

New Member
Jun 13, 2017
I have had trouble with some of the transformations. So I was wondering if anyone had some suggestions.

The main two that I am looking to apply are the dragon, and centaur tf's.

Any help on how to achieve these tf's would be appreciated.



Active Member
Apr 15, 2016
In Vanilla CoC, dragon TF is obtained through finding Ember's egg and hatching it. Depending on how you do it, you can get a full anthro dragon or a humanoid dragon (like in Everyday with Monster Girls manga and anime). Once s/he trusts you enough (after talking to him/her several times) s/he allows you to drink her blood and slowly that transforms the PC into a dragon with the same features as Ember has after hatching. In the mods, there is a flower in the fire related location found when exploring that does the same, but it goes all the way to anthro dragon.

As for centaur, in vanilla CoC, you need to have hooves for feet (obtained through LaBova and Minotaur blood) and save scum a lot to only get the hooves hard to get alone so the tail can also happen. After that, Equinum does the trick, eventually transforming your lower body to a centaur (and the tail to a horse tail, of course). In the mods, an item made with Equinum and Minotaur blood called Centarinum is what's used to transform the PC into a centaur without the hassle of unwanted transformations, just horse body and tail (and cock if applicable), heat/rut, sex depth/length, and breast growth if breasts aren't flat.