The Four Lands


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2016
When she had initially turned to face the voice, she had noticed a faint swelling of magic from Tarykym and listened to that exclamation of theirs. Shutting their eyes after having been initially saved by her perverted nature, her gaze having come to the Naga-esque beings rather impressive rack rather than her eyes in the first place. Not commenting on this fact, she instead spun free her quarterstaff and aimed it in the direction of the serpentine being. Not entering a full combat stance just yet, but uncertain of this creatures intent. Merely acting on reflex from her companions words.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Diavolo thanked his slower movements compared to the rest of the group. Normally his lack of initiative bit him in combat, he might just get an advantage now that the nature of this creature is revealed. "We're not looking for trouble. Unless you actually need help, leave us to our journey." Diavolo spoke, turning to look at the creature's midsection, between her cleavage and hips. She was rather attractive, even from this perspective, but that wasn't enough to entice him. He drew his sword, preparing for a fight with this naga.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
(So out dear warlock and wizard or is it witch? any way they are immune to her gaze, if anyone else looks at her face they must make the saving throw)
Seeing that things haven't gone the way she wants it to the snake lady starts to back up as a thin sweat breaks out on her forehead. "Oh uh sorry I think I mistook you for someone else. Ehahaha..." She turns and makes a break for it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
(Its Wizzard but she dresses like a witch pretty much I incorporated the hat you gave me as her item and that's what shes wearing.)
Sindiana looked at her eyes and as the Naga tried to influence her, she herself used her own magic on the naga. "Aww....where are you going. Also Tarykrym I already know those tricks."
(Hypnotic Gaze DC 16 Wisdom)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
(11) She stills as she looks into your eyes, a faint blush on her cheeks.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil just grinds and nods to Sindiana "Quite right, quite right! As for me..." A smile stretch itself across his face as he looked at Tarykrym "... It's harder to be controlled when you don't have a full deck~" He then produced a deck of cards out of his pocket and he started to look through the cards "I mean seriously! How can anyone think straight when they know their missing a card! I can't even remember which one it is but I know I'm missing one! GAH! No other thoughts can enter my mind not even the thoughts of others!" He sighed and put the deck away. He then looked at Sindiana out of the corner of his eye... which is really hard to tell since he has no discernible irises or pupils. He sent his thoughts over to her I hope you at least plan on being nice to her... poor thing looks like she's about to prematurely jump out of her skin. Ansil started to giggle out loud. Get it? Cause she's a snake~

(Awakened Mind: Starting at 1st level, your alien knowledge gives you the ability to touch the minds of other creatures. You can communicate telepathically with any creature you can see within 30 feet of you. You don't need to share a language with the creature for it to understand your telepathic utterances, but the creature must be able to understand at least one language.)


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
Sindiana stared at the naga trying to maintain the hypnotic gaze. Her eyes swirled in a hypnotic pattern, enticing the naga that stared into them. “If you all want to do anything I got her occupied for a while. Well until you attack her, or well thats up to you all.”


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil tapped the tip of his chin with his finger "Hmm... Do you... have any skin that you just shed? Cause I was thinking of adding some cool textures to my clothing... also did you really need help or did you just want us to fall under your charms?"


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Diavolo looked at Sindiana after she hypnotized the snake woman. Seeing that the situation was under control, at least as under control as hypnosis spells work, he sheathed his sword. "A fairly pertinent question that I have is whether or not you know anything about the ruins near the lake. Anything at all would be helpful. Also, as my... companion here said, do you really need help, or did you just approach us looking for a fight?" Diavolo hesitated when it came to figuring out what to call Ansil. "Also, Ansil, you might be missing the joker card. I know that those are usually taken out of decks since they aren't played in many games. At least none of the games I played as a kid."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"No I don't need any help I was just looking for some friends. As for the ruins all I know is that people are trying to build there" The muscles in her cheek and hand twitch, showing her fight to break the spell.
(Do you wish to maintain the spell?)


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
(Yea I'm maintaining it. She doesn't get a save if I maintain it, unless she has some unknown skill. It uses up my full action to maintain it basically)
"Ahhh...Well if you wanted friends all you had to do was ask. I'm willing to be your friend." Sindiana smiled mischievously. "Maybe next time you start without the tricks and just use a hello."


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
Sindiana took interest in her expression and then spoke up to the rest of the group. "Well then everyone, she just wanted a friend. So how do you all want to do this? I mean, there is no need to fight, so I can let her go."
(For DM: She will drop the spell if everyone agrees.)

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
“Just a second. I want some venom.”

Stepping in front of the naga, she would hold out a length of cloth, and offer it to the snake.

“Put some venom on that, if you would. And tell us if there’s anything shiny nearby I’d like.”

Looking up at the wizard and considering her suggestion, the kobold would speak up again.

“Eh, send her off into the forest before you do.”


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
She looks down at you and blinks. "I uh don't have any venom to give"


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
Sindiana gave a sigh. “This trick doesn't work like that. She cant move much. I cant really take her to the forest.”


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil looked at Diavolo, smirking "Oh please... Jokers are my favorite cards, like I would ever..." He trailed off as he tried to look for the deck's joker cards but could not find them "Aaaaaah! Why?! Why aren't they there!? I love Jokers Wild rule, why would I ever..." He then scrunched up his face and then went to look in his book "... Damnit!... It was those damn cat kid vagabonds! They didn't want to play with Jokers and they won through democracy." He looked over at Sindiana "Sure, I like friends... Though we can't go to the ruins anymore cause we all have to go back to the city to get my Jokers back." He put his deck away as he sighed "Such a shame... but I can NOT do anything without a full deck... Wait..." He looked over at the Naga "Do you have Joker Cards?"


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2016
"I'm good with being friends with'em if they promise not to fuck about with us and maybe help out with us now and then. I doubt she's the reason we were called here... So she might be able to help out around here."


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"You know, Ansil, the ruins might have Joker Cards as well. And since they are closer, it would be much faster getting them than going back. Plus, if you get some there, then you can get your's back once we report back to Urta," Diavolo suggested, trying to prevent the party from either splitting or backtracking. "Well do you mean looking for friends as in you've lost them, or are looking to make some? That changes the context of what you want quite a bit," Diavolo says, turning back to the naga, but making sure to not look her in the eye. "I'm fine leaving her to her own devices. She seems relatively harmless. That or we're just stronger than we might think. Either way, we can still deal with her if she gets too out of hand."


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
“Well considering we beat Lethice, I would say we may be stronger than we think. That said I’m gonna let her go.” Sindiana blinked twice ending the hypnotic gaze. “Thats better, that gets irritating the more I hold it.” Then she looked at the naga. “Now my dear what will you do next.”


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"I'll uhhh" She looks up and to the side "Go with you to these ruins." And so she does! As you all walk towards the ruins, she trails in the back. Half way there you are met with a group of people in ragtag armor and weapons, some with rust on them. Leading them is a girl in a robe marking her a mage, no wait its a man a rather girlish male. He has wolf ears and tail as well as fur going up his arms and legs like gloves and stockings. White hair spills down his head like a waterfall. As he comes up he asks or rather demands.
"What was with all that noise!?" Refuring to the bard's loud note from earlier.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2019
Ansil sighed "... Fine, I'll check with the people at the ruins first..." His cheeks were puffed out and was grumbling but then the Naga turned out to be friendly. He smile at her and put an arm around her shoulders "Well then little missy, prepare to have a hell of a time traveling with us!... Also alert me as soon as you start to shed your skin cause I want to cool clothes, kay?" He winked at her. As the team walked closer to the ruins and ran into the lower level adventurers, Ansil just smiled friendly like and waved "Well hello there~ It was nothing just a simple misunderstanding and-..." He then looked at the wolf mage then to Sindiana. He started to pout "... I feel like there is a pointy hat shop for mages... and no one bothered to tell me."

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
“What did it sound like? A horn! I blow on it, and stuff comes running.”

Stepping to the front of the party, the Kobold would fold her arms as she looks up at the mage, and give him a sly grin.

“Urta said you needed help, we were sent. What seems to be the problem? Skip the basic stuff, if you would.”


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
He blinks "Well people have been knocking things over and ruining food. When we talk to them they come out of a daze and seem to have no memory of doing things."

Chaotic Neutral Taco

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
“Mmhm, and that’s it so far? No further research?”

Pulling her lips back as she licks her fangs, she’d the let out a soft, hissing sigh.

“If you’d kindly round up the people who’ve had episodes like this, my colleagues, and I, would like to speak to them. Preferably the most recent, if there’s a large number.”


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Then come with us" He turns and leads you to the ruins, his bubble butt bouncing. The ruins look somewhat better, most of the rubble has been cleared and some skeletal houses have been raised. In one is a group of rat people talking to each other. The wolf boy points at the group. "It was them, please don't harm them."


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Diavolo sighed and walked with the rest of the group. Once Ansil removed his arm from around the naga, he put a hand on her shoulder. "Keep an eye out for him. He's not entirely lucid." Even hushed, Diavolo's voice carried a serious tone in it.

Once the group managed to get to the ruins, Diavolo stretched a bit. "That's probably some kind of charm. We actually just got done talking with someone under similar effects, though they are not related to this case." Diavolo smiled at the naga, though it wasn't visible due to his helmet so it looked like he was just looking at her, before turning back to the mage. "They won't be harmed if they don't try anything stupid." Diavolo looks down at Tarykym and back up at the mage. "I'd honestly give it a fifty-fifty shot."

Diavolo walked up to the rat people and made himself known. "Excuse me folks. I don't mean to interrupter, but we're here to investigate the incidents that have been going on around here. You wouldn't happen to know anything about falling buildings and supplies being damaged?"


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
“Good choice..” she gave a light smile at the naga who chose to follow them and continued with the party.
When they got to the lake Sindiana looked around admiring the fresh air. When she saw the little wolf boy in his angry approach, Sindiana looked back at the small kobold bard. She was curious to see how this will play out, but her imagination stopped when she heard Ansil talk to her.
“Oh yes, theres a wizzard hat shop. Wizzards only..” her expression while saying it was stone cold and hard to read. One couldn't tell if she was serious, or if she was fucking around.
“That said what are you called?” She looked at the wolf mage.
Afterwards Sindiana kept a bit silent looking at how the party will go about this, she kept silent until Diavolo spoke up.
“Its not a charm, its something stronger. You see a person knows they have been charmed when a charm ends. These people have no clue what happened. So its not likely a charm, at least not one that i know of. I need to think a bit on this. Hmm...” she put her hand on her chin and started thinking.