The Armola Sector was by far the most peaceful of those within the Thorhallan Nebula. So much so that the humans who came to run the planet known as Ane allowed various races from beyond the Nebula and within to use it as a meeting place. Aliens of just about every type of look walked around the human and AI-run planet's streets. Robotic assistants from the local robotics corporations had supplies much of the ones running restrained AI and even VI to operate various consoles. Compared to many planets in the galaxy, Ane was one where a lot had gone right and the giant corporations hadn't been able to sink more than a foot through the door...
In a hotel within one of its towns was an unlikely trio, all three of them having been brought to Ane for some reason or another. But early in the Ane day, the intercom to the hotel would buzz to life in all the rooms.
"Hello everyone, this is the Manager speaking. We're going to need everyone to leave their rooms and join us in the lobby. The following guests in rooms... three-seven, six-five, and forty-two? Please head to the break room, there's someone here to speak to all of you. Please don't be alarmed everyone, this was a request to the hotel and we're taking this time to test our safety equipment and procedures. Thank you, and again, sorry for the interruption this morning~!"
The cheery voice cut off, the hotel coming to life as men and women of various races alike began to exit their rooms. Some were blushing and wearing little clothing at all, some were moving to the hotel staff with complaints, but outside the doors of the three and the breakroom were robotic soldiers. The ones outside the breakroom held up hands and even aimed their guns to ensure no guest came close. Today was shaping up to be quite the day...
In a hotel within one of its towns was an unlikely trio, all three of them having been brought to Ane for some reason or another. But early in the Ane day, the intercom to the hotel would buzz to life in all the rooms.
"Hello everyone, this is the Manager speaking. We're going to need everyone to leave their rooms and join us in the lobby. The following guests in rooms... three-seven, six-five, and forty-two? Please head to the break room, there's someone here to speak to all of you. Please don't be alarmed everyone, this was a request to the hotel and we're taking this time to test our safety equipment and procedures. Thank you, and again, sorry for the interruption this morning~!"
The cheery voice cut off, the hotel coming to life as men and women of various races alike began to exit their rooms. Some were blushing and wearing little clothing at all, some were moving to the hotel staff with complaints, but outside the doors of the three and the breakroom were robotic soldiers. The ones outside the breakroom held up hands and even aimed their guns to ensure no guest came close. Today was shaping up to be quite the day...