The Island (Sign-Up and OOC)


Active Member
Mar 13, 2016
Set in December 5, 1945. You are apart of a plane crew for sent on a rescue mission for Flight 19 - only something has gone terribly wrong with your mission. How will you survive on this dark and strangely sexy shore? Will you be able to complete your mission or will the island claim you as one of its denizens?

Genre: Mystery, Survival Horror, Supernatural, Hentai

Rule system will follow Modern D20. Classes from other D20 system are possible through Roleplay. You can view the basic rules here in the SRD:

Rolls will be handled by me. To initiate a check/roll/skill/attack please declare the action at the bottom of your post in brackets.

HP will always be the maximum for you as you level.

Lust will be an additional mechanic to the game. Maximum lust is level based: Each level your maximum lust increases by 10. If you gain enough Lust points to meet the maximum you must make a saving throw each turn; a failure for that turn means you may only take actions turn that will satiate your lust.

All other stats are generated via point buy:

Base stat is 8

You have 25 points to spend
9-14 = 1 point per stat increase. (6 points gets you a 14 stat)
15-16 = 2 points per stat increase. (10 points gets you a 16 stat)
17-18 = 3 points per stat increase. (16 points gets an 18 stat)

If you need help calculating the point buy you can use this link:

Character sheets can be found here:

Just make a copy of it and share it with me. If you need help creating a character please let me know and I’ll assist you.

Additionally, please create the following for your characters:
A brief description of your physical appearance
A brief description of your history
At least one flaw
At least one secret - this will be shared with me only not with the other players

If you have any questions you can message me on the forums or you can join this discord and chat me up there!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
just two questions, what races are allowed ? and how lewd /serious will it be ?


Active Member
Mar 13, 2016
For starters: Human. Your race will probably change.

Basically think what if the show Lost was set in Corruption of Champions.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Hmm.... Seems interesting... I'm not 100% familiar with the D20 rules yet, so... Is it okay if I join?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Oh, and how often will you be posting?
Also, will we be interacting with other players?


Active Member
Mar 13, 2016
How many people are you looking for?

I'm looking for 3. I'll accept up to 4 or 5

Hmm.... Seems interesting... I'm not 100% familiar with the D20 rules yet, so... Is it okay if I join?

Certainly feel free to join. The core mechanic is basically that any action will roll a 20 sided die to determine success.

Oh, and how often will you be posting?
Also, will we be interacting with other players?

Yes you will interact with other players - I'll post as needed; when a check needs to made, when you are interacting with the environment or an npc.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I'm interested. I'll try to come up with a proper concept for a character but I'd really enjoy a little more info on the background story.


Active Member
Mar 13, 2016
I am interested as well. When are you hoping to start?

I'm a flexible guy so whenever everyone has characters done. Ideally as soon as possible

I'm interested. I'll try to come up with a proper concept for a character but I'd really enjoy a little more info on the background story.

the background is real life. The setting is 1945, just three months after the second world war ended. Your characters are soldiers in the Air Force division of the United States Army (The Air force didn't become its own branch until 1947) The party is the crew for a Martin PBM Mariner that was sent on a rescue mission to find Flight 19 after they disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. What kind of information are you looking for? If you need more just go to wikipedia.


Jun 24, 2016
I'm only held up by the lack of mention of content that'd likely occur. Is it only straight pairings or everything under the rainbow in terms of potential content?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Simple mention of the Bermuda Triangle made me that much more keen in participating in this one. Back in the day it was such a widespread scenario but no one uses it anymore.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Okay, I'm sorry if this sounds blunt, but it's something that I feel should be asked of anyone who plans to use a complex system like D20. Have you ever GMed before?


Active Member
Mar 13, 2016
Okay, I'm sorry if this sounds blunt, but it's something that I feel should be asked of anyone who plans to use a complex system like D20. Have you ever GMed before?


I'm only held up by the lack of mention of content that'd likely occur. Is it only straight pairings or everything under the rainbow in terms of potential content?
To answer the question its going to be like Corruption of Champions. I don't want more players than I can handle and five people have already expressed their interest so I will have to put a cut off here.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Uhh... I'm just gonna wait for someone to post their character description first so I can just mooch the stuff off of them. I don't wanna accidentally screw something up.


Active Member
Mar 13, 2016
I'll have more time this weekend and we can go over character creation if you'd like.

Since I had forgotten to mention it, since this is a military plane the starting items are issued and you don't need to bother with wealth.

Pick a hand gun
an Armor
and any amount of items from the survival gear list.

Keep in mind the weight as it will affect your movement speed if you have more than a light load.
you can reference this chart for how much your strength lets you carry :
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Uhh... What kinda armor? Kevlar or something? Or maybe something like that full body armor those SWAT dudes wear?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
(ok here it goes , if I missed something just tell me)

Name: Jimmy Marshinton (just call him Jimmy)
Bio: Jimmy was the middle son of family of 7 , he wasn't the smartest nor he was the stronger but he was the fastest among them and also the most curious, he had a good relationship with his family but he mostly spend time alone running and exploring the forest near the camps of his family .As he grew older and didn't show any aptitude to help with their families farm he decided to just join the military.
At the Current time he just finished his training and showed aptitude in scouting, he now is going out on his very first mission.

Description: he is a very small man standing at 5'3" and with very soft features, he can easily be mistaken for a young boy. He have blond hair and blue eyes showing the European heritage from his family

Flaw: Extremely curious, if not ordered to stay in place by a superior he will wander around and probably get himself into trouble, thankfully he is good at obeying others.
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Active Member
Mar 13, 2016
You should share the google doc so that anyone with the link can see. Also please send your character's secret to me.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
What does the secret entail, by the way? Does it have to be some character trait that the person wants to keep hidden, or something about their past?


Active Member
Mar 13, 2016
What does the secret entail, by the way? Does it have to be some character trait that the person wants to keep hidden, or something about their past?

Yes it must be something that your character doesn't want other characters to know about themselves. Something that you will go out of your way to hide.

examples could be like:

I secretly killed my whole family
I did something that would get me courtmartialed if anyone knew

up to you what it would be though. but it should be compelling.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Noted. I'll post my character description tomorrow. My brain has just about stopped functioning at this point.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I'm getting despair from this character sheet. So many things to cross reference. x_x


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
lol it is simple to do in this order: select class, put stats that first lvl on that class gives (leave the skill points for later but be sure to mark what skills are class skills , chose starting occupation ,now you assign the skill points ,chose feats , now to equipment ,chose from survival gear (don't forget to add the weight) ,chose weapons ,fill minimal stuff like name height ... and you are done!


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Okay, can't figure out how to use the spreadsheet, do you mind if we just post characters here?


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Denn Montgomery


Standing a modest 5’6”, Denn is a slim, tan skinned, raven haired woman. Well-defined curves accentuate her slender frame, normally hidden under her fatigues. Denn’s face has sharp features, and kind green eyes. Her hair, normally held up with a bandana or clips, frames her face and when free hangs down to her mid-back.


Born in New York City, Denn is the third and final child born to her parents. Being the child of immigrants, she dedicated herself to improving the lives of her and her family. Continuing with her education, Denn went on to become a nurse, hoping to be able to support her family. Even with her efforts, Denn’s family struggled through poverty, forcing her to join the army when the United States began ramping up for war. Sent off to the European Theater, the new nurse attempted to cope with the horrors she saw, her desire to help others flourishing despite the situation. With the war having just ended, Denn decided to re-enlist, hoping to continue helping people.

Denn tries to see the best in people, often overlooking obvious issues and trusting people before she really knows if she should.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015

Jennifer Knightley

Description: Average height and average weight, she usually hides behind loose army wear, a cap and bubblegum. Once you pay proper attention, you would notice a very well proportioned gal with a round and firm butt and pretty well developed breasts along a firm, well toned ab. Medium length, brown hair usually kept in either a ponytail or a side tail ans huge green vivacious eyes.

History: The black sheep daughter of a disgraced general, Jen has been raised in outskirts of military bases all around the world, having to deal with both soldiers and civilians and the animosity the two life styles usually caused. She picked up a lot of people skills and languages as she grew up and as she reached 18, she was one of the very few women actually deployed to places in conflict due to her unique skills. Need someone to keep your group hearty? Need someone to interact with the locals and recruit them to your cause? Need someone capable to slap some common sense and force people to keep their shit together? Jen is your gal.

Flaw: Jen is quite paranoid and tries to always be on guard around other people even if she is very good at hiding it. Never being able to settle down and having bad experiences with people will do that to you.