Textless screen and Next loop

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Active Member
Dec 5, 2015
I think some of my saves are corrupted somehow. When I try to explore any locations all the screen text disappears and I only have the option to click next repeatedly until it's too late at night to explore or my lust has built up to the max. Then a couple of time based events occur such as lover dialogue and when I finally get control to do anything again after about a day has passed I can only take one more action and the cycle repeats. I thought it might be to do a previous time based trigger so I played with the day and time but that didn't help. Any idea what could trigger this? It's not letting me upload the save files so I think I'll put them on mediafire. File 2 is the glitchy one. File 3 is the latest one that still works.


Blank screen 2.png

Blank screen.png
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