the Kui-Tan home world

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Nov 1, 2015
I chopped it up into segments so its easy to fallow, The first idea is that the hero receives an email from a company on the Kui-Tan home world Florus this company has made a device that looks like a collar but made specifically to be put around the base of the testicles and what it does is it slows semen production down quite considerably, this invention was greatly needed by the Kui-Tan people. Made by a Kui-Tan scientist because he had trouble moving about his lab to get his work done with his massive nuts getting in the way, so he made this collar for his people and any one in need of a better life but don't want to get rid of the massive amount of cum production.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2016
TL;DR of those 7 (that's right, 7) sentences: They want a herm Kui-Tan follower. There was also something about a cum production slowing-down item in the first sentence.


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2016
That was only seven? 


Well, the idea itself seems... actually pretty normal, all things considered. I don't think anyone is going to write something like that themselves, but if @loyalmutt83 wants it bad enough, it might be possible to commission. Maybe. Would probably need to clarify a few things... or most of the things.

But it might be possible. 

I think that this might be a bit too graphic tbh. If I understood it correctly (I probably didn't tho) then that particular herm was drugged and then hooked up inside a fluid extraction container and then gifted to PC without them knowing who is inside.


Nov 1, 2015
sorry I am bit of a story teller I really didn't mean to go over board I guess I just wanted to get my idea across without missing any nuts and bolts. 

maby just start with going to the Kui-Tan home world to get the cum restricting collar.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
sorry I am bit of a story teller I really didn't mean to go over board I guess I just wanted to get my idea across without missing any nuts and bolts. 

maby just start with going to the Kui-Tan home world to get the cum restricting collar.

I don´t think this can be realized in the foreseeable future. First of all Fen and co would have to write the Kui-tan planet.

Writing planets takes a lot of time and planning, and I don´t think they have planned to add that planet for now. 


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
sorry I am bit of a story teller I really didn't mean to go over board I guess I just wanted to get my idea across without missing any nuts and bolts. 

maby just start with going to the Kui-Tan home world to get the cum restricting collar.

Maybe you should start by learning how to communicate on the internet. 


Nov 1, 2015
The second idea is that the hero goes to Florus to get the collar and when he gets the collar he finds out that that the company has moved to the Sionach home world within their system and begins making other products including a choice of beverage machines or a combination beverage and ice cream    machine.
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Nov 1, 2015
The third idea is that the hero has either one delivered to his ship but he has to sign an agreement that the hero won’t open the large machine so the hero gets it delivered and uses the machine and discovers that the drinks are incredible and every time the hero gets a drink or if it’s the other machine an ice cream the hero hears what sounds like moans coming from the machine the hero doesn't know why it sounds like that and just shrugs it off and continues to explore the planet Florus .
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Nov 1, 2015
The fourth idea is that while the hero explores the hero starts to hear rumors about a large number of the Kui-Tan people going missing so the hero starts prodding around and the main culprit that keeps coming up is the same company that made the collar that the hero bought , might be the ones that are kidnapping the Kui-Tan people for a reason nobody knows so the hero takes it into consideration .
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Nov 1, 2015
The fifth idea is that the hero is now back in his or her ship and the hero goes to get another treat from his or her new favorite drink and or ice cream machine and the hero hears that strange moaning sound again along with the machines usual noises and at that very moment the machine emits a massive grinding noise and shuts down.
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Nov 1, 2015
The sixth idea is instead of calling the tech support to come and fix it the hero takes it upon his or her self to fix it so the hero gets the tools that the heroes dada left in storage and opens the big door like compartment on the front and what the hero sees shocks him or her , it’s a Kui-Tan barely conscious with a whole bunch of tubes leading in and out of him or her and a filled strangely colored substance that the hero can only assume that makes the Kui-Tan body overproduce the seamen that the machine was built to harvest and the hero sees that there are also needles piercing its skin and into its testicles or if it’s a herm breasts too .


Nov 1, 2015
The seventh idea is that the hero quickly removes the needles covering the Kui-Tans body and also removes the tubes from every orifice from its body including a rather long looking tube snaking its way into its lungs and stomach most likely to keep the Kui-Tan limp and immobile and to keep his cum factories continually producing.

The seventh idea is that the hero quickly removes the needles covering the Kui-Tans body and also removes the tubes from every orifice from its body including a rather long looking tube snaking its way into its lungs and stomach most likely to keep the Kui-Tan limp and immobile and to keep its cum factories continually producing.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2016
Look, buddy, stop. Unless you want to pay someone actual money to write this you're wasting your time. 

Also, the black text hurts my eyes when I even think about trying to read your posts. 

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The guy is pretty much shit posting and throwing ideas out at the same time. Seeing as a few devs have already posted (and they seriously from what I am interpreting they aren't taking it seriously and are rolling there eyes at it.) I gave up trying to understand wtf is happening in this thread a while ago... I won't even ask for the guy to stop because I've seen this type of poster before.
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