The dragon? (and few other questions!)


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
Hey, so while I was exploring I went into the cave in the hills and used the explore there, which initiated a fight with a lvl 60 or something drake that promptly one shotted my whole party with some kind of lightning attack that hit every member of the party for over 3000 damage. I am kind of wondering if there is any actual purpose for that drake, like is it part of some quest or something? And has anyone actually managed to kill it and if so, does it drop anything of note?

Also another question, I saw in the wiki that there is a quest to rescue someone from the royal guard and your supposed to get that quest from Maria, but all she ever offers me are those dead drops, so anyone who could tell how to get that quest? Also is there any way to get Lei to give you further quests after the initial one about protecting that merchant when he collects debts or something? It looked to me like it would start some storyline, but he hasn't given me anything else after that.

Apart from those, I think I have done about all the content curently available, and have to say its been really fun. The fight against Lagon, which seems like the final boss so far, was really nice and challenging, though with my double healer setup could do it when my guys were around lvl 20. My main character was Courtesan 8/Scholar 8/Fighter 4/Wizard 4 (only reason for the warrior levels was to unlock bruiser), though mostly just used the scholar abilities, cheer, and first aid to be exact, in that fight. Kia was Acolyte 8/Healer 6 I think, and she pretty much just buffed Terry and Layla's strength and then spammed heal, Terry was Thief 8/Ranger 4 I think, and Layla was Fighter 8/Bruiser 4.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The dragon exists solely for those who have played way longer than the current content requires, so consider it beyond the scope of normal gameplay. Nothing relates to it. It drops needless amounts of experience and gold(if I remember right), but no items. Of the players who have beaten it, most had to use debug to cheat their way through. A few have overgrinded to beat it legitimately.

The quest to save some guy from bull tower now has a few prerequisite quests that need completing first. I finished bull tower before those quests were added though, so I have no idea what's needed beyond that they all come from the outlaw camp. Edit: If the quest you're asking about is not bull tower then I have no idea.
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Active Member
Oct 17, 2015
The dragon exists solely for those who have played way longer than the current content requires, so consider it beyond the scope of normal gameplay. Nothing relates to it. It drops needless amounts of experience and gold(if I remember right), but no items. Of the players who have beaten it, most had to use debug to cheat their way through. A few have overgrinded to beat it legitimately.

I'm surprised they even exist. Sitting on King's Road for hours doing nothing but spamming x and 1 and whatnot just to defeat the drake is awfully more dedicated than I could handle for sure at least. On that note, what level would you need to be to be able to defeat it? 60?

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
You need to do the dead drops a long while to grind up rep with the outlaws, then you start getting quests from another guy in the outlaw camp, which (I think, haven't gotten that far) eventually culminate in a dungeon of sorts, which is probably what you're talking about.

Lei currently has that one quest, and that's it. No sexy times either.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm surprised they even exist. Sitting on King's Road for hours doing nothing but spamming x and 1 and whatnot just to defeat the drake is awfully more dedicated than I could handle for sure at least. On that note, what level would you need to be to be able to defeat it? 60?

Well, a lot of the grinding was to max out your available jobs, so the increase in levels wasn't the primary goal. Min-maxing your party members also helps a lot. If I recall right, there were one or two on the old forum that beat it while in the mid/late 30s. Someone came up with a nifty setup that allowed you to deprive it of turns or attacks or accuracy until you beat it. The dragon's first attack would splat whoever it hit, but that's the last attack it got. The thread had a number of methods for handing Lagon and the Dragon their asses. Buuut, that was before skills had charge times.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
So does anyone know how to unlock the Bulltower quest? I am sure I am missing something... I have already done lots and lots of dead drops and helping the bird in the infirmary, done all three of Vaughn's quests, and fetched the violin to Cveta and attended numerous of her performances, and went through all the different options available for interacting with her, but still she doesn't offer the quest. Also she doesn't teach me music, the message I get says that to be able to learn from her would need to be level 3 courtesan with sense of music or something along those lines. Well my character is lvl 8 courtesan... so what do you need to do to fulfill the 'sense of music' part?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Bulltower quest is tied to rise relation points with Outlaws in general. But you seems to do all current content of they side quests so it should be avialable. Hmm did you done Krawitz quest too? I know it's also req to be able get Bull Tower at Outlaws.

For music it's I think about her learning MC one of two jobs that aren't ingame yet so it would be that you can't pass it as stuff gted behind it not exist yet in game (or I think it's this case with music option for Cveta).

On other points from OP: around 30-35 lvl was people before skills changes deating drake normaly without help of one hit kill debug cheat. And he exist as someting to occupy people who already beat Lagon which is you could say current Final Boss of the game which will make Drake a Hidden Super Final Boss ^^ oh wait I think Drake isn't even boos class enemy just really high lvl mob so...yeah just a Hidden Super Final Enemy to beat ^^


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Also she doesn't teach me music, the message I get says that to be able to learn from her would need to be level 3 courtesan with sense of music or something along those lines. Well my character is lvl 8 courtesan... so what do you need to do to fulfill the 'sense of music' part?

Learning music from Cveta can't be done right now. Probably not until Act II comes around.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Learning music from Cveta can't be done right now. Probably not until Act II comes around.

The scene and skills are all written up. Alder just has to figure a way to get them coded.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
I managed to get the bull tower event finally, seems that it just requires a LOT of grinding rep with the outlaws.

I got some other questions now though. after recruiting Layla, is there anything else to gain from Wendy's farm? I tried to do a lot of working there but didn't seem to do anything except unlocking more different sex scenes with her. Speaking of Layla... Is it possible to get Layla to use equipment? And if so, then how? I kind of got the impression that it should be possible since the equip option is only grayed out, not completely missing.

Finally, on the topic of equipment, I feel like there is distinct lack of caster (int users) armor. The only caster armor that I have found, better than the starting robe is the wizard robe that drops from the golem, and since its quite likely to have two casters in your group (since Kia is kind of one by default, and the main character might well decide to become one also) it feels kind of odd, would be nice to at least have a better robe added to a merchant if nothing else, as currently there is more charisma gear than int gear available, and there is only a single job that uses charisma (although I guess Cveta will teach you a second Charisma using job once thats implemented?).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Nothing to be gained from the farm atm except farmer sex in various forms and Layla. If you have low dex, the competition has a chance to raise it.

Layla is a morpher, so no equipment for her. She makes up for it by having stupid high growth rates.

Just checked my inventory(since I buy 2 of everything), and it seems the only int boosting clothes are the simple/mage robes. I'm just wearing the Vine set right now. Cha has other uses btw. I can't find a stat explanation in game, but I thought it granted minor bonuses to initiative among other things; like a Luck stat.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
Perhaps you could decipher to me what the various stats shown in the weapons mean also? Like for example, I am not entirely sure whether a greatsword or Kravitz's rapier is better for a strength focused character (fighter/bruiser), and whether Kravitz's Rapier or Gol Claw is better for dex focused character? Basically, I can pretty much figure out the straight up stat boosts, but not really sure of how those different damage values work.

For reference,

Greatsword has Atk: 1, Slash.Atk: 1, Str: 4.

Kravitz's rapier has Atk: 0.7, Pierce. Atk 1, Str 3, Dex 10.

Gol Claw has Atk 0.6, Slash atk 0.5, Pierce atk 1, Str 2, Sta 2, Dex 10


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
No clue. I just added the atk values and based my choices off the totals. eg: Greatsword(2), K.Rapier(1.7), Gol Claw(2.1). If the totals were close, I decided based on bonuses. No idea how it works mechanically though.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
I don't remember the exact mechanics, but you have your base physical damage formula. The modifier by each weapon takes the result of your damage formula and multiplies it by that. So if you have X, the greatsword will do X weapon type and X slashing for a total of 2x damage.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
Thank you for the explanation Observer... so from that I take it then that greatsword is the best weapon for strength focused character, and gol claw is best for dexterity focused character?

Here is another, perhaps silly question, but umm what exactly is the purpose of the sex level your characters have? I get that it goes up from having sex, but what does it actually affect?


FoE Mod
Aug 26, 2015
Thank you for the explanation Observer... so from that I take it then that greatsword is the best weapon for strength focused character, and gol claw is best for dexterity focused character?

Here is another, perhaps silly question, but umm what exactly is the purpose of the sex level your characters have? I get that it goes up from having sex, but what does it actually affect?

Sex level is pretty situational, but it does open up some additional scenes, or add variations to current scenes to reflect your sexual experience.