Mareth. A world where one does not need to eat or drink. A world where the Corrupt rule. Yet, a new Champion comes into play...a Champion to help get rid of the Corruption. Yet, when the Champion comes across an old Champion...that is when the true challenge begins. That challenge...that Champion will play an important role in either getting rid of the Corruption...or spreading it to yet another.
Driders. Tentacle monsters. Even the occasional bee woman. That was what awaited in the Swamps of Mareth...that is what awaited anyone who entered. If they could survive, they might not be raped, or enslaved. However, sometimes, they might be able to get away without having to fight, and be able to talk to others easily. Something new was in the Swamp, however...something that, when the Driders actually talk, warn about...a dangerous woman built on nothing but Corruption, so they say.