The conspiracy theory iceberg thread. [Storytime thread]


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2019
Hi, i've been meaning to do this for awhile now but never found a reason to post about it. This thread is about what wild theories or headcanons you have or had over the years, guess i should be the one to start.

I used to think that Kiyoko was a Tulpa, granted, this was long before the kitsune Den even was a thing, so i thought that Kiyoko was a figment of the champion's imagination, given form by either the astral plane itself or something a lot more dark, the ominous warning you got when you first took the orb with you or that you never talked about her to your companions made me think she was just a dream + magic from a long forgotten amulet. She also spoke of the godswar, that made me think she could also be a wraith that thought she was the real Kiyoko.

That's the thing with a game in developement, things get more elaborated on and her arc has come a long way since then, the Convocation of Mirrors also fueled a lot of crack theories since it was released, none of the ones i have of it are given as much thought as the Kiyoko one i have.

So what's your crazy theory? has it been disproven or given a lot more weight as more storylines or lore are released?
please note and keep in mind that this is not a speculation thread, it's about your own thoughts on where the game and its characters will go from now on.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
My theory is that any one of the Gods could easily crush Kas, but they're not really interested in doing so.

1. They want to see the entirety of her magic and technology prowess.
2. Once they find out that souls can be crystalized into Lethicite, their curiosity is peaked, and want to find out more. Thus, let it play out.
3. They only care about mortals as a concept, and not as individuals. Who cares if hundreds of thousands suffer in the now, if millions flourish in the future?
4. They're naturally cautious, and don't want to expose themselves to unknown magic which may have wild and unpredictable effects on them.

It doesn't seem like its crazy tho.

How about this.

Cait is actually Mallach, Azzy is actually Verlun(damnit, I forgot the spelling) and Zhara is Sorra!
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Active Member
May 14, 2020
My theory is that any one of the Gods could easily crush Kas, but they're not really interested in doing so.
I think you're spot on, given the
conversation she can have with Mallach after Cait's temple is built. He's definitely more curious than hostile. I'd even go as far to say they view her in a similar way to how she views us, just an entertaining distraction that poses no real threat to their power.

Had a theory of my own way back when I first started playing the game; I thought Brint might be a spy from Kas. Dude seemed way too on board with helping a stranger for no discernible reason or reward... then I remembered the entire game only exists because we helped a stranger for no discernible reason or reward and realized Brint was just a big-hearted bro.

While I still love the idea of a companion's full blown betrayal (something like one of them being disgusted by your increasingly self-serving and corrupt actions and trying to stop you or their own corruption paths leading to a schism between you), I also know that's just coming from my love of drama in fiction and this kind of narrative might not necessarily fit in the game, not to mention a lot of folks would hate that kind of plotline. It's definitely a fun train of thought to roll with though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
I mean it has been stated that the champs corruption is different from Kas's, like even a corrupted champ sees Kas as a big issue. And yeah a lot of the 7 seems curious as to what she can do then help, meanwhile it looks like Foxy daddy Mommy and a emo lizard are all really interested in whatever the fuck the champs soul is.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
My conspiracy theory is that Mallach definitely writes smutty fan-fics about his various Rivers and mortals of interest. That's probably what Nareva was reading in the post temple building dream and Mallach is actually grateful for the temple because it gives him a better view of potential porn-fic protagonists better than River could.

In a similar vein, Nareva is secretly turbo horny and repressed. She was definitely reading Mallach approved smut and probably watches in secret during the salamander twins scenes. But she's way too shy to show it and worried everyone will think less of her as a god of knowledge despite living in a world that runs on porn logic.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2020
Back when the world was young and magic wild there used to be just a single race with fresh souls which had no shape. As the members of that race spread across the world they ate what was abundant in their regions and started to take on new forms. After many years spent in these new bodies the souls forgot their original forms and bonded to the new ones.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
No, the Final Boss will be a Cait for each outfit you've unlocked by the endgame.
Crackpot theories aside, fighting your former party members is a very powerful trope if done right.

Though in case of CoC2 it's a coin flip between such a moment being dramatic or horny.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2016
Sanders is Tolas.
His horror in the past is genuine, as he still refused to use kids. But thinks to MomWolf his last vestiges of compassion have been deadened.
It's why he us so good at removing corruption, he has been studying it for so long. And remaining at Town let's him keep a closer eye on his enemies, while it does force him to act through intermediaries.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2019
Might be a stretch but here we go...Kass is the OG CoC champ if they got fully corrupted.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Might be a stretch but here we go...Kass is the OG CoC champ if they got fully corrupted.
I know this is the joke conspiracy topic but... since CoC1!Champ is actually a background character that Kasyrra and Aileh refer to directly and we know what end state of the first game is considered canon for purposes of CoC2.... nope. Not to mention we have Kas' backstory and all and she far predates the arrival of the Champion of Ingnam.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Yeah the canon end of CoC1 is the champ dragging off and purifying the fuck out of I forget her name, was it just lethicite like what a corrupted ejected soul is called.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Yeah, Lethice. AKA broken boss bitch who I romanced to avoid fighting.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
I always purified her, though when I look back at when I finally sat down to beat CoC1, man I realized I always hyper focused the kitsune then, I think I managed to get it as far as the base game allowed.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Yeah, Lethice. AKA broken boss bitch who I romanced to avoid fighting.

Lethice hits harder then the Minotaur King, but his recovery mechanic was annoying as fuck, so you had to tease him down a couple of times for victory to stick.

Magenta Needle

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2021
It's more a headcanon thing than a conspiracy theory, but imo when you fuck Cassia, Bri fucks your champ's mom.

Daft Hellians

Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2017
"I sure hope it's true"
"Please forget about this." She says, looking down in resigned embarrassment.
"I refuse," you rebut flatly, "it's too adorable to. Perhaps I could offer the real article to cuddle with tonight, instead?" You tempt her with, a knowing smirk painted on your face.