The Outsider -- Completing the Trio


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2019
I was intrigued by The Seer -- her mystery, her warped psyche, and the way she often leaves you with more questions than answers whenever you speak to her, as if with just a little more knowledge of some eldritch truth, she'd suddenly start making perfect sense to you.

The Servant, meanwhile, was... a disappointment, in its tone, its sentence structure, even basic grammar issues. Maybe with a rewrite she could be a lot better.

The first inspired me with potential, and the second drove me to show the world how cosmic horror can work without falling back on tired old tropes every single time. Thus, once I'm finished with other projects, then depending on the feedback for the concept that I get here, I might start this -- it'll be a while, though.

Enter The Outsider. Dwelling on some eldritch plane beyond the comprehension of mortal minds, where titanic things-that-should-not-be swim through nothingness, it took notice of our universe, full of woefully incomplete and limited minds. Taking pity on the strange creatures it saw from its elevated vantage point, and desiring to uplift them, it descended, taking a finite form.

Basic Ideas:
  • This isn't some mortal touched by a cosmic horror, it's the real deal -- albeit it's taking a much more reasonable size than its true form. There's a whole lot of sexual ground to cover when you throw out the assumptions of reality not getting a bit weird around it.
  • Tentacles. Duh. Tentacles on their own, though, are cheap. I want to emphasize just how otherworldly this thing is in other ways, though -- perhaps you can see the stars in its body, or something.
  • When you first find it, it will be unable to understand you, and you will be unable to understand it. As you interact with it, it will first be able to communicate with you telepathically through emotions, then concepts, then more concrete thoughts and words. At that point, you can ask it to "assume a more pleasing form" that's at least more humanoid.
  • It's sympathetic in spirit. However, having spent its whole life among cosmic horrors with minds completely alien to your own, it doesn't understand why sentients aren't immediately on board with its plan of "impregnate or be impregnated by anything with a mind to uplift their species", since clearly that would help them along. It is curious about you, though. As you interact with it, and it probes your mind for experiences to understand your kind, it will change how it acts.
  • Preg content. You ever wanted to lay an egg that would hatch into a half-star-squid thing? Sure, do it!

Again, it'll be a while before I even start this, but making sure the idea is out there so it can get as much feedback as far in advance is possible is always a good idea.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2016
Most people seem to misunderstand cosmic horror, and I honestly don't know how you'll adapt cosmic horror properly to smut. You do you.

B.M. Kaijusaur

Active Member
Jul 29, 2019
Question, since this is an eldritch abomination we're talking about, how much of a role do you intend the horror aspect to play? Will it simply be a background ascetic or are you planing fear boner stuff? Interested in seeing how this turns out.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2019
Question, since this is an eldritch abomination we're talking about, how much of a role do you intend the horror aspect to play? Will it simply be a background ascetic or are you planing fear boner stuff? Interested in seeing how this turns out.
First probably fear boner but after that mostly just weird and eldritch forms and thoughts, and a fair bit of messing with your mind too.