Jun 5, 2022
The God Keros and His Creation
-By S.R. Woodworm
Keros the god of trickery, once was simply a wandering empty form of energy. A god waiting for their form to be unfolded. One early dawn Keros was finishing what was known as Allergies, a small annoyance to some but a great fear to those with more food borne illnesses. He wondered what creatures would also carry what would be known to many as allergies, then he spotted a majestic creature created by Velun, his more nature attuned friend as he would say. He inched closer to the small creature, gently poking the sleeping orange blob. As he did, winds shifted a bit, the beast yawning and looking at the mass of energy that was there and did not move, only waiting for Keros to make his first move.
“This thing is wonderful!” He picks up the adorable thing and looks at it, mimicking the creature’s eyes. “I want it.”
As he said that an old sapling rises from the earth and takes the form of Velun, the old tree chuckles at the prankster in surprise that Keros would dare take interest in anything he has made that would not be used for a nasty surprise later.
“I see that you are enjoying my latest addition to the forest.” The old man cackles out, petting the gentle beast.
“Yes I am, what is this small bastard of a man?” Keros lifted the beast up and shaked him around.
The tree simply stared at the beast in thought, unsure as he had no idea and was just simply gonna let the humans of the land name it. While Velun did not fully trust the humans with his buddy he would know that a name would come to them eventually.
“Can I name it?” The Trickster asked with a toothy grin, copy the beast’s mouth.
“I have never seen you take a physical form before in my life, I suppose if you want to, if this beast will help you decide on a form.” The tree shrugged, using one of its branches like a cane to lean on.
Keros was overfilled with joy, something he gets quite often, however this one was more child-like, reminiscent of when he and his six other friends created this land and realm you see before all. Keros did not know what to do at this moment however. He was just focused on the beast’s nature, playful yet skittish, aggressive yet frightful. A perfect creature of a trickster! Keros decided that this would be his form and suddenly became a mirror image of the beast and pokes its head, giving the beast a trait that would annoy humans till the end of time. The ability to just be a funky little bastard that runs away too much.
“I wanna call it a fox.” Keros looks up at the tree.
“Oh ho, a fox so it shall be, however are you sure you wanna be a fox, most gods take the form of their greatest creation and you did not make the fox, so you can not be a fox.”
With a pout Keros sighs, knowing that Velun was right that he could not simply take credit for the forest’s idea. But with a lightbulb going off in his mind he immediately grabs the fox and crushes it.
The great tree was felled and pushed back by the trickster god. Keros was focused on the work of his new creation, removing its soul to put in a small box and giving it the intelligence of a man but better. He looked at a wandering woman who was simply there, enjoying the land that Velun made before she was kidnapped by the trickster and combined with the fox, allowing the soul he stole from the fox to be even greater, fining out the details before showing the newly bore creation. With a small chuckle and a swift circle around Keros took the shape of his greatest and pretty much only creation. A human with fox-like appearances.
“Tada, I call it a Kitsune.” He smiles at his first ever kitsune.
“That’s a bit eccentric.” Velun spoke, then realizing his mistake and shutting up.
The new fox human was confused, looking around trying to figure out what happened, not having a single memory of their old life. Was this fox even alive to begin with? The fox wandered away from the gods, a small orb of fire following it.
“This is my greatest creation yet, and I am gonna be the best god to these guys!” The Kit said free as could be.
“I would recommend dawning some apparel, unless you want the Mallach treatment.”
“I will dress how I want! But I will let my Kitsunes decide what they want my style to be.” The Young Keros laughs and looms over his creation, watching every aspect. “They won’t ever have a soul, one last great feature I think is best over all.”
“You are a mad man.” The tree sighs before leaving the trickster to marinate in his trials.
The forest simply echoes with his laughter, he had never before been so great at something that would lead to the greatest trick of them all, him as a central religion of a powerful group. To him it was like a dream.