The Differences Between Legacy and Javascript Version


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2022
Given the amount of people I see asking about this I thought it might be good to just post this in one spot.
If you see anything that I'm missing just reply to this.

Current Javascript Version: [Game Version: 0.9.010-PUBLIC#2246].

Things which the Javascript Version has over the Legacy Version

All New Content:​

  • [From TiTS 0.9.010] Newest Release
  • [BACKERS] [NPC] Jasvalla, A Dzaan Alpha that wants to dom you.

  • [From TiTS 0.9.009]
  • [BACKERS] [PC Pregnancy] Edan pregnancy.
  • [BACKERS] [Codex] The Pudding Panic Porno codex.
  • [BACKERS] [Scenes] A bevy of scenes from Will, spread around the game. Something for Shekka, Able and Anyxine.
  • (I don't know the full list for the new scenes by Will.)

  • [From TiTS 0.9.008]
  • [BACKERS] [Expansion] Verusha’s lover expansion.
  • [BACKERS] [System] Backer Downloaded builds now have an option for larger resolution images.

  • [From TiTS 0.9.006]
  • [BACKERS] [Quest] Narc has got a new quest. (She's the Nursedroid found in Dhaal)
  • [Class Nerf] Some Tech Specialist perks got nerfed:
  • [Weapon Nerf] The Deep Freeze effect only activates once.
  • [Weapon Nerf] The Deep Freeze effect only reduces evasion by 5 (was 50).
  • [Weapon Buff] Cryolizer, Entropy, and the Glacial Auger now can apply the Deep Freeze effect. (They also do less damage)

  • [From TiTS 0.9.005] (I don't know when Version 0.9.004 was.)
  • [NPC/Recruitment Expansion] Bizzy's Mom: Deziere (First found in Dhaal's Paragon Playground brothel).

  • [From TiTS 0.9.002]
  • [Pregnancy/Expansion] Dating Teyaal’s daughter [Selarith].
  • [Quest] Salvaging the Mastodon.

  • [From TiTS 0.9.001]
  • [Expansion] Ardia’s low-dom expansion.
  • [Scene] Syri Facesitting.
  • [Scene] Uveto Stadium Towelboy/Towelgirl Wanted.
  • [Scene/Mini 'Quest'] Anno Anal Training, part 1 (More will follow soon).
  • [Scene] Lund Subby Worship Marathon, part 2.
  • [Scene] Gray Goo Armor Tentabang.
  • [Scene] Sydian Male Anal Rutting.
  • [Recruitment Quest] Syri Quest 2: Uveto Gaming Conference 5555
  • [Quest] Syri goes to the vet
  • [Full NPC] Chance the Faux Cow
  • [Scene] Kase and Ramis threesome.
  • [Scene] Crotch worship for Lund.
  • [Scene] Kase Nursing.

Features: (Note: This is only features which it has over the Legacy version)

  • Currently in active development.
  • Achievements.
  • Ships now have an unique interior.
  • Can now use the browser's console (F12) to easily change values, use functions and access.

  • Just some of the console's many uses (Just for a bit of fun and definitely not all the uses and I'll definitely add more later.):
  • Can access scenes no matter where you are or how far you are in the story (you will have to know the scene's function name though).
  • Changing flags (Quite the useful tool).
  • Finely tune yourself to be exactly what you want (you are pc. in the console and they is too many functions to go through).
  • Change all (non-hardcoded) values of other characters for example: their vaginal capacity for big dicked Steeles. (I do know that Erra is hardcoded tho)
  • Skip an indefinite amount of time with wait() [Thanks, @Hetzer]
  • Change the stats on your gear (make sure to give the gear .hasDynamicProperties = true; so it doesn't reset upon loading a save.)
  • Unlock and relock achievements.
  • And many more. (Will add some later.)

  • A new and better looking UI which includes (Most definitely missed some things here because they rebuilt the whole UI from the ground up):
  • CG's are now in the game!
  • New map interface.
  • New inventory interface.
  • New shopping interface.
  • Dynamic appearance outline for the player character that scales to match your stats. (Pretty nice NGL).
  • Combat interface.
  • Puzzles Interface.
  • Blackjack Interface (With custom made cards).
  • [Insert more here]

  • A better option menu which Includes:
  • Language Filters.
  • A highly editable Style menu. (With some presets and the option to save your style into a file)
  • An actual Cheat Menu.

Things which the Legacy Version has over the Javascript Version (Basically what you're losing)

Features: (Note: Only noteable features that the JS version doesn't have)

  • Development has officially ended for it.
  • A more functional UI.
  • Has a great downloadable save editor: TiTsED. (Someone is currently making one for the JS version though)
  • A (In general) more stable experience.
  • Downloadable and playable completely offline. [You can now locally download the game on windows! As of Version #2156]
  • A way to actually take off piercings and cockrings. [Fixed in Version #2125]
  • No way to change weapon mid-combat (So don't pick Quickdraw yet). [Never mind, I'm an idiot that didn't test this, Thanks @Theron]
  • Can interact with Siegwulfe in the inventory. [Fixed in Version #2104]
  • Can interact with the Grey Goo Armor in the inventory. [Fixed In Version: #2104]

Old Content: (That you can't access in JS)​

  • Custom bet on Blackjack in the Zhéng Shi casino. [Thanks @Theron]
  • Anno and Shekka's threesome doesn't trigger. [Thanks @Theron] [Reportedly Fixed]
  • The Great Majin (Shizuya's Ship) is actually accessible in the hanger after their initial encounter. Now accessible in JS! As of Version #1993
  • A "Skip time" cheat (It was "88mph" in Legacy). [While not an actual cheat, you can use the wait() function using the console, Thanks @Hetzer]
  • No 'Impluse' equivalent [Thanks @Theron] [The console has basically replaced it]
  • No random Ship Battles e.g. Corona Lord or The Star Vipers. (Dr. Teyaal's ship battles is in JS though) Now accessible in JS! As of Version #1993.
  • [Can't currently think of any more please reply if you know]

Current Problems with converting save files

TiTs Version: 0.8.160 comes with an "Export" option in the save menu but it isn't perfect and has some problems. (Also, make sure you're not using the 0.8.159 Version)
  • Some reported problems with lip mod (I think it reduces it by 1?).
  • The Grey Goo Armor's old Mirrored Flag just reads "7" (I don't know if that's just a visual error or if it actually removes the flag).
  • All Tail Genitals get converted to "Pink, Human" (Due to a changing how the game handles tail genitals, which is fixable in the console).
  • Your current equipped accessory just dissapears into thin air (Just unequip it before exporting). [Reportedly Fixed].
  • The "Plasma Conduit" Key item gets removed from the inventory (Meaning you can't leave the FIRST-14 without first doing this). [Reportedly Fixed]
  • If you have given Mitzi the Omnisuit metal storage collar/Slinky Black Omnisuit to wear in the legacy version and then exported that save it will crash your game constantly. (Just ask Mitzi to give it you back before exporting.) [Reportedly Fixed]
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
1. Anno & Shekka wakeup threesome doesn't happen.
2. The save conversion Accessory bug seems to have been fixed.
3. Cannot get arbitrary amounts of money via Blackjack, because Custom Bet isn't in. (Yet?)
4. No 'Impulse' equivalent.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Well maybe TiTs people haven't gotten around to adding all the missing content.. I do hope the big moo who took overdose treatment gets put back in as I wanted more content for her and her crew.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2022
1. Anno & Shekka wakeup threesome doesn't happen.
2. The save conversion Accessory bug seems to have been fixed.
3. Cannot get arbitrary amounts of money via Blackjack, because Custom Bet isn't in. (Yet?)
4. No 'Impulse' equivalent.
Updated, but I can't remember what 'Impluse' was.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Updated, but I can't remember what 'Impluse' was.
Impulse started scenes. Also, no way to use the hardlight-dildo function of Hardlight Anti-Gravity Thong (for the same reason as Sigewulfe and Nova). I hear there's a fix in the works, but it's obviously not ready for release yet.
Well maybe TiTs people haven't gotten around to adding all the missing content.. I do hope the big moo who took overdose treatment gets put back in as I wanted more content for her and her crew.
She almost certainly will. A lot of things got turned off, just so the game would compile before everything was properly converted.
The devs may not even realize she's still not encounterable. I'm sure they'll hear about it eventually.

Has anybody ran into the random ship combat encounters?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
It is possible to change weapons in combat. I don't know when it was added, but it's been a while.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2022
Ah, I honestly didn't notice that it got reactivated; I thought I read all of the blog reports, I must've missed it. Updated now.

At least I can now roleplay as someone dual wielding 2 pistols at once now (I know you can't use them at the same time but just using Quickdraw satisfies my head-canon).


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2022
"A "Skip time" cheat (It was "88mph" in Legacy)."
You can just open the Console and Type wait and then how long you want to wait in minutes


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2022
You can just open the Console and Type wait and then how long you want to wait in minutes
I don't know why I didn't think of that at all, this works perfectly.

I've also just added a fun little section listing some of the things you could do with the console (cause why not? maybe add your own).


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2022
Now I believe we can access basically all of Legacy's content now (except custom betting at Zheng Shi, which is probably a design decision).
Unless of course, I've missed some scenes.


Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Now I believe we can access basically all of Legacy's content now (except custom betting at Zheng Shi, which is probably a design decision).
Unless of course, I've missed some scenes.
In theory I can make that work, in practice it's going to be a lot of fiddling to sort it out and there's plenty more important things to fix right now.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
In theory I can make that work, in practice it's going to be a lot of fiddling to sort it out and there's plenty more important things to fix right now.
I got the impression prices on Dhaal were set on the assumption that the player had taken advantage of Blackjack. Income on Dhaal doesn't justify the prices, in my opinion. Roo's progression is also based on money won (25000). It takes a lot longer when you're betting 500 at a time instead of 5000.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2022
Updated for [TiTS 0.9.002].

We can now interact with items like the Grey Goo Armor in the inventory now!


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Urbolg: 27,500 - 44,000.
(Dhaal) Kattom: 214,500 - 232,500, not counting the consumable Ero Gas Grenade (30,000).
Gwon: 25,000 (underwear), 215,000 (outerwear).
Rivet: 26,650 - 292,500, not counting the consumable EM Popper (6,500). And the Bio-Enhancement Shield is a major outlier.
Cybernetic Implants are 30,000, except for Inseminator Pro, which is 750,000, for some reason. New Texas/Breedwell?
Unless the next dungeon is a lot more profitable than the streets, Dhaal's income is not 10x Zheng Shi's.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2022
I do feel like it's a bit weird that Rivet's shop is so expensive (usually about +200,000 credits even at her lowest price).
Given that she's written like she's poor, struggling with the zaibatsu and just left a gang.
Surely, one/a few purchases from us should mean that she's set for a good while.
(I mean, the Steele probes sell for 20,000 credits and I remember in Nastizia's Introduction Uvetan Sunrises sell for 500 credits and someone bought her one and it stated that he was "looking less like he blew two weeks’ wages on nothing and more as if he had been struck by a star").

Unless the explanation is that credits aren't worth much in Dhaal compared to their local currency or that they just charge us more because we're offworlders.
But if it is the conversion rate I think we should get more credits defeating the enemies on Dhaal.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
I do feel like it's a bit weird that Rivet's shop is so expensive (usually about +200,000 credits even at her lowest price).
Given that she's written like she's poor, struggling with the zaibatsu and just left a gang.
Surely, one/a few purchases from us should mean that she's set for a good while.
It's possible she's not making much profit. She has to get the equipment from somewhere. Even if it's stolen, she still has to pay her sources. We also don't know what the cost of living is.
Unless the explanation is that credits aren't worth much in Dhaal compared to their local currency or that they just charge us more because we're offworlders.
Gouging outsiders is a proud tradition in many places.
But if it is the conversion rate I think we should get more credits defeating the enemies on Dhaal.
The majority of the player's income has never been based on raw Credit drops. It's been loot you can sell. Right now, there's only one enemy with an actual loot table (Gabilani Chemist). Everything else is a Rare drop.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2022
Yeah, fair enough I haven't fully thought about the whole narrative of this.

But I do wonder how much Rivet has to pay (both her sources and her cost of living) to need about x450 the weekly wages of somewhere like Tavros. (If we're going by the 500 credits being 2 weeks wages in Tarvos which could just be a throw-away line and be non-canon. And one average purchase from Rivet's shop)
And this amount of money could only get you the place Rivet has. (Who knows maybe Rivet is doing some sort of operation or the Zaibatsu is really fucking them over)

This price up seems mostly applied to weapons and gear because other things you can buy in Dhaal don't cost nearly as much e.g:
  • Monika's drinks costing 50-200 credits.
  • The Milk bar's VIP service costs 50,000 credits (Or usually 75,000 credits).
  • The Capsule Hotel's Full Service being only 5,000 credits.
  • The Implant Station's implants being 30,000 credits (excluding Inseminator Pro).
The implants and VIP is still expensive but definitely not as much as the weapons/armor from Kattom/Rivet/Gwon.
Then again this could just be explained by the Zaibatsu being the only ones who can afford to charge so low.

It doesn't help that I don't know how valuable a credit should be in this universe's canon or how valuable it is in Dhaal (e.g. Paige trying to save up 500,000 credits over the course of years VS 2 average gear purchases in Dhaal) or how advanced Zaika technology is to warrant costing more than some space ships.

I don't know honestly I just like to think about this stuff.


May 15, 2022
Things like Hoverboard can speed up room travel time. They are more effective in Legacy version than Javascript version. In Legacy version some room travel take 0 minute, which take 1 minute in Javascript version.

Ooh Woo

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2019
Unless something is wrong with my save, Host Shukuchi is currently inaccessible in Java.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
You don't need to unlock it via cheats. Or at least, you're not supposed to. Testing it just now, I was able to get to the part where you get an e-mail to meet an agent on Tavros, but the agent didn't appear. Or I completely missed him. Supposedly, you can't enter if Steele is pregnant, but mine currently has the Prostitute Pro, so that's not it.

Ooh Woo

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2019
Hm. Maybe there's a bug with the agent appearing for the first time, as that's where I am stuck too.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2022
I could go through the entire questline just fine.
Started at Tarvos, then at Mhen'ga then Uveto and then I had to wait about 10 days to get the email and I could access the lair.
The Agent at Tarvos' merchant deck only appeared after 13:00 for me though.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2022
It's possible it got broken at some point, but it was certainly present and possible to get through in earlier JS builds.

Ooh Woo

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2019
I could go through the entire questline just fine.
Started at Tarvos, then at Mhen'ga then Uveto and then I had to wait about 10 days to get the email and I could access the lair.
The Agent at Tarvos' merchant deck only appeared after 13:00 for me though.
Ahhh, ok, somehow every time I checked was out of the range but going at that time worked. Thanks.


New Member
Feb 8, 2020
Are there plans to eventually have tits-js be playable offline? I am often w/o the possibility of an active internet connection for hours of downtime, and the ability to play offline saved me so many (easily over 200 so far) hours of being bored between CoC, Coc2, and TiTS.