Thanks for a great game! Uncompleted Branch list request.


Active Member
Jan 9, 2016
Hi all, I've played through CoC a bunch over the last week.  Love it.  It's better in my opinion than any interactive story I've read to date.  From reading in Fenoxo's blog, I see an indication that some stories are not complete and will not be completed.  Is there a list of these loose ends?

I think Ember is one of these.  However, I was wondering if specifically it was possible for the PC to get pregnant from Ember.  I've tried through a bunch of "heats" and had no suggest.  Must be really stressful for a real woman going through this as my PC's inability has me wanting to pull my hair out.

Also, wondering if it is really possible to uncorrupt Amily once she has been corrupted.

Couple final thoughts.  Would love to see a walkthrough of the final dungeon if anyone's up to mapping and giving hints on how to beat.  That stone statue has turned my PC to paste several times now.  And if any kind of crowd sourcing or Kickstarter type fund (I know you can't really do this on the actual Kickstarter site - just that type of thing)  becomes available to encourage the developers to create more content, I'd love to hear about it.  Hey, it's smut, but well written and that's worth a lot to me.

Thanks for all your hard (no pun intended ... well maybe not) work.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Couple final thoughts.  Would love to see a walkthrough of the final dungeon if anyone's up to mapping and giving hints on how to beat.  That stone statue has turned my PC to paste several times now.  And if any kind of crowd sourcing or Kickstarter type fund (I know you can't really do this on the actual Kickstarter site - just that type of thing)  becomes available to encourage the developers to create more content, I'd love to hear about it.  Hey, it's smut, but well written and that's worth a lot to me.

Thanks for all your hard (no pun intended ... well maybe not) work.

Dungeon 3 is not quite done. There's one last, major patch that's been written recently and, hopefully, will get coded in the immediate future. At that point, the game will be at it's effective final, feature-complete release. There are a few secondary, fan-made contributions that were never finished and never will be due to their creators leaving or working on other things. These will likely be culled to a point where they read as being complete events, with no leads into content that doesn't exist.

The development staff has otherwise long-since moved on to our new game, Trials in Tainted Space and, sometime this year, to CoC's upcoming sequel as well.