The Desperate Rescue. [In Game]


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Alright. You don't need to push yourself any further, your body and mind are exhausted from overdoing it with your magic." Daisy calmly stated, gently taking the vial and holding it up to Akalfa's lips. Once she was ready to drink, she tipped it slightly and watched as the viscous purple liquid flowed from the glass and into the dark elf's mouth. She pulled it away once half of the contents had been emptied into her mouth.

"Taking a rest is probably a good idea. Though I wouldn't recommend doing so in the dirt. At least not here, where wolves and carrion will doubtlessly be attracted to the fresh scent of death." Daisy said, offering Akalfa a hand to get up. "I'd offer to carry you, but I'm not strong, and would probably hurt myself quite a bit if I tried." She said with a smile. "I don't doubt that Valira would love to though. Knight's duty and what not."


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While a little flustered being rendered so helpless by her reckless usage of power, Akalfa was incredibly thankful for Daisy's kind assistance. Oddly, the taste was a lot better than she expected, vaguely reminding her of blackberries. Within a few seconds the sorceress felt much better than before, invigorated and now only slightly fatigued rather than ready to faceplant. Taking Daisy's hand Akalfa shakily rose to her feet.

"I wouldn't mind that at all, honestly, if I wasn't so heavy." Akalfa said, amused at the thought. Being carried like a princess did sound inviting but the Dark Elf was very aware of her extra 'baggage'. Dark Elves weren't known to be the lightest, and with Akalfa's stature and bottom heavy nature she was no exception. Yet her mind did wonder if the elven knightess could pull it off...though she may have been tired from the earlier battle, as much as Akalfa would want to be hoisted around like a bride in her lover's arms.

"We should get moving, maybe try to set up camp for the night. Doubt we'll find an inn but we could try looking, long as we find somewhere a little further away to rest."
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Making their way down the gully, they would eventually come upon the mouth of a cave, that was big enough to allow them access, but far to small to accommodate something like a giant, or dragon. The inside was roughly oval in shape, and big enough for all of them to lay down in comfortably.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Well, it's not an inn, but it's better than the open air." Daisy said, looking into the cave. A cursory glance didn't show any animals, though the witch might not have been the best person to judge such a thing. "We should probably take a look inside before we set up a camp in it though. A bear could also be calling this cave home. Or something larger." She said, stepping into the cave to get a better look at what was inside.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“I think we’d smell it if something else lived here,” said Dirk, stirring slightly from his exhausted daze. “This place just smells like rocks. I like it.”

He still felt faint after the fight with the cyclops and… whatever it was Sune had done to heal herself. He could barely feel his own heartbeat. Even through the fog of exhaustion, Dirk could recognize that he was in no state to be taking watch; not until he'd had a chance to properly rest first.

"So, who's sleeping where? You can just set me down wherever, doesn't matter."


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"However we sleep, we should do so close together. Erm, for the sake of watching each other's backs. And a little warmth wouldn't hurt."

Akalfa was aware that her words could be taken the wrong way but didn't intend any innuendo. Dirt, caves, and recent bloodlust weren't considered potent aphrodisiacs in her eyes. Though a girl could always daydream as she lulled herself to sleep.

Sitting down on a soft patch of moss, she patted her side, motioning Valira and whomever else was possibly interested over. It wasn't uncommon for Dark Elves to huddle together back home, even if in those instances it was usually more 'touchy.' But in Akalfa's case, she simply enjoyed company when she slept.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Fair enough. The scent of something would tip us off first." Daisy said, looking over to Dirk. He was still being carried by Sune, and very clearly needed the to rest the most out of everyone else. She still wasn't certain something didn't live in the cave, but seeing as they didn't have any other options, the witch kept her disappointment to herself.

"I don't mind sleeping with you all. Warmth is very important, and staying together is much safer. Especially considering where we are." Daisy sat down next to Akalfa on the moss. The idea of sleeping with the group made up for the less than comfortable living arrangements. Even in a nonsexual manner, feeling their warmth as she laid asleep at night sounded very pleasant to her. Though that might be the wererabbit bubbling to the surface. It was only a few days before the full moon, and she was feeling the heat. But she was much too injured and tired for a romp in the hay, or moss in this case, at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Sune plopped down next to Daisy, and set Dirk down on the other side of her, before wrapping her arms around each of them. "Now, this is cozy."


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy relaxed somewhat in Sune's embrace and began to close her eyes. "Agreed. Perhaps we should all sleep together more often." She said with a quiet chuckle. She stayed like that for a moment, before opening her eyes again. "We aught to have someone stand watch if we're going to sleep though. If we're setting up some kind of rotation for who's awake, I don't mind having the first few hours."


Well-Known Member
"I wouldn't mind, actually, I'd prefer it." Akalfa said, eyes already open as she struggled to sleep. Comfortable as it was the cavern was too familiar to home. The home she didn't want to return to. It made her restless.

"I've still got a bit of energy left in me yet. So I'll gladly take the reigns for the first shift."

While her words were said with a smile, her eyes seemed distant, deeply thinking on unpleasant memories. It felt like torture to untangle herself from such comfort but she knew she wasn't getting sleep anytime soon, occupied as her mind was. A little cool night air would do her well.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"I'll take care of keeping us safe until morning," Sune assured, and began weaving a symbol into the air. Soon a multitude of writhing tentacles spouted up around the entrance, and wove together into a makeshift door. "There, no one's getting in without us knowing about it now."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira had happily carried Akalfa on her back, passing the journey in silence in an effort to focus fully on regaining her equilibrium. She soon fully recovered from the Cyclops attack, even if she was pleasantly distracted by the Dark Elf's prodigious breasts pressing into her back. Valira idly thought of how romantic this could be in a different context, vowing that when this was all said and done she would carry her lover in a manner more befitting a lady, more than likely to a waiting bed, or even across the threshold if given enough time and intimacy.

Shaking her head clear of such thoughts as they came upon the cave, she thanked their good fortune. A highly defensible position, and one in which they were unlikely to be disturbed by any of their foes. Part of her was worried about the prospect of encountering a wild animal inside, but the place appeared to be uninhabited. Her body and mind did rebel at the idea of sleeping on a dirty, muddy, cave floor (typical Valira) but given the circumstances she was able to tolerate it. Akalfa's suggestion of sleeping together for warmth made practical sense, although doing so with everyone still brought decidedly fanciful images to her head. Her cheeks flushed as she got settled in, doing her best not to grope anyone. She was a little disappointed that Akalfa was taking first watch, both because she longed to embrace her and because it would make the group sleep session a bit easier. The look in the Dark Elf's eyes spoke of dark recollections, and Valira shot her a reassuring smile paired with eyes filled with supportive love. Then finally she broke her self imposed silence.

''I apologize for my silence thus far. The attack from the cyclops took a bit more out of me than I let on and I needed some time to recover. At least you are now all aware that I can be silent, I sometimes get the feeling that you think I'm a chatterbox of some kind. I have no idea where that notion comes from.''

Valira grinned at that, a self deprecating joke to lighten the mood after all they had experienced. The closeness of their sleeping arrangements, combined with Sune's ward, made her feel safe and secure despite the danger of the outside world. Naturally, she still didn't fully trust the demoness, but she knew that self preservation and the control they had over her would help to keep her in line. Of course, she also had the feeling that Sune's helpful nature had something to do with Dirk. Unless the rather passionate moment she had observed between them was a mere hallucination, a product of a concussion, then obviously the two of them had been quite intimate up until this point. It all made sense really and Valira felt like a fool for not seeing it before. Still, she was surprised that the thought did not anger her, in fact she was a tad happy for the two of them. As long as what they were doing was consensual than it was no different than what she was doing with Akalfa. True, there was the danger of Dirk being manipulated or corrupted and she would keep an eye out to ensure that that did not happen, but she trusted that her friend could handle himself. Besides, she nurtured the hope that the inverse would be true, that Dirk would have a positive impact on Sunelarra and help to make her a better person. It seemed unlikely, but not impossible.

''If you need any help at all, do not hesitate to wake me Akalfa. Even if you just need some company.''

Valira smiled once more at her friend, voice and eyes filled with warmth and understanding. She then let sleep take her, the exertions of the day finally catching up to her weary body.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
A few days ago, Dirk would have balked at the idea of sleeping next to anyone, let alone four very attractive women. And yet he didn’t feel much discomfort about it now. Admittedly, he was on the outside edge, but that was still technically inclusion.

He cuddled up against Sune’s side and nuzzled his cheek into her shoulder, already feeling the warmth of his friends’ bodies as it spread across their shelter. Although Dirk could barely raise his arms, he managed to bring one of his hands up to rest on the demon's bosom before exhaustion overtook him once more.


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Akalfa smiled hearing Valira's reply. Her mind was deep in thought, mired in the muddy memories of times less favorable. But with Sunelarra's protection against the elements, there wasn't much cool air left for the Dark Elf to brood in. She was surrounded by friends, not deep in the caves of her home being laughed at. There was no real point focusing so much on the past when their future was just days ahead.

"Ah goodness, what am I doing? Sitting here making a fuss! Make some room."

Akalfa settled back down onto the moss with the others, sandwiching herself between the lot of them and wrapping her arms around Valira. If the Dark Elf couldn't sleep at least she'd be deeply comfortable. Before exhaustion could grip her entirely, she took one last look towards the cave wall.

"You know Sunelarra, if you had tentacles this whole time the least you could do was share." Chuckling at her slightly flirtatious comment she closed her eyes. Despite herself, she did grow tired, embraced at all sides. Falling asleep in time with a soft breath.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Maybe in the morning," Sune replied, before her eyes slid closed.

The companions awoke to the sound of cheers, and revelry. They were in a large field ringed by thick forests, and surrounded by men and women of all races, dancing around several large bonfires, and none of them were wearing even a scrap of clothing. Blankets, and pillows were laid out on the ground here and there, upon which people lay, spoke, laughed, and even made love. The party found themselves on one such blanket, all present save for Sune, and all of them were just as naked as the rest of the people around them; no sign of their clothing or equipment anywhere.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk’s first assumption, as he took in the sights around them, was that he must dreaming. And it was only reinforced by the realization that he was completely naked. He reflexively tried to cover himself, face flushing red with embarrassment.

“Wha- where? Huh!?” He squirmed uncomfortably in place, and it seemed like he was trying to make himself even smaller to avoid notice.

"...Explain? Someone? Please?"


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira stared at the sight before them in absolute shock and confusion. Where were they? How had they gotten there? Who were these people? And where in the name of the gods were their clothes, equipment and weapons? Valira was so befuddled by this bewildering turn of events that at first she didn't even make an effort to cover up her naked body. She finally did so as best she could with a blush, doing her best not to stare at the others and the strangers who surrounded them. Akalfa of course she had seen naked before and even made love to, but the others were a different matter entirely. She wanted to look of course, but she did not want to offend them or come across as rude. Of course, while she could attempt to avoid visual stimulation, the sounds of lovemaking on behalf of the party goers still reached her ears, making her feel even more flushed. She did her best to drown it out as she considered the possibilities. A dream or hallucination? Then how were they all experiencing it? Perhaps an enchantment or some sort of spell? Had they been transported somewhere else or was this all an illusion? So many questions, so few answers. Valira cleared her throat and turned to Dirk, doing her best not to look directly at him.

''I wish I could Dirk. One minute we were all asleep in each others arms, the next we find ourselves here nude, without our equipment and surrounded by these.... rather raucous strangers. At least we all appear to be unharmed....''

Valira did a headcount and suddenly realized that Sune was not there with them. Her eyes narrowed at that, a sinking feeling pooling in her gut. This was no coincidence, the demon was clearly involved somehow. Whether she had been taken elsewhere, or as Valira thought more likely was responsible for their current predicament, that fact remained undeniable. Suddenly, she remembered the ward that Sune had made, to supposedly bar the entrance of the cave from intruders and she felt her blood boil. How could she have been so naïve!?

''Whatever is going on, Sunelarra was clearly not brought here with us. I would wager that she is involved in this somehow, in fact I think its likely that she is behind this mess! It would fit her sense of humour and proclivities.... Regardless of the truth of the matter, we need to find her quickly!''

Valira clenched her jaw, feeling a mixture of humiliation, anger and betrayal fill her. She had begun to trust the demon, to think that perhaps she was changing for the better if only slightly. And then this? A practical joke on the eve of their greatest battle, their very reason for being on this quest in the first place? True, there was no definitive proof of Sune's involvement or of this being some sort of cruel jape, but Valira was too angry and humiliated to give the demon the benefit of the doubt.

''Akalfa, Daisy, you're our resident magic experts. Do you have any idea what's going on here?''

Valira's expression softened a little as she turned to the other two women, again trying her best not to look directly at Daisy. She may have been emotionally volatile in that moment, but she was still a knight and a lady.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Oh please, if we didn't enjoy hearing you speak we'd tell you to stop." Daisy said to Valira, reassuring her that the witch enjoyed hearing her talk. "And I agree with Akalfa. If you have tentacles, then use them. It's a shame to let something like that go to waste." She said with a chuckle of her own before finally settling down to sleep. "Goodnight, everyone." She said as the warmth of those around her enveloped her and sleep finally took hold.

Then Daisy awoke to the sounds of music and revelry and the slapping of flesh on flesh as people around her and her companions fucked like animals. She looked around, perplexed by the surroundings. It wasn't the worst thing to wake up to, admittedly. Better than seeing goblins or bandits or what have you taking their possessions and killing them. She looked to her companions, and admired their nude forms without much hesitation. She hadn't laid with any of them, sure, but it was a bit too tempting not to stare. In return, she made no effort to cover up her own nude form. Her small but perky breasts laid bare, with no attempts to even cover her hardened nipples. And her pert ass was covered only because she was sitting, which quickly changed as she stood up and allowed everyone still underneath her to see her small pussy, which seemed to be shaved so that a small heart rested just above it.

Daisy realized something quite jarring in that moment. If she was completely nude, then she likely didn't have her hat either. Her hands moved up to her head to confirm this theory and, sure enough, her gaudy witch hat was gone. This actually upset the witch a fair bit, and her lecherous gaze turned into an angry leer. Whoever, or whatever, did this was going to pay for it.

"Well, we could have been kidnapped in our sleep and dragged here to this party in the middle of the forest. The only issue with that theory is why would someone do that, how could they have gotten past Sune, and how did none of us wake up during transit." Daisy answered Valira's question, looking around more. "Another possibility is planar travel. How is difficult to answer, but it would explain how it got past Sune. She likely can't leave the material plane until whatever contract she made has been completed. And given our surroundings, I'd wager to say that we're either in the Feywild, which can be good or bad, or we're in the plane of dreams, which could also be good or bad." She continued, looking over at one of the bonfires. "You could always try speaking Sune's true name and commanding her to come to you. If we're still on the material plane, she should appear in a puff of smoke or something like that. Unless something happened to her, of course."

Another idea struck Daisy, and she tentatively looked down at her legs and arms. If this was the plain of dreams, it would be very bad for her. Nearly every dream she'd ever had since she was a small girl involved her in her hybrid form. If this was the plane of dreams, she'd likely be in it right now. And if she was in the Feywild, her true form could possibly show through as well, given that it is the origin of the lycanthropy curse.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Daisy found that she was in her human form, same as always, so far.

As soon as Valira spoke Sune's true name, a high pitched moan issued out from the left, where a large group of people were gathered in a crowd around something.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy breathed a sigh of relief. She really needed to find the time to tell them about her little secret, though there never seemed to be a good time given how busy the group tended to be. Hearing the high pitched moan, Daisy looked left to see what caused it. "Well, it's not a puff of smoke, but it might actually fit better given Sune's favored activities." The witch said, fully expecting to see the demon with all of her holes filled and someone riding her dick.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira noticed Daisy's lecherous appraisal and felt heat rise to both her cheeks and down to her core. It was obvious that she was not bashful in the slightest about ogling their nude forms, and so Valira felt no guilt or shame in returning the favor with gusto. The human's body was beautiful, breasts and ass more modest than her own but no less intoxicating. The sight of her pussy made her salivate as she imagined touching and tasting it, along with every other part of her glorious form. As if to pay back Daisy for her little show, she stopped covering up her own nakedness, revealing nipples that were as hard as diamonds and her own nether regions hot and slick. Despite her anger and confusion, Valira was clearly turned on. Perhaps she and Daisy could grow.... closer? After all, it had worked with Sholgra and Akalfa. Suddenly, the image of the entire group getting closer, a more lewd version of their situation back at the cave, fired her imagination. Her lustful thoughts were interrupted by Daisy's agitation and her line of reasoning. She was a bit confused by the former, but reasoned that her hat was probably important to her and she was merely annoyed to lose it. The latter were all very valid possibilities, although until they did a bit of exploration it was as speculative as her own musings. Valira was about to take Daisy's advice regarding Sune when she heard the moan, sighing as her friend did but coming out as more of a groan of frustration.

''Indeed, let us go see what our favourite demon is up to. Although judging by the sounds and the presence of the crowd I can probably guess what....''

Valira swallowed heavily, preparing herself for the debauched scene she was no doubt about to witness. Curiosity and lust mixed with her feelings of anger and betrayal towards the demoness. Valira made it a mental note that she would personally give the demon a punishment that would make Akalfa's spanking look like child's play, although that only served to confuse her even more. As she walked slightly ahead of Daisy and the others they got a good look at her massive ass, swaying as she walked and illuminated by the light of the bonfires.


Well-Known Member
Akalfa awoke with a loud yawn, lazily rubbing at her eyes expecting to be met with the friendly faces of her companions. When her eyes adjusted to the scenery around her she saw that and more some. Surrounded by the sound of debaucherously illicit moans and merriment, in a verdant forest, naked as the day she was born. Yep, this definitely was a dream. Still, while partly she felt shy having her entire body exposed it's not like any of it was real. So she enjoyed lecherously taking in an eyeful of each of her companions. Valira's body was never a tiring sight, breathtaking in all its goddess-like beauty. Dirk looked as cute as could be, more so than normal considering there wasn't armor in the way of what she always wanted to see. Not the mention the attractive, lithe form of the witch, Akalfa greedily taking down every detail she may not get another chance to see when she awoke.

Until she noticed everyone's reactions.

Far too lively. Too realistic. Dawning the awful realization that she was in fact, not dreaming and entirely naked as a babe in the woods, staring like a pervert.

With a squeal she quickly covered her chest as best as she could, using a hand to cover over her lightly stubbled pussy proved a difficult task with the sheer width of her hips. At best she could cover her breasts and preserve her modesty to the smallest degree. What felt like a good dream quickly began to feel like an embarrassing nightmare. Just what in the hell was going on?!

"I'm t-terribly afraid I haven't the slightest idea what could have caused this! I'd like to believe it wasn't the demoness, after all the bonding we've been through and whatnot, but I swear if it was we are banishing her after this." Humiliated and ashamed Akalfa scowled, trying her best to ignore the temptation of the sounds of ecstasy and the damn near feast for the eyes that her nude companions were. The earlier look she already had left an aching wetness between her legs but she chose to ignore it best as she could. Save face, save face.

The rather sharp moan cut through her train of thought like a hot knife through butter. Puzzled, she joined the others in looking onward toward the mysterious spectacle. Most definitely not out of arousal.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira had noticed Akalfa's lewd gaze and it had only exacerbated the feelings of lust currently assailing her body. No matter how often she saw it, the Dark Elf's form was simply breath-taking. Her eyes hungrily took in her lovers large breasts, beautiful nipples, large rear end and tight dripping pussy. She would never grow tired of exploring each one, delighting in the feast of the flesh so brilliantly displayed and in the pleasure that such forays could bring to them both. Even Akalfa's squeal of embarrassment and desperate attempts to cover herself only made her seem more beguiling to the High Elf, the contrast of the innocent and the lewd serving as quite the turn on. Of course, she shared Akalfa's sentiments wholeheartedly, along with her attitude to Sune. As Valira walked towards the source of the noise she turned to Akalfa.

''I couldn't agree more. However, I would suggest we punish her most severely, then we banish her. After all, if he let her off that easy, she will not have learned anything.''

Valira gave a smirk at that, her voice dripping with playful menace, her statement motivated by a desire for justice, reform and yes a healthy dose of revenge. The demon would not get out of this scot free, nor with an unreddened behind at the very least.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“...I can’t help but feel like you three are being unreasonably quick to try and blame her,” said Dirk, holding his knees to his chest in a futile attempt to hide his erection. "We don't know anything yet. This could just be some... weird mystical coincidence! Maybe we just slept on the wrong patch of moss on the wrong day, who knows?"

Gods bless him, he was trying to be a proper gentleman and avoid staring at their naked forms. He almost managed it, too.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy was rather amused by Akalfa's shriek, smiling as her generous tits bounced when she jumped. She had the body of a fertility goddess, but was still adorably shy. Valira was no slouch either, and she seemed to be a bot more okay with showing off her body than the witch initially gave her credit for. Dirk was still his usual shy self, though rushing things with him would definitely spell disaster.

Daisy want to offer the man a hand to help him get up, seeing as the elves were already on their way to see Sune in whatever state she might be in. "It's not an unfair assumption, though I personally don't think she had anything to do with this. It's far too... outdoorsy to be a demon. If it is some planar creature, my money is on a fairy of some kind. Regardless, it might be best to mind your manners. Neither like guests that don't agree with hospitality."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira dropped the smirk at that, turning back towards Dirk. He was a bit far away at this point but she could still see him, especially by the light of the fire. She took in his nude form with as much delight as she did the others, eyes roaming over his lithe yet muscular frame, strong legs and obviously rock hard cock. The contrast between his boyish face and the angry thing between his legs was a striking one, and was no less of a turn on than Akalfa's own incongruity had been. She wanted to touch him, to suck him, to feel him inside of her, to take his release as she reached her own. She shook her head slightly, trying to bring herself back to the topic at hand. She had to raise her voice slightly to ensure that he could fully hear her.

''You could be right Dirk, although you have to admit that would have to be a pretty big coincidence. Daisy is correct, its not unfair to assume that Sune has some involvement given her personality and past behaviour, not to mention the events leading up to this. However, if you two are correct, and I fully admit that you could be, I will apologize and admit I was wrong, to Sune personally if need be. I truly hope that you are right for what it is worth, although I can't say I'm any more thrilled at the prospect of some outside force like a fairy having done this to us either.''

Valira gave a grimace at that, hoping that whatever was going on here they would find the answers soon. Being in the dark like this frustrated her to no end.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk nodded at each of their words. He shut his eyes and inhaled deeply through his nose as he considered Daisy’s advice.

'Mind your manners, be hospitable…' Look around: everyone’s the same way, right? Showing that you’re embarrassed about it will only draw more attention. So do what you're supposed to be good at, and blend in

He exhaled sharply and got to his feet in one fluid motion, allowing his modest cock to be exposed. Nervousness and excitement sent shivers down his spine at the unfamiliar experience. It was like jumping into a lake, in a way: the hardest part was just convincing yourself to take the plunge. He smiled up at Daisy and pointed his thumb after the others.

"Well, I guess we won't find any answers sitting around this spot. Let's go."


Well-Known Member
Akalfa noticed Valira's returned look of desire and Daisy's own gaze, the heat in her cheeks doubling tenfold under their scrutiny. It was inevitable that her eyes could not escape the High Elf's flawless body, imagining her hands caressing those soft, prodigious breasts she longed for all manner of the day. Like an idol molded from clay, the Dark Elf only wished she could run her hands along every inch of her curves every night. Remembering the intoxicatingly sweet taste of her soaking wet pussy only made Akalfa's mouth water, and her arousal that much harder to bare. With a slight tremble, she removed her hands from her body, allowing her lover and anyone else to see her just as she was. If Valira and Daisy were comfortable, she could be as well. Making no attempts to hide the wetness beginning to soak her thighs. With a sigh, she still tried to regain her focus and still her thoughts. Turning to Dirk and Daisy she was about to comment on their words before her eyes fell between his legs.

She couldn't stop herself from staring, as much as she tried to. Taking wayward glances when she thought he wasn't looking. Walking along with the trio and biting her lip as she tried to pry her eyes away from his lean, athletic form. She'd always had an interest in that...interesting part most of the other Dark Elves possessed, seeing one so close made her feel an ache and a need she hadn't before. A curiosity of what a cock would feel like between her hands, or even what one would feel like inside of her for the first time...looking towards Valira with a shaky stare she wondered if her paramour felt similarly.

Facing forward she walked ahead in an attempt to stop herself from taking any more sneak peeks at her companions, lest it inspire any more overwhelming lust. They needed to get to the bottom of this, and her rampantly salacious thoughts weren't helping!

"I apologize for being so quick to assume. You're right, it very well could be something else. I should not be so fast in believing the worst. Guess we'll just have to see."


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy placed her hands on her hips and gave Dirk a smile. "That we won't." She responded as she turned to the other two members of their group and began walking to them. She respected his sense of modesty enough to not look at his cock for too long, though it didn't stop her from being impressed. It was impressive for a human to be that large, and it had a nice girth to it as well. That said, she had a good enough control over her lust to not look for too long, though a trickle of moisture was running down her thigh at this point.

"Well, all four of us are probably adequately shameless now. We should blend in pretty well. Just remember to be courteous. Relative to your surroundings, of course." Daisy said, joining up with the elves.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The group pushed their way through the crowd, brushing past breasts, dicks, butts, and hands as they made their way forward. Sure enough, they found Sune at the center of the congregation, but not as they might have expected. Rather than sitting on a throne, or forcing herself upon some young victim, Sune was stuck in a pillory, and covered head to toe in a thick coat of cum. Behind her a burly human man with broad shoulders, and lean hips, was absolutely hammering his girthy cock into her pussy. At the same time, a lithe elven woman with flowing raven hair clutched Sune's head, as she ground her womanhood into the demon's face. All the while, Sune squealed, and moaned, as she was 'ravaged'.
Right up until she saw the lot of them looking at her. With a startled cry of alarm, she yanked her head away, and spat out a mouthful of cum. "What the- What the hell are you all doing here!?" she cried, as she kicked the man away, and closed her legs, as if... embarrassed?