A good concept, except it seems to be very similar to the Saurmorians, especially the whole "female dominated society" thing. And that may not necessarily be a good thing.
There are some similarities as described now, but I think with a bit of work they could be delineated. Non-bird dinosaurs are different enough from lizards, at least. In physical terms they only seem close to Saurmorian females, but fully and non-metallically scaled, and with fur and spines and so on. Tangentially, if they're meant to be like dinosaurs shouldn't they have proto-feathers rather than fur?
Anyway, in terms of society, the way he's described it it sounds matriarchal in the sense of clans being led by a female but not actually female dominated in a broader sense below that level (kinda like elephants I guess?). Parenthetically, the concept of a clan or tribe based society existing in a technologically advanced time is interesting to me. Combined with their strict conceptions of honour and chosen weaponry makes me think of feudal Japan, which would be fairly novel. I wouldn't advise using Japanese cultural signifiers though, we kinda already have that with the kui-tan.
Now, addressing the writer, on to the doc itself. One issue that did strike me - you say they have long since left Mhen'ga because of increasing population. This doesn't seem plausible. First, has it even been that long since contact was made? I couldn't find a specific timeline for the present rush but it doesn't feel like it based on what you see there. Second, if they were a relatively primitive society, who did they convince to take them all off world and how? Third, I find it hard to believe even a very nomadic society would simply up and leave their home world because of overpopulation.
If you want to keep that part of the backstory I'd suggest making up a new planet for them to have come from, perhaps one found in the previous planet rush, and give them a compelling reason for leaving it. Maybe rushers and corps overexploited it and rendered it uninhabitable, so they had to go from being planetary to galactic nomads, something like that.