The Hunt (A Komari Fanfic)


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
It was the same dream every night.

Komari and her kin were lost in a dark forest trying to find their way out. For hours they trekked yet were no further along. The forest was alien to their presence. Worst, they were not alone for a great beast stalked them, growling with hunger all the way.

Suddenly, the beast lashed out, grabbing Kohaku. They were forced to flee, haunted by Kohaku's screams. Rindo was next, the beast took particular relish over her burnt skin. Miko and Mai tried to be clever and split apart hoping that one would be spared, but as Komari kept running, she heard both of their screams.

Komari continued to run. She was old, but the beast desired her all the same. It teased her, taunted her. It circled her, free to strike, but holding back. It was then that Komari came across a clearing and salvation. It was her liege. She ran towards Kiyoko, towards safety, but with a wicked smile, her liege restrained her.

It was then that the beast stalked forward towards the clearing. Step by step, it inched its way forward towards her, savoring her flavor. Then at last, its hot breath was upon her. The beast opened its maw.

It was then that Komari woke up in a sweat.

It was sweat and nothing else.

Nothing else.
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