The Eternal Feast [in development]

Yron Vol

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2016
There's an old post on the Feast that I could have used for this update, but since the game has changed quite a bit in both scope and design I figured it was much better to open a new topic. I've asked a mod to delete the older post.

The Eternal Feast
A story driven RPG set in a dimension ruled by Succubi. The game's storyline focuses on the road to becoming a Succubi, which in turn means the main character needs to delve into corruption and romances with demonic seductresses.

- Professional voice-acting, mature writing and lavish art
- A rich world to explore, through which you can collect toys, slaves and even stories
- Choices that have consequences
- Customizable private chambers that houses your collection of demonic toys and slaves
- The ability to corrupt the main character in a way that appeals to you

Later features include:
- Engaging in romances with Succubi
- Taking your romantic interest on depraved dates
- Indulging in lewd deeds with your romantic interest
- Eventually becoming a Succubi yourself

Kinks & fetishes
The kinks and erotic themes you will have to delve in depend on the Succubi you aim to romance, this is the game's way of allowing you to say "nah, that's not for me" and "want MOAR of that". The below list is thus a list of potentials, and not something you entirely have to go through to make it to the end.

- Being forced to become depraved
- Cum-addiction & obsession
- Seduction leading to enslavement (stalking)
- Draining the essence or very soul from men
- Unique "living womb" anatomy in Succubi (deep womb penetration
- Keeping mortal men as stock (the Succubi call men "Cockslaves" for a reason)
- Keeping mortal women as sexual entertainment and toys (Pleasure Dolls)
- An abundance of demonic toys and parasites
- Tentacles <3
- Demonic monsters
- Non-consent
- Body modification (creation of the perfect male Cockslave)
- Femdom/Succubidom
- Slave-making/slave owning
- Incubi (Futa)
- Worshipping Succubi

How development works
The Feast has been in pre-production for a while, a pretty way of saying there wasn't enough funding to actually make the game apart from a single dialogue demo and already commissioning some assets (and doing promotion). I've struggled with getting there, but this January we started finally started our first real development cycle.

Development cycles, for the time being, are two months long. In those two months I commission art and voice-acting, and play the role of art director, sound engineer and writer. My developer is of course hard at work cooking up whatever is needed for the scope of that cycle. At the end of the cycle we bring everything together and release it to the Patrons. The scope of the cycles will increase as the funding does, since it allows for more commissions and more time spent on the project. So while things will move slowly initially, like every startup, if the output is consistent and good, it will pick up over time.

Current cyle (Jan/Feb)
The current cycle ends February and is all about setting up the basis for exploration. This basically entails being able to go from environment to environment in an oldskool adventure way, and then interacting with the world and the characters that inhabit them.

The dialogue system from the previous demo has gotten a complete rework and is now seamlessly integrated into this exploration system. This means you can move around and explore the world, and then seamlessly move into dialogue with characters. You still get the full-screen character art, possible lewd alternative art, voice-acting etc... it just all happens in that same single interface now. Way more consistent.

The current cycle release will feature 3 environments and at least four characters to have dialogue with.

Coming cycle (Mar/Apr)
My Patrons have voted and decreed they want us to work on the private chambers next. This means the next cycle will be all about setting that up, both in the art and coding department. I'll also be polling Patrons to ask what toys or lewd constructions would be cool to have in their opinion. Some things may make it in the 2nd cycle, others will have to wait until a later one (every asset costs both time and money).

The benefit of doing the private chambers this cycle is quite simple: now whatever the player unlocks in his exploration will await them in their private chambers. Otherwise it's kind of like unearthing a legendary sword in a game, only to find the right class for that weapon hasn't been implemented yet.

Where can I find the Feast?
A proper website is coming soon. For now you can find us here:
Discord (anyone may join)

Game assets/art
I'll add some screenshots and a mock-up of the interface. My artist is currently designing the actual interface, so I'll share actual ingame screenshots when that's implemented (we also still need to sort things like typography and line-height).

Two environments of the coming release:


Drey'Alith, your Incubi guardian (will live in your private chambers):

Nerzul'Ia, a powerful Succubi fallen from grace:

A mockup of the exploration screen (interface art is currently in commission):

Two pieces to wetten your appetite (both meant for a later chapter):


Thank you for your time. Should the Feast be your thing feel free to come on board or spread the word, as any exposure helps (making a game with art and VA is F'ing expensive!).

Yron Vol

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2016
So about that dialogue demo...
Want to play it? You can. But please remember that while the demo was received very well by my Patrons, I myself wasn't entirely pleased with a few things. Everything I've learned has been taken into the coming release that has a lot of improvements.

If you're wondering why I'm sharing it in regards to the above... download it and put on some headphones and you'll find out soon enough ;)

2016 Mistress dialogue demo

Alt + Enter - Enter fullscreen mode
Right-mouse - hide interface
Left-mouse - skip to next section

Keep in mind I never bothered to remove typos or some other flaws you may encounter, since I knew pretty quickly I needed a change of direction.



Active Member
Nov 24, 2016
Looks fucking amazing, seriously, giantic vibes of Slaanesh from Warhammer universe. So, patrons gets the opportunity to choose the way how the game deleoping, but release is public, am I right? Or when it will come to the release time you will need to be a Patron to play the game? Considering to patron the game because i'ven't seen anything like that, most of the games at best are regular RPG maker or Rags/Twine stuff(even with the fact that I am not a fan of "spoilering" arts before playing the game). And will you be able to "dodge" fetishes which you dont want to see or you should be ready to experience everything? Like if I dont want to see alot of content with "cockslaves".
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New Member
Dec 25, 2016
Slaanesh is pleased that her work is being done. In all seriousness that dialogue demo is great and I can't wait to see the what the next demo has in store.

Yron Vol

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2016
Looks fucking amazing, seriously, gaintic vibes of Slaanesh from Warhammer universe. So, patrons gets the opportunity to choose the way how the game deleoping, but release is public, am I right? Or when it will come to the release time you will need to be a Patron to play the game? Considering to patron the game because i'ven't seen anything like that, most of the games at best are regular RPG maker or Rags/Twine stuff(even with the fact that I am not a fan of "spoilering" arts before playing the game). And will you be able to "dodge" fetishes which you dont want to see or you should be ready to experience everything? Like if I dont want to see alot of content with "cockslaves".

Slaanesh is definitely an inspiration, yes. Excess and indulgence just fit so well.

Patrons get a lot of say, but within reasonable bounds of course. People have been asking me about beast content a lot, for example, and for the time being there's no way I can work that in and still get the core vibe of the world across as well.

I haven't decided on a release scheme to be honest, I need to do some more research first. One thing is for certain though, I definitely don't expect Patrons to support me for months and then also buy the game from me if I were to go that route, that would be silly. Likely anyone that goes over a lifetime support of $10 to $20 will always have the right to get the game for free after that.

Our engine is being built from the ground up. The downside is that initial development is slower, the upside is that you get a game that plays the way the designer intended it to play, I don't have to adhere to RenPy or RPG maker limitations :)

As for dodging fetishes, yes and no. The cockslaves are a good example of this. You can't remove their existence from the game's world (Succubi quite enjoy them), but if they are uninteresting or they bother you, you can keep them out of your private chambers and never "play" with them. You'll just have to find another way to corrupt Yra.

Slaanesh is pleased that her work is being done. In all seriousness that dialogue demo is great and I can't wait to see the what the next demo has in store.
Thanks Fett^^

Yron Vol

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2016
The game's interface in its final form (this is a mock-up but we are very close to 99% accurate in-game representation):

Qiranthe's concept art sketches (players will briefly meet her in the coming release):
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I gotta admit, when I saw the tit-needles I had to just nope out for like 30 seconds.

Yron Vol

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2016
I gotta admit, when I saw the tit-needles I had to just nope out for like 30 seconds.
Haha I can imagine. The idea is that there is a bit of a horror aspect to the game's world. It's not all about getting players the kinks and fetishes they're looking for to me, I'd like to have that happen in a unique (and sometimes challenging) game world. Hope you enjoyed the rest though :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Haha I can imagine. The idea is that there is a bit of a horror aspect to the game's world. It's not all about getting players the kinks and fetishes they're looking for to me, I'd like to have that happen in a unique (and sometimes challenging) game world. Hope you enjoyed the rest though :)
Yeah, everything else was quality so far.
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New Member
Mar 4, 2017
Love the unique style of this game and the very slick and CRPG-esgue dialog demo. Top quality stuff, if you haven't already considered it please think about making a thread in the showcase subforum once the alpha drops so it can get more exposure, it certainly deserves it.


New Member
Jun 15, 2016
Thanks :) Here's the final thing I can share before I drop the alpha build (tomorrow likely):

That image just made me quiver, she's definitely my favorite character so far, and I've liked every single one of your character designs. Your work is top notch and I can't wait to see what you've got to show in the future.
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Yron Vol

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2016
Love the unique style of this game and the very slick and CRPG-esgue dialog demo. Top quality stuff, if you haven't already considered it please think about making a thread in the showcase subforum once the alpha drops so it can get more exposure, it certainly deserves it.
Thank you, I'll definitely do that once I have something I feel is good enough to show off Patreon!

That image just made me quiver, she's definitely my favorite character so far, and I've liked every single one of your character designs. Your work is top notch and I can't wait to see what you've got to show in the future.
Good to hear^^ A lot of people really like Qiranthe, she probably single-handedly tipped a poll's balance a few days ago (she comes with a Succubi called Lushere, but I think everybody was like "Qiraaaaaantheeee" XD).

Yron Vol

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2016
We're unfortunately not yet at the point of re-releasing the alpha as my developer has very limited time (working on expanding our "workforce"), but I wanted to show you guys the final Lushere outcome.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
@Yron Vol
Not sure if its a perspective thing combined with the high heels but IMO their legs are way too long for their bodies (Lushere and Qiranthe). They remind of those stereotypical asian characters where females have abnormally tall legs for their body sizes.
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New Member
Dec 25, 2016
I feel like its a bit more of a perspective issue. You don't get a solid location as to the ankle which I think tricks the eye into thinking the legs are longer than they are. Though they are quite long.

Yron Vol

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2016
@Yron Vol
Not sure if its a perspective thing combined with the high heels but IMO their legs are way too long for their bodies (Lushere and Qiranthe). They remind of those stereotypical asian characters where females have abnormally tall legs for their body sizes.

I feel like its a bit more of a perspective issue. You don't get a solid location as to the ankle which I think tricks the eye into thinking the legs are longer than they are. Though they are quite long.

There is definitely a bit of stylization going on imo, but the lack of size reference in the background and the heavy use of black also makes both Lushere and Qiranthe look larger than they otherwise would. I also agree with what Fett says, it's hard to figure out where the foot actually starts. I really don't mind so much, as I'll crop them for in-game use around the knees anyway (I requested full-body for the profiles I'll eventually do).