quin can not keep reassuring us that he is a sex god, how he can make everyone cum with his rape magic and how he thinks little of Berwyn because he is feminine and he thinks he deserves to get fucked in the ass. But at same time, he is one that is afraid of putting anything neer his butthole, seems to believe that only subs and girls bottom and can only have sex on his terms if he uses magic. So, eh, I think Quin is little more insecure. Which I fons adorable.
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Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
Quin is just a cocky nerd that needs to be put in his place since it looks like he did not learn anything from his time with obviously evil cult, needs to learn to value his feminine compatriots above his basic need to fuck them and needs to be pegged/fucked in the ass to learn that it is not a big deal and that no one will think less of him. Brint does it and no one bats an eye or makes fun of him.

Quin seems more insecure than Berwyn tho. The dog boy may complain about doing anal, but we both know he does it out of more playful act and because he is little insecure. Quin can not keep reassuring us that he is a sex god, how he can make everyone cum with his rape magic and how he thinks little of Berwyn because he is feminine and he thinks he deserves to get fucked in the ass. But at same time, he is one that is afraid of putting anything neer his butthole, seems to believe that only subs and girls bottom and can only have sex on his terms if he uses magic. So, eh, I think Quin is little insecure. Which I fons adorable.
Cue sex dungeon.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2021
I'd much prefer our cocky little Duracell bunny got more content (and new sets!) as his masculine self - though the two aren't mutually exclusive, of course, I'd hate for him to fall to sidelines (even more than he already is) in favor of a genderbent version of himself.


Oct 27, 2021
good news is that content is coming down the pipeline, in the rough order of couple of scenes -> "smol update -> Big update, I believe

and a fem character (especially a non-dick-wielding one) with the same edgy fuckboi top attitude could be a fun change of pace, but I concur that I'd rather keep him the way he is. it's a moot point anyway because feminization and corruption have both been confirmed as "hard no" by his writer, so I wonder if there's going to be some other variant mechanic


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
He may kill himself in valiant effort of trying to stop the corrupt champion from accomplishing his goals. To make himself look good if nothing else. Or maybe not since the author finds that prospects depressing.

I do find it funny that former member of rape cult is not going to have any corruption content tho. You would think that for someone that trained to be an assassin/espionage agent and was suckered in to a cult would not have the purists soul. Especially with how he talks and acts during some of his (sex) scenes.

Do hope he gets content tho. Giving him a footjob and power bottoming sounds fun.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Part 2: The Quin Continuum

Quintillus sat at the bar and gestured at Garth, trying to get a residual buzz from the atmosphere in the meantime.

"Sorry, no can do," chuckled Garth. "You know that someone of your "stature" shouldn't be drinking right now. "Try this spice drink. I got it from the Mallachite temple and they swear it eases the burden of those in your situation."


"C'mon, it's on the house," Garth winked and slid the drink to Quin.

With a wailing groan, Quin took the drink and starting to sip it with the futile hope that they could pretend their way into being drunk.

Gweyr sidled over to Garth and began to hold out her hand towards Garth. "Pay up, I told you back when I was pregnant with Gwyn that if men could become pregnant that they would complain more than me."

Grumbling, Garth took out a few coins and handed it to his wife. "This has got to be the priciest non-alcoholic drink in my entire bar."

Quin stirred from their feigned stupor. "You know the champion planned this."

Raising an eyebrow, Gweyr questioned Quin. "The champion planned this?" Making an exaggerated hand gesture mimicking Quin's generous chest and protuberant belly, Gweyr continued "Well, these type of things generally take two to plan or three if alcohol is involved. Also, I don't think anyone could have guessed that the Talons and the cult would team up and use a bunch of potions with the intentions of turning you into a demon and only change your gender."

"I know, I know," bemoaned Quin. "It was a complete fluke and even the flunkies we captured were confused on what happened, but that's is how the champion works. They always seem to intuitively know what events will lead to someone getting their gender changed, restore fertility, or whatever other esoteric action needed in order for someone to get impregnated by them. They seem to know the future without knowing the future. I didn't have to be on that scouting trip that led to my capture, but the champion chose me specifically for it."

"And when they checked up on me that night to see how I was doing and the moon was just right." Quin wistfully sighed, thinking back to that magical night. "I wanted this. I checked with Sanders, Salwah, that crazy elf woman at winter city, and even those Kerosite priestesses, and besides confirming the obvious, they stated that this was my own volition. No hex, curse, or potion about it. And, seven help me, after this one I'm going back for another one."

Pointing directly at Garth and Gweyr and gulping down the rest of her drink, Quin finishes. "Mark my words. I don't know how, but they'll impregnate the both of you too." And with that, Quin got up and waddled to the champion's room.


"Sooooooo," Gweyr nonchalantly rolled her eyes. "Want to wager on that Hubby?"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2021
They always seem to intuitively know what events will lead to someone getting their gender changed, restore fertility, or whatever other esoteric action needed in order for someone to get impregnated by them
This is called "checking the wiki", Quin. Gods, LEARN something.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
Shouldn't it be the "Quintinuum"?

Ehhehhehh... Ok fine, I'll see myself out.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
I am Ded.

Sorry, laughing too much.

EDIT: will there be any other parts?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Part 3: The Quin Conclusion

"Finally some dry land, Thank the seventeen!" a young taeleer man had just exclaimed. Now this young man knew that seafaring was not something he wanted to do, but Quincy was on a mission. A mission that took him across the know world to Jassira. He thought to himself that he would truly miss the Frost Marches, and perhaps he would never be able to return home, but this needed to be done.

As he stepped off the boats and onto the docks the taeleer began to walk. While asking the locals, and wooing the ladies, for directions to a suitable shelter, he began to indulge in nostalgia. His childhood was like many others, full of small adventures with a myriad of ups and downs. However, even from an early age, he knew that his mother was unusual. A constant rake even more than himself. She was always trying to charm ladies, an activity that was sometimes hindered, and sometimes improved, by her constantly pregnant belly. Despite her increasingly ludicrous protestations to the contrary, it was due to a lifelong infatuation with his father. In fact, he was sure that he and his siblings learned to roll their eyes by age 2.

If his mother was unusual then his father was downright bizarre. A hero of some devastating crisis that happened years ago. One of the bravest and charitable people to ever exist. A person modest to themselves, but profligate towards others. A person able to see the best in people and eventually able to get them to see it themselves. This endeared them to the women of the frost marches. All of them! (and a lot of the men as well).

This made dating scene very hard for the youth in the frost marches.

Most of the eligible ladies for him were his half-sisters (and all of the ones with the biggest breasts and tightest asses). After a rather embarrassing incident where he seduced a Mallachite priestess who was unknowingly his half-sister, he knew things had to change. Fortunately, it was not a complete waste as the priestess had some connections to Jassira to aid him on his quest to find a partner.

"It's just a shame as she had the cutest smile and tits that went out to here," the forlorn taeleer sighed, dropping his painfully extended arms to his side. At least he made it to a bar that the locals had mentioned.

It was time for him to ply his gifts that he inherited from mother. Sipping a spiced drink, he scanned the room for his mark. His eyes eventually landed upon a group of the 4 prettiest lupines he ever seen. Cousins, Perhaps? Sideling over to the group, he used his mother's charm to weave himself in.

It went better than he expected. They hit it off almost immediately. Laughing and joking all the way through. It turned out that they were a group of adventurers seeking their fortune. Soon there were talks of him joining the group, in more ways then one.

"Wait, you aren't cousins?" Quincy boisterously laughed out. The leader of the group chuckled, "No. I know, I know that we look like cousins, but we're actually sisters. Well half-sisters. Our mothers are all different, but we have the same father."

With sinking feeling of dread and despair, Quincy whimpered out, "Where did you all say that you were from again?"
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
Sounds legit

Although chances are the world is filled with driders.

And bimbugs


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2021
Part 3: The Quin Conclusion

"Finally some dry land, Thank the seventeen!" a young taeleer man had just exclaimed. Now this young man knew that seafaring was not something he wanted to do, but Quincy was on a mission. A mission that took him across the know world to Jassira. He thought to himself that he would truly miss the Frost Marches, and perhaps he would never be able to return home, but this needed to be done.

As he stepped off the boats and onto the docks the taeleer began to walk. While asking the locals, and wooing the ladies, for directions to a suitable shelter, he began to indulge in nostalgia. His childhood was like many others, full of small adventures with a myriad of ups and downs. However, even from an early age, he knew that his mother was unusual. A constant rake even more than himself. She was always trying to charm ladies, an activity that was sometimes hindered, and sometimes improved, by her constantly pregnant belly. Despite her increasingly ludicrous protestations to the contrary, it was due to a lifelong infatuation with his father. In fact, he was sure that he and his siblings learned to roll their eyes by age 2.

If his mother was unusual then his father was downright bizarre. A hero of some devastating crisis that happened years ago. One of the bravest and charitable people to ever exist. A person modest to themselves, but profligate towards others. A person able to see the best in people and eventually able to get them to see it themselves. This endeared them to the women of the frost marches. All of them! (and a lot of the men as well).

This made dating scene very hard for the youth in the frost marches.

Most of the eligible ladies for him were his half-sisters (and all of the ones with the biggest breasts and tightest asses). After a rather embarrassing incident where he seduced a Mallachite priestess who was unknowingly his half-sister, he knew things had to change. Fortunately, it was not a complete waste as the priestess had some connections to Jassira to aid him on his quest to find a partner.

"It's just a shame as she had the cutest smile and tits that went out to here," the forlorn taeleer sighed, dropping his painfully extended arms to his side. At least he made it to a bar that the locals had mentioned.

It was time for him to ply his gifts that he inherited from mother. Sipping a spiced drink, he scanned the room for his mark. His eyes eventually landed upon a group of the 4 prettiest lupines he ever seen. Cousins, Perhaps? Sideling over to the group, he used his mother's charm to weave himself in.

It went better than he expected. They hit it off almost immediately. Laughing and joking all the way through. It turned out that they were a group of adventurers seeking their fortune. Soon there were talks of him joining the group, in more ways then one.

"Wait, you aren't cousins?" Quincy boisterously laughed out. The leader of the group chuckled, "No. I know, I know that we look like cousins, but we're actually sisters. Well half-sisters. Our mothers are all different, but we have the same father."

With sinking feeling of dread and despair, Quincy whimpered out, "Where did you all say that you were from again?"
"And so the greatest legacy of the of the Champion of Hawkthorne was the frankly absurd number of offspring they had. THis causes the unexpected problem of a wave of emigrants from the Frost Marches, due to most of the children of the champion going to all the corners of the world in order to "Fuck someone who isn´t a relative". Of course, ALL these men and women had inherited the legendary seduction of their parent, which generated both a replica of the effect and a reactionary movement of locals who wanted to stop "all these stupid, sexy frostmarchers from NTRing us". In which they failed miserably. This is the reason that, as of the current year, everyone in Savarra can trace their ancestry to the Champion of Hawkthorne, who posthumously earned the title of "The All-Grandaddy". Which is as impressive as the time he doubled the pantheon by fucking all of them.

Anders ThunderOwl "Genealogy of Savarra"
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