The Four Lands


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil pouted at Sindiana "THAT... Is some classist bullshit right there...I'm gonna sue." He then stuck her tongue out at her, which was quite pale, almost white one would say. He then followed the wolf mage, looking like he was looking at the hat, because of his weird eyes, but he was contemplating the physics of dat ass, trying to figure out how it could look so firm yet so soft. He then blinked as pulled his eyes off the ass to take a look at the rodent like people of the ruins. He blinked a little, looking at them all as Diavolo trying to talk to them. Ansil thought that the people of the ruins would've already tried to talk to them already and they wouldn't need adventurers here. He looked at Sindiana as she explained how charming works. He shrugged as he tried a different method of talking.

He looked at one of the rat folk and let his own mind touch theirs and spoke to them with his Awakened Mind. Hello there, do not be alarmed... I just have a few questions for you. Is there a reason why you don't know what happened? What was the last thing that you remember?... It's aright to talk to me, our conversation is very private right now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The wolf smiles at Sindiana "My name is Berwyn" He winks.

The rat people look at each other. "Well we were all told that we were the ones doing it but we have no memory. One moment we're doing our work and the next moment people are shaking and asking questions." They nod. However one raises his hand. "Umm I think I saw something? I was clearing rubble and I think I saw a red eyed rat. Not like us rats but like the small rodent." Ansil can feel that they all just remembered that.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil tapped his nails against his teeth. He squatted down a little to look the rat folk in the eyes. He smiled "And could you perchance, tell us where you saw these red eyes?"


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
"Hmm....a red eyed rat..Interesting..." Sindiana looked around and sent her owl in the air to scout things out while the party was dealing with things here. Meanwhile she tried to recall if she knew anything about this mysterious being.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
(Roll Arcana) "Umm just like you know in the rubble I think?" The owl's keen eyes can spot the movement of rats in the ruins.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
(25 Arcana)
"Hmm....Lemmy can see a lot of movement in the ruins. As for the creature well..."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
(Well fuck me running)
When you were looking for information on Lethice you stumbled onto a old grimoire, though more like a history book. In it it sates that Lethice was the Demon Lord of Lust and was part of a cabal of other demon lords, however at this moment only one sticks out in you mind. Chittr'k'k, who claims the title of Demon Lord of Rats. He holds that all rats are his "worshipers and slaves" and that he uses red eye rats as his spies.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
“well...If I’m right we have a big problem.” Sindiana sighed, letting out a long breath. “In theory....Lethice isn't the only demon lord. She was the demon lord of lust and well my favorite, but theres others. Chitte’k’k is the demon lord of rats and he pretty much has the power to control i think you see where this is going. I was right, its not a charm. pure domination.” Sindiana started to rub her temples. “Those red eyed rats are his scouts, or spies if you will. His main goal is to make all the rat people here his worshippers and slaves. Sooo...yea fun times. Also from what Lemmy saw, theres a few of them in those ruins.” She then pointed to the direction that the owl found the rats.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil steepled his hands together and started to tap them against one another and hummed. A grin slowly creeping across his face "So... there is more than one demon that needs to be purged?... How very interesting..." Ansil believes this must be the reason his soul hasn't been claimed yet. He turned to the other adventurers "Well then... seems like the only people we can rely on right now is anyone who is not a local... which is a little unfortunate but, we all must make do and try our best not to raze the ruins... Although can you really raze something that has already been razed?...hmmm"


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2016
"Well then, seems we'll be going a hunting once more. Guessing from the fact that something like a 'Demon Lord Of Rats' is stepping into the lands, then the others know that Lethice is... No longer in power. Must see it as a power void and seek to take control." She grimaced roughly and let a dark spark coat her knuckles for a moment as she then looked to the others. "But first I suppose we've some mind controlling rats to scour this place for.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
“You know....that kinda makes you think. Was beating Lethice a good thing? Because I doubt there’s anyone lusty enough to fill that hole. Oh well, the past is the past. She shrugged while pondering the idea on the inside.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Hmm. That's very bad. More demon lords are the last thing I need in my life." Diavolo thinks for a moment, not sure what to do with that information. "Well, a rose by any other name, I suppose. His head will be removed like any other demon's."

"This seems like it's going to take more than just a day or two to fix. I'll look for some lodgings to set up base in, you all continue investigating. I shouldn't be too long." Diavolo faces Berwyn. "Is there a tavern or inn of some kind around here? I figure that you'd know." After getting the answer to his question, Diavolo would set out to get a place ready for the group to camp out in.

(Don't know if you guys saw in the ooc thread, but I'm going to be gone from this friday to next. Just having Diavolo leave so we don't have a comatose PC following the party around.)

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
Standing silently as the others conducted their search, Tarykrym would watch everyone inside, before stepping outside and humming.

Putting two coins between her fingers, she’d tap them together rhythmically, matching her hummed tune, and sit in a pile of rubble, waiting for any vermin to approach her.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
"Well I suggest we go and confront our new friendly rat spies. Ashar can you lead the way." Sindiana gave a motion towards the direction where the rats were.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The wolf boy guides you to a place to stay

The kobold can see a pair of eyes peeking out form under a piece of rubble.

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
Watching the rat out of the corner of her eye, she would wait until it got close enough to touch, then waited a bit longer. Tapping the coins slower, she’d put her hand on the ground and wait.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil saw that Tarykrym was trying to interact with a regular rat... and a smile stretched across his face as he reached out to her with his mind. He changed his voice in his thoughts to a more deep and menacing one and spoke to Tarykrym saying Squeak. Squeak. Tasty kobold meat for the master. Squeak. Squeak.

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
Almost chucking, she’d quickly snatch the rat up, wringing it’s neck. Stuffing it in her bag, she’d repeat the process, musing to herself.
Squeak squeak, tasty rat meat for me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
rat king.jpg
Lemmy sees that all the rats are now moving into the area in front of the kobold, more pouring out from all the hiding holes. They flow in a wave, coming to a stop in front of the bard as they form a pulsing mass as the rats flow and run over each other. Soon enough rats gather to form a humanoid shape, soon a figure the size of a man with arms and legs all made from rats stands before you. It lets out a screech in hundreds of tiny voices "Devour you!!!"
(Bow to the Rat King!
Time to fight! RK Initiative: 22)


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
(5 initiative)
“Well....Thats interesting...WE GOT COMPANY!! Tarykrym look out they are coming.” Sindiana was surprised at the mass of rats and caught off guard. She ordered the owl to stay in the air away from the fight as she readied herself.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Since he was the one that sent that thought to Tarykrym he had to keep his eyes on her. He then saw the giant swarm formed. He blinked and shouted out for everyone to notice "HOLY SHIT! FUCK ME RUNNING!" He then just as quickly got ready to fight.
(Critted on Initiative: 23)

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
(24 initiative, also crit)

Wrapping her hand around her coin purse, her eyes would dart as she looks around, coming up with a quick plan.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2016
(19 On Initiative)

"What in the ever-loving fuck?!" Ashar was, to put it politely, shocked by the appearance of the humanoid mass of rats. "If this is the shit they'll be pulling... It might be interesting." The same necrotic force flicked along her knuckles as she made ready to engage.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Snake girl: 16
Battle order: Kobold, Ansil, RK, Ashar, Snake, Witch

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
Grinning slightly, Tarykrym would hurl her coin purse at the Rat king and stroke her dagger against the rubble next to her. Using the sparks, she casts heat metal (as a second level spell) on the coins as they fall into the churning mass of rodents.

(6 + 4 =10 damage, plus the rats have to make a constitution saving throw.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The mass squeals in pain as the hot metal burns their flesh (Con Save: 9 wa waaa. Mad mage is up!)


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil spoke in a horrid langue and moved his hands in a weird way. He then made a first at the creature, he uncurled his index and pinky finger at the creature. From both finger tips he fired two Agonizing Eldritch Blasts at the creature.
(First Attack:18 Damage:8 force. Second Attack:22 Damage:8 force.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
They scream in rage and pain as the beams tear into them. Gathering itself it charges towards the warlock and bard, the heated coins dropping from the mass. It swings its 'arms' at the two of you twice.
(First attack Ansil: 25, Second Attack 25 Damage from first attack : 11 Piercing, Damage from second: 8 piercing. First attack Tarykrym: 17, second attack: 25. Damage from first attack: 11 Piercing, damage from second: 7 Piercing. If the attacks hit make a Con Saving roll Monk is up)


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2016
Seeing the titan of rat flesh and smelling the scent burning fur Ashar stepped into the fray with the Rat King. She spun her quarterstaff upon her back and lashed out with a flurry of hasty, yet still hopefully potent strikes. Aiming to fell the beast, or at least by her allies time as she sped around to strike it from the rear, taking advantage of its focus being elsewhere to deliver three crippling blows.
(First attack: 20+7=27 Damage: 16
Second attack: 13+7=20 Damage: 10
Third Attack: 20+7=27 Damage: 15)